Re: Help! Why does my WSDL for axis2 keeps getting parsing error in NetBean IDE 6.5?

2008-12-08 Thread Tian Chi
Hi Robert and all,

Thank you so much for your response.

I wodner if you tried this with NetBean. The reason I asked so is I
used soapUI to load my wsdl and it works fine, too.
I just need to make NetBean work with the wsdl, too, so,,,

If you are using NetBean, would you be so kind to tell me how  I can
upgrade JAX-WS for NetBean?

thanks again

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Robert Wierschke

 I tried to generate a web service client from your wsdl and xsd it works

 Make sure to use the newest JAX-WS (Metro) version. Since both the wsdl and
 the xsd a valid this is not an axis problem. If the newest wsimport also
 fail to generate the client coude, you may ask again in the metro forum.


 2008/12/6 Tian Chi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all,

 I'm a beginner for Axis2.
 Recently I created a SOPA 1.2 web service with a WSDL and another
 included schmea file using Axis2.

 It works fine with soapUI 2.5 client test, but failed when I tried to use
 NetBean IDE 6.5 to create a client using this WSDL. It keeps saying I
 have the following error.
 It seems NetBean doesn't like my xsd:include tag. It parsed fine if
 I remove the xsd:include tag.
 Can any one shed some lights lights what's wrong with my WSDL file?
 What is the right way to use the
 xsd:include tag? I'd really appreciate it.

 Following is the error

 Web Service Client can bot be created by JAXWS:wsimport utility.

 (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

 There might be a problem during java artifacts creation: for example a
 name conflict in generated classes.
 To detect the problem see also the error messages in output window.
 You may be able to fix the porblem in WSDL Customization dialog
 (Edit Web Service Attributes action)
 or by manual editing of the local wsdl or schema files, using the JAXB

 Following are my WSDL file and its included file stateType.xsd. Again,
 if I remove the xsd:include tag, it can be parsed fine.
 Adding it causes the parsing error. I do need the xsd:include part.

 wsdl:definitions xmlns:axis2=;
xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=;


!-- NetBean will be parsing OK if I remove this include
 and comment out the referenced state element below, why? --
xsd:include schemaLocation=stateType.xsd /

xsd:element name=CNHListing
xsd:element name=EAMRequest type=tns:EAMRequestType
 minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 /
xsd:element name=CNHListingResponse
xsd:element name=EAMRequestResponse
 type=tns:EAMRequestResponseType minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 /

xsd:complexType name=EAMRequestType
xsd:element ref=tns:username /
xsd:element ref=tns:password /

xsd:complexType name=EAMRequestResponseType
xsd:element ref=tns:status /
xsd:element ref=tns:message /

!-- Login --
xsd:element name=status type=xsd:int /
xsd:element name=message type=xsd:string /
xsd:element name=username type=xsd:string /
xsd:element name=password type=xsd:string /

wsdl:message name=CNHListingMessage
wsdl:part name=part1 element=ns:CNHListing /
wsdl:message name=CNHListingResponseMessage
wsdl:part name=part1 element=ns:CNHListingResponse /

wsdl:portType name=CNHListingServicePortType
wsdl:operation name=CNHListing
wsdl:input message=axis2:CNHListingMessage /
wsdl:output message=axis2:CNHListingResponseMessage /

wsdl:binding name

Help! Why does my WSDL for axis2 keeps getting parsing error in NetBean IDE 6.5?

2008-12-05 Thread Tian Chi
Hi all,

I'm a beginner for Axis2.
Recently I created a SOPA 1.2 web service with a WSDL and another
included schmea file using Axis2.

It works fine with soapUI 2.5 client test, but failed when I tried to use
NetBean IDE 6.5 to create a client using this WSDL. It keeps saying I
have the following error.
It seems NetBean doesn't like my xsd:include tag. It parsed fine if
I remove the xsd:include tag.
Can any one shed some lights lights what's wrong with my WSDL file?
What is the right way to use the
xsd:include tag? I'd really appreciate it.

Following is the error

Web Service Client can bot be created by JAXWS:wsimport utility.
(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

There might be a problem during java artifacts creation: for example a
name conflict in generated classes.
To detect the problem see also the error messages in output window.
You may be able to fix the porblem in WSDL Customization dialog
(Edit Web Service Attributes action)
or by manual editing of the local wsdl or schema files, using the JAXB

Following are my WSDL file and its included file stateType.xsd. Again,
if I remove the xsd:include tag, it can be parsed fine.
Adding it causes the parsing error. I do need the xsd:include part.

wsdl:definitions xmlns:axis2=;
xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=;

!-- NetBean will be parsing OK if I remove this include
and comment out the referenced state element below, why? --
xsd:include schemaLocation=stateType.xsd /

xsd:element name=CNHListing
xsd:element name=EAMRequest type=tns:EAMRequestType
minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 /
xsd:element name=CNHListingResponse
xsd:element name=EAMRequestResponse
type=tns:EAMRequestResponseType minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 /

xsd:complexType name=EAMRequestType
xsd:element ref=tns:username /
xsd:element ref=tns:password /

xsd:complexType name=EAMRequestResponseType
xsd:element ref=tns:status /
xsd:element ref=tns:message /

!-- Login --
xsd:element name=status type=xsd:int /
xsd:element name=message type=xsd:string /
xsd:element name=username type=xsd:string /
xsd:element name=password type=xsd:string /

wsdl:message name=CNHListingMessage
wsdl:part name=part1 element=ns:CNHListing /
wsdl:message name=CNHListingResponseMessage
wsdl:part name=part1 element=ns:CNHListingResponse /

wsdl:portType name=CNHListingServicePortType
wsdl:operation name=CNHListing
wsdl:input message=axis2:CNHListingMessage /
wsdl:output message=axis2:CNHListingResponseMessage /

wsdl:binding name=CNHListingServiceSOAP12Binding
transport=; style=document /
wsdl:operation name=CNHListing
style=document /
soap12:body use=literal 
namespace=; /
soap12:body use=literal 
namespace=; /

wsdl:service name=CNHListingService
wsdl:port name=CNHListingServiceSOAP12port

Re: Help! How to define the WSDL so my SOAP XML schema can be correct?

2008-11-19 Thread Tian Chi
Hi Amila and all,

Thank you so much for your response.

I got the request message from a web service testing too, Stylus Studio.
When I type in my WSDL's URL, the tool will display how the request message
should look like. That' how I got it and think there must be something wrong
with my WSDL.

From what you said, it sounds like Stylus Studio is not working right.
Do you know any other (Not from Axis2) web service testing tool I can use to
test my Axis2
SOAP server?

Basically I just want to make sure my SOAP service is working correctly.
I used the Axis2 client requests to test my Axis2 service and it works fine.
I want to make sure the service also works with SOAP requests from other
kinds of clients or tools.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Amila Suriarachchi 

 there is no problem with your wsdl. The request message is invalid.

 ns:MMRequest xmlns:ns=;

 even the namespace is not match.

 On 11/19/08, Tian Chi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm a new user of Axis2. I created a WSDL for Axis2 but it turned out my
  schema has one more layer (tag) than I expected.
  Following is the XML I got
  ?xml version=1.0?
  SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=
  ns:MMRequest xmlns:ns=;
  Noticed there is an extra ns:MMRequest inside ns:MMRequest, but I
  need one ns:MMequest such as
  ?xml version=1.0?
  SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=
  ns:MMRequest xmlns:ns=;
  .. # This is where I put my data #
  Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?
  Following is my WSDL file.
  xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=;
  xsd:include schemaLocation=stateType.xsd/
  xsd:include schemaLocation=countryType.xsd/
  xsd:include schemaLocation=categoryType.xsd/
  xsd:element name=MMRequest
  xsd:element ref=tns:username /
  xsd:element ref=tns:password /
  xsd:element name=transactionList
  type=tns:Transaction maxOccurs=unbounded/
  xsd:element name=MMRequestResponse
  xsd:element ref=tns:status/
  xsd:element ref=tns:message/
  xsd:element name=transactionResponseList
  type=tns:TransactionResponse minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded/
  xsd:complexType name=Transaction
  xsd:element ref=tns:action/
  xsd:element name=client type=tns:Client /
  xsd:complexType name=TransactionResponse
  xsd:element ref=tns:status/
  xsd:element ref=tns:message/
  xsd:element name=client type=tns:Client
  xsd:complexType name=Client
  xsd:element ref=tns:companyName minOccurs=0/
  xsd:element ref=tns:firstName minOccurs=0/
  xsd:element ref=tns:lastName minOccurs=0/
  xsd:element ref=tns:email minOccurs=0/
  !--  Action --
  xsd:element name=action type=xsd:string /
  !-- Message Response --
  xsd:element name=status type=xsd:int /
  xsd:element name=message type=xsd:string /
  !-- Client

Help! How to define the WSDL so my SOAP XML schema can be correct?

2008-11-18 Thread Tian Chi
Hi all,

I'm a new user of Axis2. I created a WSDL for Axis2 but it turned out my XML
schema has one more layer (tag) than I expected.
Following is the XML I got

?xml version=1.0?
SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=

ns:MMRequest xmlns:ns=;

Noticed there is an extra ns:MMRequest inside ns:MMRequest, but I just
need one ns:MMequest such as

?xml version=1.0?
SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=

ns:MMRequest xmlns:ns=;
.. # This is where I put my data #

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?
Following is my WSDL file.


xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=;


xsd:include schemaLocation=stateType.xsd/
xsd:include schemaLocation=countryType.xsd/
xsd:include schemaLocation=categoryType.xsd/

xsd:element name=MMRequest
xsd:element ref=tns:username /
xsd:element ref=tns:password /
xsd:element name=transactionList
type=tns:Transaction maxOccurs=unbounded/
xsd:element name=MMRequestResponse
xsd:element ref=tns:status/
xsd:element ref=tns:message/
xsd:element name=transactionResponseList
type=tns:TransactionResponse minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded/

xsd:complexType name=Transaction
xsd:element ref=tns:action/
xsd:element name=client type=tns:Client /

xsd:complexType name=TransactionResponse
xsd:element ref=tns:status/
xsd:element ref=tns:message/
xsd:element name=client type=tns:Client

xsd:complexType name=Client
xsd:element ref=tns:companyName minOccurs=0/
xsd:element ref=tns:firstName minOccurs=0/
xsd:element ref=tns:lastName minOccurs=0/
xsd:element ref=tns:email minOccurs=0/

!--  Action --
xsd:element name=action type=xsd:string /

!-- Message Response --
xsd:element name=status type=xsd:int /
xsd:element name=message type=xsd:string /

!-- Client --
xsd:element name=companyName type=xsd:string /
xsd:element name=firstName type=xsd:string /
xsd:element name=lastName type=xsd:string /
xsd:element name=email type=xsd:string /

!-- Login --
xsd:element name=username type=xsd:string /
xsd:element name=password type=xsd:string /
wsdl:message name=MMRequestMessage
wsdl:part name=part1 element=tns:MMRequest /
wsdl:message name=MMRequestResponseMessage
wsdl:part name=part1 element=tns:MMRequestResponse /
wsdl:portType name=CLServicePortType
wsdl:operation name=MMRequest
wsdl:input message=tns:MMRequestMessage /
wsdl:output message=tns:MMRequestResponseMessage /
wsdl:binding name=CLServiceSOAP12Binding
soap12:binding transport=;
style=document /
wsdl:operation name=MMRequest
soap12:operation soapAction=;
style=document /

Help! How to fix Axis2 error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory?

2008-10-20 Thread Tian Chi
Hi all, 

I'm a newbie at Axis2. Just tried to run the downloaded axis2.war in my servlet 
container (Resin Pro 3.0.24) but got this error when Resin tried to start Axis2 

Basically I copied the asix2.war into my serveler container webapps directoy of 
servlet container.
I double checked the commons-logging-1.1.1.jar that includes the 
is definitely in the webapps/axis2/WEB-INF/lib.

My java version is jdk1.5.0_16.

Can some one shed some light about how to fix this?

thanks in advance, 

Foolwing is the stack trace

[16:56:35.231] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
[16:56:35.231]  at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at 
[16:56:35.231]  at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.init(
[16:56:35.231]  at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.main(


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[Axis2] How to (using Axis2) get the XML file posted from a SOAP client?

2008-10-14 Thread Tian Chi
Hi all, 

This is my first time to try to use Axis2 to create a SOAP service.
Basically my SOAP service needs to recieve an XML file posted from an SOAP 
client. The SOAP client program is from a third party who is not using Axis2.

Can anyone tell me how to do that or tell me where I can find 
documents/exmaples to accomplish that? 

Assume my service is something like


I guess there should be some special Axis2 API codes in the function 
'postXmlData', right? Can anyone tell me more about 
what kinds of codes there should be to receive the XML document 
sent from the SOAP client?

I'd really appreciate it if someone can give me some guidance
or shed some lights on this.

thanks in advance,



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Help! How to set the value of SOAPAction for a SOAP service using Axis2?

2008-10-14 Thread Tian Chi
Hi all, 

I'm new to Axis2 and SOAP. I need to create a SOAP service using Axis2.
I wonder how to set the SOAPAction value so my service will verify the  value 
when a client program call the service? 
I assume Axis2 will do the SOAPAction validation automatically as long as I set 
the value somewhere in my service, right? But how to do that?

thanks in advance,



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[Axis2]Help! How to create a SOAP service using Axis2 in my own webapp?

2008-10-13 Thread Tian Chi
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0-2066077201-1223944054=:94829

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi all, =0A=0A=0AI'm a newbie on using Axis2. After reading through most of=
=A0the documents on this site,=0AI=A0still couldn't find the answer I need.=
 I'd really apreciate it=A0if someone can help me on this.=0A=0AAll Axis2 d=
ocuments I read=A0on this site=A0are to build new web services/client using=
 Axis2.=0ACurrently I already have a=A0big=A0web app=A0 in use and I need t=
o add a SOAP service to=0Amy web app using Axis2. Is that doable?=A0 If yes=
, what are the steps to make that happen?=0A=0AIs it possible to=A0copy=A0a=
xis2.war into my servlet container (Resin)=A0(both 'axis2' and 'myWebapp' d=
irectories under webapps directory)=A0, create a SOAP service in the=A0axis=
2 app and then=A0forward the request (by deinfing the 'ServiceClass'=A0para=
meter in services.xml?)=A0to my own web app to=A0handle some complicated da=
tabase processes? It seems to me=A0it's not doable.=A0=A0Please don't laugh=
 at me=A0if this question is too sily. =0A=0AIf the previous approach is no=
t possible. The only other apprach I can think of is to embed Axis2=A0in my=
=0Aown webapp. In that case, do I need to copy all the needed Axis2 jar fil=
es to my=A0own web app in=A0WEB-INF/lib directory? If so, what are the need=
ed jar files for a SOAP service? =0ABasically=A0the SOAP service is receive=
 data from my client, save it=A0to database and respond to client with the =
result. There are many jar files in Axis2.=A0I just hope=A0to=A0skip=A0some=
=A0unnecessary=A0Axis2 jar files to avoid overhead since my=A0own web app i=
s already=A0very big.=0A=0ABesides the Axis2 jar files, what else=A0needs t=
o be done=A0to embed a SOAP service in my own web app?=0A=0AI'd really real=
ly appreciate it if someone gives me some guidance or shed some lights on t=
his.=0AHope to hear from you soon.=0A=0Athank you very much,=0A=0A-tian=0A=
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

htmlheadstyle type=text/css!-- DIV {margin:0px;} 
--/style/headbodydiv style=font-family:times new roman, new york, 
times, serif;font-size:12ptDIVHi all, /DIV
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIV style=FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, 
DIVI'm a newbie on using Axis2. After reading through most ofnbsp;the 
documents on this site,/DIV
DIVInbsp;still couldn't find the answer I need. I'd really apreciate 
itnbsp;if someone can help me on this./DIV
DIVAll Axis2 documents I readnbsp;on this sitenbsp;are to build new web 
services/client using Axis2./DIV
DIVCurrently I already have anbsp;bignbsp;web appnbsp; in use and I need 
to add a SOAP service to/DIV
DIVmy web app using Axis2. Is that doable?nbsp; If yes, what are the steps 
to make that happen?/DIV
DIVIs it possible tonbsp;copynbsp;axis2.war into my servlet container 
(Resin)nbsp;(both 'axis2' and 'myWebapp' directories under webapps 
directory)nbsp;, create a SOAP service in thenbsp;axis2 app and 
thennbsp;forward the request (by deinfing the 'ServiceClass'nbsp;parameter in 
services.xml?)nbsp;to my own web app tonbsp;handle some complicated database 
processes? It seems to menbsp;it's not doable.nbsp;nbsp;Please don't laugh 
at menbsp;if this question is too sily. /DIV
DIVIf the previous approach is not possible. The only other apprach I can 
think of is to embed Axis2nbsp;in my/DIV
DIVown webapp. In that case, do I need to copy all the needed Axis2 jar files 
to mynbsp;own web app innbsp;WEB-INF/lib directory? If so, what are the 
needed jar files for a SOAP service? /DIV
DIVBasicallynbsp;the SOAP service is receive data from my client, save 
itnbsp;to database and respond to client with the result. There are many jar 
files in Axis2.nbsp;I just 
hopenbsp;tonbsp;skipnbsp;somenbsp;unnecessarynbsp;Axis2 jar files to avoid 
overhead since mynbsp;own web app is alreadynbsp;very big./DIV
DIVBesides the Axis2 jar files, what elsenbsp;needs to be donenbsp;to embed 
a SOAP service in my own web app?/DIV
DIVI'd really really appreciate it if someone gives me some guidance or shed 
some lights on this./DIV
DIVHope to hear from you 

[Axis2]Help! How to create a SOAP service using Axis2 in my own webapp?

2008-10-13 Thread Tian Chi
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi all,=0A=0A=0AJust sent this but in rich text format, so this is it again=
. My apology.=0A=0AI'm a newbie on using Axis2. After reading through most =
of=A0the documents on this site,=0AI=A0still couldn't find the answer I nee=
d. I'd really apreciate it=A0if someone can help me on this.=0A=0AAll Axis2=
 documents I read=A0on this site=A0are to build new web services/client usi=
ng Axis2.=0ACurrently I have already a=A0big=A0web app=A0 in use and I need=
 to add a SOAP service to=0Amy web app using Axis2. Is that doable?=A0 If y=
es, what are the steps to make that happen?=0A=0AIs it possible to=A0copy=
=A0axis2.war into my servlet container (Resin) (both 'axis2' and 'myWebapp'=
 directories under webapps directory)=A0, create a SOAP service in the=A0ax=
is2 app and then=A0forward the request (by deinfing the 'ServiceClass'=A0pa=
rameter in services.xml?)=A0 to my own web app to=A0handle some complicated=
 database processes? It seems to me=A0it's not doable.=A0=A0Please don't la=
ugh at me=A0if this question is too sily. =0A=0AIf the previous approach is=
 not possible. The only other apprach I can think of is to embed Axis2=A0in=
 my=0Aown webapp. In that case, do I need to copy all the needed Axis2 jar =
files to my=A0own web app =0Ain=A0WEB-INF/lib directory? If so, what are th=
e needed jar files for a SOAP service? =0ABasically=A0the SOAP service is=
=A0receive data from my client, save it=A0to database and respond to client=
 with the results.=A0There are many jar files in Axis2.=A0I just hope=A0to=
=A0skip=A0some=A0unnecessary=A0Axis2 jar files to avoid overhead since my=
=A0own web app already=A0is very big.=0A=0ABesides the Axis2 jar files, wha=
t else=A0needs to be done=A0to embed a SOAP service in my own web app?=0A=
=0AI'd really really appreciate it if someone gives me some guidance or she=
d some lights on this.=0AHope to hear from you soon.=0A=0Athank you very mu=

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[Axis2]Help! How to create a SOAP service using Axis2 in my own webapp?

2008-10-13 Thread Tian Chi
Hi all, 

Sorry previous message is still in wrong text format, this is it again.

I'm a newbie on using Axis2. After reading through most of the documents on 
this site,
I still couldn't find the answer I need. I'd really apreciate it if someone can 
help me on this.
All Axis2 documents I read on this site are to build new web services/client 
using Axis2.
Currently I have already a big web app  in use and I need to add a SOAP service 
my web app using Axis2. Is that doable?  If yes, what are the steps to make 
that happen?
Is it possible to copy axis2.war into my servlet container (Resin) (both 
'axis2' and 'myWebapp' directories under webapps directory) , create a SOAP 
service in the axis2 app and then forward the request (by deinfing the 
'ServiceClass' parameter in services.xml?) to my own web app to handle some 
complicated database processes? It seems to me it's not doable.  Please don't 
laugh at me if this question is too sily. 
If the previous approach is not possible. The only other apprach I can think of 
is to embed Axis2 in my
own webapp. In that case, do I need to copy all the needed Axis2 jar files to 
my own web app in WEB-INF/lib directory? If so, what are the needed jar files 
for a SOAP service? 
Basically the SOAP service is receive data from my client, save it to database 
and respond to client with the results. There are many jar files in Axis2. I 
just hope to skip some unnecessary Axis2 jar files to avoid overhead since my 
own web app is already very big.
Besides the Axis2 jar files, what else needs to be done to embed a SOAP service 
in my own web app?
I'd really really appreciate it if someone gives me some guidance or shed some 
lights on this.
Hope to hear from you soon.
thank you very much,


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RE: [Axis2]Help! How to create a SOAP service using Axis2 in my own webapp?

2008-10-13 Thread Tian Chi

Thank you very much for your quick response, Ricky.
I'll start building the war file you mentioned.

Can I ask you two more questions about how to creat a SOAP service using Axis2?

Basically my client will just send a XML file with data using the SOAP service 
I'll provide him (an URL). From the document, I think the service names will be 
defined in the services.xml and associate with a java class with all the 
functions (services) there. My question is how in my class program to get the 
XML file my client posted?

I saw some example, it just pass the parameters using '?'


But using SOAP, my client's XML file will be posted to my service program, How 
to get the XML document sent from my client to my service?

If it's too much to explain, do you know any online exmaples I can look into?

My 2nd question is
How to define the 'SOAPAction' in the service I'll create?

thank you again, 


--- On Tue, 10/14/08, Ricky Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Ricky Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [Axis2]Help! How to create a SOAP service using Axis2 in my own 
 Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 11:51 AM
 Right, there will be a lot of jars. Actually, your web
 application will end up like what makes axis2.war
 you may remove all those admin related stuff from
 your app. Start with those made axis2.war, use
 all its directory structure and build your own app and
 embed axis2 inside.
  Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 17:38:14 -0700
  Subject: [Axis2]Help! How to create a SOAP service
 using Axis2 in my own webapp?
  MIME-Version: 1.0
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  Hi all, 
  Sorry previous message is still in wrong text format, this is it again.
  I'm a newbie on using Axis2. After reading through most of the documents on 
  this site,
  I still couldn't find the answer I need. I'd really apreciate it if someone 
  can help me on this.
  All Axis2 documents I read on this site are to build new web 
  services/client using Axis2.
  Currently I have already a big web app  in use and I need to add a SOAP 
  service to
  my web app using Axis2. Is that doable?  If yes, what are the steps to   
  make that happen?
  Is it possible to copy axis2.war into my servlet container (Resin)(both 
  'axis2' and 'myWebapp' directories under webapps directory) , create   a 
  SOAP service in the axis2 app and then forward the request (by deinfing the 
  'ServiceClass' parameter in services.xml?) to my own web app   to handle 
  some complicated database processes? It seems to me it's not   doable.  
  Please don't laugh at me if this question is too sily. 
  If the previous approach is not possible. The only other apprach I can   
  think of is to embed Axis2 in my
  own webapp. In that case, do I need to copy all the needed Axis2 jar files 
  to my own web app in WEB-INF/lib directory? If so, what are the needed jar 
  files for a SOAP service? 
  Basically the SOAP service is receive data from my client, save it to   
  database and respond to client with the results. There are many jar files 
  in Axis2. I just hope to skip some unnecessary Axis2 jar files to avoid 
  overhead since my own web app is already very big.
  Besides the Axis2 jar files, what else needs to be done to embed a SOAP 
  service in my own web app?
  I'd really really appreciate it if someone gives me some guidance or shed 
  some lights on this.
  Hope to hear from you soon.
  thank you very much,
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