Custom WSSE EJB JBOSS Provider

2006-11-14 Thread Warren Crossing

After researching how to make a custom axis 1.4 provider which supports WSSE 
and passes the certificate to jboss here is a code level synopisis.

notice the create is done with the standard username/assword login module



select Role, RoleGroup from Roles where 


Instead of providing too much info here, most other information can be found on 
the wsse or axis or jboss sites.

Any questions, email this list.

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Iterator;


import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;

import org.apache.axis.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axis.Constants;
import org.apache.axis.Handler;
import org.apache.axis.MessageContext;
import org.apache.axis.components.logger.LogFactory;
import org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService;
import org.apache.axis.utils.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.axis.utils.Messages;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

 * A basic EJB Provider
 * @author Carl Woolf ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 * @author Tom Jordahl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 * @author C?dric Chabanois ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
public class EJBProvider extends

public static final String jndiSecurityProtocol = "jndiSecurityProtocol";

 * Common routine to do the JNDI lookup on the Home interface object
 * username and password for jndi lookup are got from the configuration or from
 * the messageContext if not found in the configuration
private Object getEJBHome(SOAPService serviceHandler,
  MessageContext msgContext,
  String beanJndiName)
throws AxisFault
Object ejbHome = null;

// Set up an InitialContext and use it get the beanJndiName from JNDI
try {
Properties properties = null;

// collect all the properties we need to access JNDI:
// username, password, factoryclass, contextUrl

// username
String username = getStrOption(jndiUsername, serviceHandler);
if ((username == null) && (msgContext != null)){
   username = msgContext.getUsername();
if (username != null) {
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);

// password
String password = getStrOption(jndiPassword, serviceHandler);
if ((password == null) && (msgContext != null))
password = msgContext.getPassword();
if (password != null) {
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);

// factory class
String factoryClass = getStrOption(jndiContextClass, serviceHandler);
if (factoryClass != null) {
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, factoryClass);

// contextUrl
String contextUrl = getStrOption(jndiURL, serviceHandler);
if (contextUrl != null) {
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, contextUrl);

// security Protocol
String securityProtocol = getStrOption(jndiSecurityProtocol, serviceHandler);
if (securityProtocol != null) {
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, securityProtocol);

// get context using these properties 
InitialContext context = getContext(properties);

// if we didn't get a context, fail
if (context == null)
throw new AxisFault( Messages.getMessage("cannotCreateInitialContext00"));

ejbHome = getEJBHome(context, beanJndiName);

Re: Installation problem with Tomcat 5.5

2006-09-14 Thread Warren Crossing
yeah there is, I think you set debug="5" on the host and 

more info see tomcat configuration at

As mentionned in the email, the logs don't show anything. Is there a 
Tomcat switch for a verbose log trace?


Patrice Aubry
This e-mail contains information which is SITA - Company Confidential

"Davanum Srinivas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/08/2006 21:24

Please respond to


Re: Installation problem with Tomcat 5.5

Did you check the tomcat logs?



I've deployed the axis2.war  in Tomcat 5.5 on Windows XP. Everything 


fine (validate, etc..). When I test the default "version" service, the 


is available but the service invocation  fails with "Resource not 


I've tried the same thing with the latest nightly build
I've seen much noise about on the web about this, but no concrete 


BTW, the Tomcat logs show nothing.

Thank you in advance,


Patrice Aubry
Senior Architect
Tel: +33 (0) 6 6894 1343
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Re: Yet another embedded Axis question

2006-09-14 Thread Warren Crossing
Unfortunatley web services are slightly more complicated than 
SimpleAxisServer and require a lot more configuration than coding in my 
experience.  I think the configuration deployment model of axis 
(although) is flawed as the webservice is [typically] a sub component of 
the axis engine (architecturally), where as you described a webservice 
which is the primary component and passes all to axis engine for 
soap/wsdl support.

Your best bet is to use axis2 for a more advanced deployment model but 
slightly less stabilty than axis1_4.

I think the major problem here is oo component isolation, which makes it 
very difficult to have a servlet that does web and wsdl in the case of a 
dynamic web page/applet combination.  There is no easy way to share the 
session without middleware or database.

I urge you to consider using axis/web services soley as a means to 
remote connect to session or entity EJBs.


DATACOM - Diego wrote:

Hi all,

I am new to Axis, but I know there have been some discussion on this 
topic before:

is there a way to use Axis without an application server?

Yes, I have read the FAQ and got to know the SimpleAxisServer 
(, but it is not exactly what 
I was looking for. I was thinking of something like an Axis API or even 
an Axis servlet that I could use, for example, together with emebedded 
Jetty in a standalone java application.

My point is that my WebServices shall be very simple and I am not 
willing to use the whole complexity of SOAP and Axis (WSDL, Tomcat, 
etc.). Apache XML-RPC fits perfectly for my needs, but SOAP is so 
widespread that I am in doubt. Does anybody think XML-RPC could be a 
better choice?

PS1.: Yes, I have seen two messages with the same subject in the 
archives. One had no answer and the other one had a not convincing answer.
PS2.: JWS files do not seem a good option. They reduce complexity, but I 
still need an application server.

Thanks in advance,

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2006-08-29 Thread Warren Crossing

Hi please excues me, I couldn't seem to post an issue to JIRA

Axis-1_4 ClassUtil hides classload exceptions

patch is

< } else if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
< throw (ClassNotFoundException)new 

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Re: stateful web service

2006-07-30 Thread Warren Crossing

In the client call you need to set MaintainSession true.
Excuse the brief reply but I'm BAAF.

Shaowei Mao wrote:

Hi, I implemented a web service by generating stub and skeleton from wsdl.
Now I want to turn them into stateful. I have been looking through mailing
list and found that I need to set service scope to soapsession and store
state in the service group context. I did set the service scope to
soapsession in the services.xml, but service didn't return service group id
to the client and each time I invoked service, axis2 created a new instance
for service implementation class. What else do I need to change in order to
make it work?


Shaowei Mao

aMind Solutions LLC

Phone: 425-313-3107




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Re: Abandoning AXIS :( !!!

2006-07-24 Thread Warren Crossing
You might have to add the jar file to the System classpath i.e set the 
CLASSPATH env variable and export it > export CLASSPATH

Add an echo $CLASSPATH to tomcat/bin/ around line ~147ish

Good luck, you're definatley using the technology!!

Davanum Srinivas wrote:

did you try dropping the jar in jre\lib\ext and the dll's in jre\bin?

-- dims

On 7/24/06, Luis Rivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Axis users/devs,

Unless I can find a solution for this today, I will have to move on 
and find
better options. I believed that susing a axis/tomcat web service to 
my current C++ server was going to be easy. But I cannot get past a 
loading problem in the TOMCAT and nobody seems to have any idea of 
what is


See, we already have a server side implementation of the services in C++
(Roguewave), but we are looking into a cheaper option, which is why I was
looking into axis/tomcat. My clients are using Axis anyway, so I thought
using Tomcat was going to be straight forward.

So, we don't want to reimplement everything in Java, which means I 
only need

a jni wrapper in the axis server to call my DCE proxies in C++.  So, the
picture looks like this

axis Client --> axis Server --> jniWrapper --> DCEProxy (C++ 

And the problem lies on the fact that I need to place the jniWrapper 
of the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory, causing all kind of problems 
with the

class loaders, despite the fact that all the classes are supposedly
correctly resolved. I still have that LinkageError, regardless of where I
place the classe (shared or common).

As I said before, if all the application is placed under
TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/axis/classes, there are no exceptions thrown!

Hope this clarifies my situation and if you have any advice, I would 

appreciate it.

I am including the exception as captured in the logger.

15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext  - Exit:
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext  - Enter:
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle  -
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext  - Pushing handler
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext  - Exit:
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext  - Enter:
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle  -
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext  - Popping handler
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle  -
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG org.apache.axis.message.RPCHandler  -
Setting MessageContext property in RPCHandler.endElement().
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle  -
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG org.apache.axis.utils.NSStack  - 

15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext  - Popped element 
stack to

15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext  - Exit:
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG
org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle  -
15063 [http-8095-Processor25] DEBUG org.apache.axis.enterprise  - Mapping
Exception to AxisFault
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(



at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(

Re: [AXIS2] J2EE Support

2006-07-12 Thread Warren Crossing
Just had a major issue when using both ws sessions and authentication 
with jboss as.  The first call on a session worked, but the second 
method came from the ws on another thread so the jboss 
securityassociation was lost.  I have hacked a simple solution into 
EJBProvider which looks up the home again (or just do a IC.rebind and 
cause reauthentication) and creates a securityassociation local on the 
current thread.  The second call works from there.

Warren Crossing wrote:
I use axis1-4 for ws based auth and session management, this ties 
directly into my sessionbean using the providers and handlers from axis1-4.

If the context has a session then it talks to the same session bean 
serviceobject.  If the context has credentials then they are passed into 
jni to look up the ejb service object.

What I hope get from this architecture is container based transaction 
and security support without exposing transactions or neccessarily 
security through the wsdl. I could add another handler to map security 

I noticed when the session is reaped on timeout that remove() is not 
called on the session bean.  I might clone EJBProvider and implement 
ServiceLifecycle so I can call remove() on the destroy() event.

So why go to this effort in architecture to essentially pass the buck to 
the next component? I am essentially exposing a call-control sip stack 
through the ws. I have no place to do any core logic, or event routing, 
in the ws layer or in the stack as they both maintain session state and 
transactions in completley different ways, ie cookies and dialogs.

What I really want is a transactional context to say "detect the call 
has ended ! debit close the session and modify some database state, 
handle failure case, make endpoint callbacks etc" which I can't get from 
the sip stack (aka black box) and don't trust the web server to do 

Another reason is I automagically get pooling of service objects. Sure I 
have to authenticate twice a session, once in the ws and once in jni - 
ejb, but I don't have to worry about dos and cross host usage.  I don't 
really need session failover but that's another point for the ejb 
container (if supported).

I also get ejb timers facility and concurrency and synchronization. So I 
think its a win for coupling the two architectures togeather.

IMHO WS is not an application framework it's just another 
remoting/messaging technology primarily for .NET and monkey JEE interop. 
Otherwise why not just use IIOP? It's much faster! =)

Interested in your feedback.


Hi, axis 1 & 2 work in a J2EE environment

Michel Lequim

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Andrew Lindley
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 11:54 AM
Subject: [AXIS2] J2EE Support

I was just wondering, why neither AXIS, nor AXIS2 do support J2EE - is

this correct?
JBoss e.g. has this feature.

Is this information correct?


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REPOST: Problem with session management

2006-07-11 Thread Warren Crossing

This might be a possible bug.

The src/org/apache/axis/client/client-config.wsdd does not support 
session based request by default.  I had to add and rebuild.

Perhaps the client.wsdd defaults should support sessions and security, 
or there should be some provision for the generated client Locater to 
change the provider before creating the Stub.


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Re: [AXIS2] Need some help to create a session

2006-07-11 Thread Warren Crossing

This might be a possible bug.

The src/org/apache/axis/client/client-config.wsdd does not support 
session based request by default.  I had to add and rebuild.

Perhaps the client.wsdd defaults should support sessions and security, 
or there should be some provision for the generated client Locater to 
change the provider before creating the Stub.


Warren Crossing wrote:

Small information about sessions.

The are initiated by a call in the client by setting context property

The are handled in the server hander SimpleSessionHandler, and the 
providers JavaProvider are session aware so if there is a session with 
the soap request then the same "ServiceObject" is invoked.

I would not recommed to manipulate the httpsession (as as servlet 
programmer) your web service architecture drops you in your codesite. 
access the MessageContext and get the Session from that is you 
absolutley have to.

Jana Poornavel wrote:

hi all,
is there any more samples which can used to understand 

state.for e.g maintaining the state information in HTTPSession ,which
would be of great help


Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:

Hi Maze;

Lo�c MAZE wrote:


Hi all,

I'm a beginner with Axis 2 and I would like to know how to create a
session and insert data in it. I�m especially interested in SOAP 

I've spent several hours on this mailing but I�ve found absolutely
nothing about that.
Can somebody supply a concrete example of axis session ? Any
information in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Well Axis2 has four types of sessions called;
- request
- soap session
- application
- transport

yes we dont have enough documentation to explain the session management
stuff and we dont have enough either. We have only one sample and test
case which uses SOAPsession management.
- Calculator sample uses soap session management
- org.apache.axis2.engine.ServiceGroupContextTest


Best regards,

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Re: How to write Security Environment handler

2006-07-03 Thread Warren Crossing

why not push that to the TLS such as SSL or HTTPS?

Kashif Saleem wrote:

Hi All,
   I am calling couple of secure web-service.So before sending and 
receiving the information to and from the services,I need to sign and encrypt 
the information using client and server certificates stored in client and 
server keystore respectively.For that reason I need to add a handler to the 
Axis handler chain to implement this.I search  on the web for writing the 
security environment handler that would sign and encrypt or decrypt etc but I 
could not find any information related to that.So I would really appreciate if 
someone could provide me the code snippets or provide pointers for how to  
write  security environment handler.Thanks.

Kind Regards

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Re: [Axis v1.4] deploying with Basic Authentication turned on?

2006-06-29 Thread Warren Crossing
can you please explain why you want to use j2ee declarative security 
tomcat instead of webservices context security?

you must specify the http header authorization in the http-request?

otherwise add the handler to the wsdd

type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.SimpleAuthenticationHandler" />



and set the usename and password properties in the client side SOAP call

I can't give any more informaiton because you haven't really described 
in any detail what you are doing, what you have done and what you expect 
to happen? Why do you expect it to return HTTP 200 OK?


Artur Kraft wrote:

Is this a common issue or am I doing something basically wrong?
On the axis-user mailinglist (also checked axis-dev and tomcat-user) I 
found a few other posts with suggestions, but none really apply to me. 
Shouldn't this be fixed quite simple or do I have to code something to 
get it to work?

kind regards

Artur Kraft wrote:


in Tomcat I turned on BASIC Authentication to protect the use of all 
axis services. Since then I always get a HTTP-Error 401/Unauthorized. 
How can I provide username and password to deploy again to axis?

I tried the -uUserName -wPassword parameters, but they seem to belong 
rather to the axis-file "user.lst" than providing the tomcat access 
user data.

Any suggestions?

My environment:
Axis v1.4
Tomcat v5.5.17
Java v1.5.0_06

kind regards,

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Re: [AXIS2] J2EE Support

2006-06-28 Thread Warren Crossing
I use axis1-4 for ws based auth and session management, this ties 
directly into my sessionbean using the providers and handlers from axis1-4.

If the context has a session then it talks to the same session bean 
serviceobject.  If the context has credentials then they are passed into 
jni to look up the ejb service object.

What I hope get from this architecture is container based transaction 
and security support without exposing transactions or neccessarily 
security through the wsdl. I could add another handler to map security etc..

I noticed when the session is reaped on timeout that remove() is not 
called on the session bean.  I might clone EJBProvider and implement 
ServiceLifecycle so I can call remove() on the destroy() event.

So why go to this effort in architecture to essentially pass the buck to 
the next component? I am essentially exposing a call-control sip stack 
through the ws. I have no place to do any core logic, or event routing, 
in the ws layer or in the stack as they both maintain session state and 
transactions in completley different ways, ie cookies and dialogs.

What I really want is a transactional context to say "detect the call 
has ended ! debit close the session and modify some database state, 
handle failure case, make endpoint callbacks etc" which I can't get from 
the sip stack (aka black box) and don't trust the web server to do 

Another reason is I automagically get pooling of service objects. Sure I 
have to authenticate twice a session, once in the ws and once in jni - 
ejb, but I don't have to worry about dos and cross host usage.  I don't 
really need session failover but that's another point for the ejb 
container (if supported).

I also get ejb timers facility and concurrency and synchronization. So I 
think its a win for coupling the two architectures togeather.

IMHO WS is not an application framework it's just another 
remoting/messaging technology primarily for .NET and monkey JEE interop. 
Otherwise why not just use IIOP? It's much faster! =)

Interested in your feedback.

Hi, axis 1 & 2 work in a J2EE environment 

Michel Lequim

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Andrew Lindley
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 11:54 AM
Subject: [AXIS2] J2EE Support

I was just wondering, why neither AXIS, nor AXIS2 do support J2EE - is

this correct?
JBoss e.g. has this feature.

Is this information correct?


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Re: [AXIS2] Need some help to create a session

2006-06-27 Thread Warren Crossing

Small information about sessions.

The are initiated by a call in the client by setting context property

The are handled in the server hander SimpleSessionHandler, and the 
providers JavaProvider are session aware so if there is a session with 
the soap request then the same "ServiceObject" is invoked.

I would not recommed to manipulate the httpsession (as as servlet 
programmer) your web service architecture drops you in your codesite. 
access the MessageContext and get the Session from that is you 
absolutley have to.

Jana Poornavel wrote:

hi all,
is there any more samples which can used to understand maintaining
state.for e.g maintaining the state information in HTTPSession ,which
would be of great help


Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:

Hi Maze;

Lo�c MAZE wrote:


Hi all,

I'm a beginner with Axis 2 and I would like to know how to create a
session and insert data in it. I�m especially interested in SOAP 

I've spent several hours on this mailing but I�ve found absolutely
nothing about that.
Can somebody supply a concrete example of axis session ? Any
information in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Well Axis2 has four types of sessions called;
- request
- soap session
- application
- transport

yes we dont have enough documentation to explain the session management
stuff and we dont have enough either. We have only one sample and test
case which uses SOAPsession management.
- Calculator sample uses soap session management
- org.apache.axis2.engine.ServiceGroupContextTest


Best regards,

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Re: [AXIS2] Does AXIS2 support Java2WSDL?

2006-06-27 Thread Warren Crossing
find /opt/axis2/lib/ -name "*.jar" -print -exec jar tvf {} \; | grep 

i would expect it to be in /opt/axis2/lib/axis2-tools-1.0.jar

Ajith Ranabahu wrote:

Hmm... I'm sure the  The Java2WSDL is there in the codebase in  the
Java2WSDL (maven)module. However I'm not sure whether it is missing
from the build due to a build script problem.
Please check the build and see whether the Java2WSDL class is there
inside the build.



As I mentioned, I used the Eclipse-Plugin. It is downloadable under 
the tools section of axis2 1.0.

Deepal advised me to us the annogen-0.1.0.jar from codehaus.
Now it works for me.


> -Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-
> Von:
> Gesendet: 26.06.06 07:22:47
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [AXIS2] Does AXIS2 support Java2WSDL?

>  From a look at the codebase - no there is not this functionallity in
> axis2. I am currently using axis-1.4 for this feature.
> the invocation exception you get is because the plugin cannot find the
> java2wsdl code.
> correct me if i am wrong and i will stand corrected.
> > Hi Emily,
> >
> > yes!
> > But I didn't manage to generate the WSDL-file.
> > Have a look at this:

> > to see what steps I tried.
> > There's not answer to my question by now, maybe you'll get it to 
work. Let me know ;)

> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Bille
> >
> >
> >>-Ursprᅵngliche Nachricht-
> >>Von:
> >>Gesendet: 25.06.06 05:43:34
> >>An: 
> >>Betreff: [AXIS2] Does AXIS2 support Java2WSDL?
> >
> >
> >
> >>HI,
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Does AXIS2 support Java2WSDL? Any pointer is very much appreciated.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Thanks,
> >>
> >>Emily
> >
> >
> >
> > __
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> -
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Re: AXIS on a PDA

2006-06-27 Thread Warren Crossing
your using gcj gnu which uses a native xml library as opposed to sun 
java which uses ?xalan? or ?xerces?
you need to get the servlet.jar to satify runtime dependencies - as for 
the jvm you choose its entirely up to you.

check for more info.

Naraghi wrote:

Martin Gainty a �crit :

Quick question but I have to ask is your development environment 
conforming to requirements spec?

   Yes, in my client's librairies folder there is all  librairie :

but when I execute I have that :

Jun 26, 2006 10:35:26 AM 
org.apache.axis.configuration.EngineConfigurationFactoryFinder newFactory
WARNING: Factory 
org.apache.axis.configuration.EngineConfigurationFactoryServlet Ignored: 
invoke method failed: public static EngineConfigurationFactory 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: *javax/servlet/ServletConfig not found 
in java.lang.ClassLoader$1*{urls=[file:/My 
Documents/ClientSimple/amui-client-pda.jar], parent=null}

  at (
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
  at java.lang.ClassLoader$1.loadClass (

  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (

  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative (Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
  at java.lang.VMClassLoader.loadClass (Native Method)
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
  at java.lang.ClassLoader$1.loadClass (
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
  at org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance 
  at gnu.xml.dom.DomDocumentBuilderFactory. 

  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative (Native Method)
  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance (
  at java.lang.Class.newInstance (
  at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance 

  at org.apache.axis.utils.XMLUtils.getDOMFactory (
  at org.apache.axis.utils.XMLUtils. (
  at org.apache.axis.utils.XMLUtils. (
  at org.apache.axis.configuration.FileProvider.configureEngine 

  ...15 more
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native library `xmlj' not 
found (as file `xmlj') in gnu.classpath.boot.library.path and 

  at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary (

And it is right that in my PDA's JVM there is no Native library `xmlj' 
or javax.servlet package**



  I'm a student and I'm trying to use Axis on a PDA ( as a client of 
But it seems that Axis doesn't have all librairies needed to work 
(example : javax.servlet package or libxmlj...).

And the problem is that my PDA's JVM doesn't have those packages.

The PDA's JVM is Mysaifu JVM ( a J2SE JVM )

My first question is why does Axis need javax.servlet package to work 
as a client ??
And my second question is : does exist a minimal version of Axis ( 
for PDA's JVM) that I can use  (for my PDA client).

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Re: performance test

2006-06-27 Thread Warren Crossing
I'm also doing such testing, I am thinking of using the axis junit 
client modifying it somewhat and then measuring the request using jmeter.

The performance of the WS app is measured along with tomcat and axis 
because your never going to run it outside of that container. so measure 
client latencies. then you can compare with jbos and bea and oracle and 
let us know which is best =)

Don't worry about CPU and memory - just put the client on another 
machine and crank up the load until it falls over. because you will 
never have 100%CPU and Memory utilization with the app and the CPU still 

Make sure you test with sessions and with the database and with failure 
case to get a good indication of the service latencies and throughput.


Giovane Moura wrote:


I'd like to evaluate the performance of my web service in face of 

I was wondering how I can do that...

As my WS runs inside Axis (that runs inside Tomcat and the last one needs
Apache httpd), it ins't that simple to get informations like:

1. How much memory required only by the WS app?
2. How much CPU time is it using?

How can I get this informations?
Is there any way to have this information(putting apart axis/tomcat/apache

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Re: [AXIS2] Does AXIS2 support Java2WSDL?

2006-06-25 Thread Warren Crossing
From a look at the codebase - no there is not this functionallity in 
axis2. I am currently using axis-1.4 for this feature.

the invocation exception you get is because the plugin cannot find the 
java2wsdl code.

correct me if i am wrong and i will stand corrected.


Hi Emily,

But I didn't manage to generate the WSDL-file. 
Have a look at this: 
to see what steps I tried.

There's not answer to my question by now, maybe you'll get it to work. Let me 
know ;)



-Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-
Gesendet: 25.06.06 05:43:34
Betreff: [AXIS2] Does AXIS2 support Java2WSDL?


Does AXIS2 support Java2WSDL? Any pointer is very much appreciated.



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Re: Axis2 Deployment Model Deficiency

2006-06-15 Thread Warren Crossing
Is that a valid call? servletcontext.getRealPath("WEB-INF") be careful 
here not to open a security violation.

servlet spec says this.

A special directory exists within the application hierarchy named 
This directory contains all things related to the application that 
aren’t in the

document root of the application. The WEB-INF node is not part of the public
document tree of the application. No file contained in the WEB-INF 
directory may
be served directly to a client by the container. However, the contents 
of the WEB-
INF directory are visible to servlet code using the getResource and 

AsStream method calls on the ServletContext, and may be exposed using the
RequestDispatcher calls. Hence, if the Application Developer needs 
access, from
servlet code, to application specific configuration information that he 
does not
wish to be exposed directly to the Web client, he may place it under 
this directory.

Since requests are matched to resource mappings in a case-sensitive manner,
client requests for ‘/WEB-INF/foo’, ‘/WEb-iNf/foo’, for example, should 
not result
in contents of the Web application located under /WEB-INF being 
returned, nor

any form of directory listing thereof.



I haven't tried the latest nightly. I'll give it a shot.


 06/14/2006 11:43  
   Re: Axis2 Deployment Model  
 Please respond to 


Did you try latest nightly? I believe this is fixed.




Here's my scenario which I believe might be a common requirement for a


of enterprise applications. I'm trying to bundle Axis2 webapp as part of


bigger EAR application and deploy in an application server such as
WebLogic. I would like to package up all of the Web Services inside of


webapp/EAR file. The problem is that Axis2 cannot seem to load the


from within the EAR file in WebLogic..

The issue arises due to the fact that Axis2 relies on the concept of a
repository, which MUST be a folder on the file system. On certain
application servers like WebSphere, this is not an issue since they
internally explode the EAR when you deploy it and Axis2 does not seem to
have a problem. However application servers like WebLogic do NOT explode
the EAR, hence Axis2 cannot find/load the services from the repository.

Here is the offending code in WarBasedAxisConfigurator:

   repository =
config.getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF");  <--- this returns


in Weblogic
   axis2Steram = new FileInputStream(repository +

There are 2 work-arounds as I understand it:
1) Always deploy the application in an exploded format (WebLogic provides
this feature). However this is not an option for us.
2) Use a repository folder OUTSIDE of the EAR by specifiying the
axis2.xml.path in web.xml. However this option also poses a problem in a
cluster scenario where you need to have a common accessible folder, which
will serve as the repository and EVERY machine in the cluster must be
mapped to this common folder. It's a setup & maintenance headache.

I worked previously with Axis 1.x and it did not have a problem loading
services from within the EAR file. Ofcourse any changes you make to the
configuration while it was running would be lost on a server re-start
(since server-config.wsdd was read-only). But it still worked.

I believe this is a critical change that is needed and should be


in the next version, unless I'm missing something here. Let me know if I
should open up an enhancement request JIRA.


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Re: axis-admin ant task problem

2006-06-01 Thread Warren Crossing

Upgrade to axis 1-4? Just download the asxis1.4.war webapp.
javap -classpath $AXIS_CLIENTJAR org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient is 
there a constructor(boolean)?

Juan Alvarez wrote:

Hello. I'm using axis1.1. My problem is tha the axis ant task don't work
This is that I have:
 xmlfile="${endpoint-stub.wsdd}" />

When I execute this ant task I obtain the next error from ant

 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient.(Z)V

I enabled the AdminService in web.xml removing comments in


and put the 'true' value in the enableRemoteAdmin in AdminService in
server-config.wsdd as in next

The alternative to publish a ws (java -cp $CLASSPATH AdminClient options)
does work correctly.

Thanks in advance.

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Axis Compiler Support Jikes Javac Gcj

2006-06-01 Thread Warren Crossing
look at src/org/apache/axis/components/compiler/CompilerFactory it only 
supports Javac and Jikes.  Javac is actually which cannot be found.  Jikes is launched 
as a Runtime process. I would recommed either copy to and hack the way the properties work or install jikes and 
configure axis to use jikes.

Michael Schwarz wrote:

Taking Robert's advice, I will post the stack trace from catalina.out:

java.lang.RuntimeException: No compiler found in your classpath!  (you may
need to add 'tools.jar')
   at org.apache.axis.components.compiler.Javac. (
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance (
   at org.apache.axis.AxisProperties$ (
   at (
   at org.apache.axis.AxisProperties.newInstance (
   at org.apache.axis.AxisProperties.newInstance (
   at org.apache.axis.components.compiler.CompilerFactory.getCompiler
   at org.apache.axis.handlers.JWSHandler.setupService (
   at org.apache.axis.handlers.JWSHandler.invoke (
   at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit
   at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting (
   at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke (
   at org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer.invoke (
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.QSMethodHandler.invokeEndpointFromGet
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.QSMethodHandler.invoke
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet.processQuery
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet.doGet (
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServletBase.service
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service
   at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter
   at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service (
   at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process (
   at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
   at (

I guess my next stop would have to be to grab the axis source tarball and
see how it decides what class to call for a java compiler, because
everything else in Fedora Core 5 calls the eclipse java compiler (which is
ALSO on my classpath)

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Re: http header

2006-05-31 Thread Warren Crossing
Also look at the createCall member in your Stub and try to set a jax-prc 
property ie. service.createCall().setProperty(Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY,name);

Have a lot of fun.

Warren Crossing wrote:

Have a look at the handler framework 

Christian Roth wrote:

well, there is an intermediate security system between client and web 
endpoint which extracts some parameters out of the http header; I need 
to ut
these parameters otherwise the routing to the web service endpoint 
doese not

work; you see more or less what i mean?
regards, christian

Use a servlet or a filter. Why do you think you can do it in your ws 

Christian Roth wrote:

hi! does anybody know how to access the http header in an axis java 
client if


client is based on the generated stubs out of the wsdl? (e.g. in 
order to


parameters to this http header)
thx, Christian

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Re: http header

2006-05-31 Thread Warren Crossing

Have a look at the handler framework

Christian Roth wrote:

well, there is an intermediate security system between client and web service
endpoint which extracts some parameters out of the http header; I need to ut
these parameters otherwise the routing to the web service endpoint doese not
work; you see more or less what i mean?
regards, christian

Use a servlet or a filter. Why do you think you can do it in your ws 

Christian Roth wrote:

does anybody know how to access the http header in an axis java client if


client is based on the generated stubs out of the wsdl? (e.g. in order to


parameters to this http header)
thx, Christian

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Re: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

2006-05-30 Thread Warren Crossing

use adb databinding instread of xmlbeans

For some reason the code is bungholeio.

Martin Gainty wrote:

Good Monring

In 1.3 the name of the code generator is WSDL2Java
Here is the example I use

java -classpath $CLASSPATH. org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java NameOfService.wsdl

Martin --

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- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Gonchar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 6:47 PM
Subject: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

Hi guys,
I've just started using Axis2. I need to generate
server skeletons. I used the following command:

call WSDL2Code.bat -uri
-ss -sd -d adb -p com.test.generated -o output/server

and I got a bunch of generated code that can't be
compiled. I've noticed things like calls to
(there is no method convertToToken in ConverterUtil)
which may be fixed by replacing convertToToken with

The same thing with 

-> must be replaced with convertTodateTime

Finally I got into problem I can't fix :

  private  java.lang.Object fromOM( param,

extraNamespaces) {

  try {


  } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

  return null;

The problem is in line - there is no
variable Factory in class  OMElement.

Am i doing something wrong or Axis2 is indeed that

Paul Gonchar

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Re: http header

2006-05-30 Thread Warren Crossing
Use a servlet or a filter. Why do you think you can do it in your ws 

Christian Roth wrote:
does anybody know how to access the http header in an axis java client if this

client is based on the generated stubs out of the wsdl? (e.g. in order to add
parameters to this http header)
thx, Christian

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Re: Problem with WSDL2Java with HTTP POST

2006-05-30 Thread Warren Crossing
What is the wsdl2java command look like exactley?  I can't believe 
google didn't "know" the answer ;-(

I would expect the wsdl to look like..


why does it not?

And it's not a "void" interface it's just "empty" or "with no members"

� wrote:

I'm trying to create a stub from .wsdl that i had created where the
binding is POST and when i executed the wsdl2java command i get an
void interface. Why? I had been to search in google and i haven't
Thanks in advance.






package sencillo;

public interface WSDLTester extends javax.xml.rpc.Service {

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Re: [Axis2] Best way to use skeleton?

2006-05-30 Thread Warren Crossing



When I generate the server-side code from my wsdl, using wsdl2java, a 
skeleton class is generated that gets invoked by the (generated) 
MessageReceiver. From what I read, I understand that I'm supposed to 
implement my busines logic in the skeleton. But if I would do that, and 
for whatever reason re-run the wsdl2java, the skeleton is regenerated, 
hence by business logic implementation is gone! To me, it seems that in 
general, one should never manually change generated source code.

The skeleton is created for your convienience.  It will not overwrite 
the implementation source code and you will receive a message to 
indicate that.

The only thing I can think of to minimise this problem is to treat the 
skeleton as an entry point, and only call the 'real' business 
imlementation, that I've created myself. However you would then typically 
end up with a skeleton and an implementation class that have identical 
methods (signatures), which doesn't seem very elegant to me.

One is an interface and the other is concrete, this is standard oo 
remoting practice.

Can't this be prevented somehow, e.g. by specifying the (existing) 
business class and method when invoking wsdl2java, so that the 
MessageReceiver will call that method, instead of calling the generated 

That would be nice, but at the moment i just use  in my build 
file. Crude but effective.


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Re: [Axis2 v1.0] WSDL2Java - Generated Source does not compile

2006-05-28 Thread Warren Crossing
Hi Throwaway.  I also had this problem when generating the javacode from 
the wsdl.   It looks like xmlbeans is broken (which is ok because it 
sucks anyway). I changed the databinding mechanism to adb.  I suggest 
you try the same.


> I have generated code using WSDL2Java and the XMLBeans databinding.
> However, when I go to compile the code, I get compilation errors in my
> MessageReceiverInOut class.
> The errors are:
> symbol  : method newXMLStreamReader()
> location: interface
> (
> actory.getOMFactory(),new
> org.apache.axis2.util.StreamWrapper(param.newXMLStreamReader()))
> ;
> symbol  : variable Factory
> location: interface
>  return
> symbol  : variable Factory
> location: interface
>   return
> It appears that the generated code is trying to using a method
> (newXMLStreamReader) and the Factory class that do not exist in the
> OMElement class.
> I am at a loss, here is my WSDL, does anyone have any idea what is going
> wrong here?

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