overloaded methods/constructors in Axis2?

2008-01-30 Thread aruna sydu

I have a class at the server side containing 2  overloaded constructors one
with no arguments and the other accepting a String argument.
eg : public TestOverloaded(){}
public TestOverloaded(String argname){}

The problem is that when i am trying to invoke the constructor with the
argument from my RPCCLIENT it is invoking the default constructor.

Can some one please suggest me on this.

Thanks & Regards,
Aruna Sydu

maintain session and client session timeout

2007-12-10 Thread aruna sydu
I wrote a set of axis2 service  which validates a user login and inserts the
data entered by him into the database.

This should be maintained user single session where there can be mutliple
user that can login.
I tried


options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.*REUSE_HTTP_CLIENT*,*new* Boolean(*true*));

 in my standalone RpcClient programme
which doesnot seem to work.Is there anyway i can get access to the Actuall
session object on the server at the client side so that i can check the
validity of the session as in  normal webapplications
like session.isalive etc.?

Thanks & Regards,
Aruna Sydu