I'm having the same problem also when I deserialize. The string field all
contains the same value from the first attribute.

Vasilis wrote:
> Anna,
> Thank you a lot for your help.
> I tried it and i get another error :-). The client can't deserialize
> correctly the response. I send a request with a RequestData object with
> this data (x = "Hello", y="User" , num = 10). In the client the object has
> these values:
> x="Hello"
> y="Hello'
> num=10
> I tried with 3 and four strings and i get the same results (All string
> variables get the value of the first String). In the monitor i can see
> that the request has the right values for each string var.
> Do you know why this is happening?
> Thank you,
> Roy
> Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Roy,
> The problem is that the "ns" namespace declaration is not in scope for the
> <parameter> element. 
> Change the <parameter> definition to this and see if it works:
>  <parameter qname="pns:reqData" xmlns:pns=" http://test.com/ejb/"; type="
> pns:RequestData" xmlns:tns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema " />
> Anne 
> On 5/29/06, Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear Anne,
> I think that i have declared it here:
>  <beanMapping xmlns:ns="  http://ejb.test.com/rd";         
> qname="ns:RequestData"         
> languageSpecificType="java:com.test.ejb.rd.RequestData"/>
> I tried to set my complex type only with a String ant an int var. It
> worked. I tried it with 2 Strings and both Strings take the same value
> (the value of the first string) when i call the service. In the Soap
> monitor i can see that both string are sent with different values.  Have
> you ever any similar problems? 
> Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > έγραψε: Roy,
> You have an error in your WSDD:
> <parameter qname="pns:reqData" xmlns:pns="  http://test.com/ejb/";
> type="ns:RequestData" xmlns:tns=" http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema " />
> You have not declared the "ns" namespace.
> Anne
> On 5/26/06, Suyog Gandhi  < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        Check  out
> the issue AXIS2-770 , may be it is realted to this. 
>  I  faced problems about  serialization of complex types. 2nd level of
> nesting is not  working. Once I re-structure wsdl for only 1 level of
> nesting, it started  working.
>   e.g  
>  following complex type does NOT work: ( Gives null for Name and  Value
> for the attributes. ) 
>  WMemberInfo
>  -------|- ID
>   -------|- Attrbutes []
>  -------------|- Name
>  -------------|- Value 
>  Following complex type works.
>   WMemberInfo
>  --------|- ID
>  --------|- Attr1Name 
>  --------|- Attr1  Value
>  --------|- Attr2  Name 
>  --------|- Attr2  Value
>  But this is a  crude workaround till the time problem is  fixed. 
>   Hope this  helps.
>  Suyog
>   -----Original  Message-----
> From: robert lazarski  [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 9:36  AM
> To: axis-user@ws.apache.org 
> Subject: Re: Complex type  problem
>  The other thing is make sure your vendor supports wsdl2java -    jboss
> does not, for example (although they run a modified version of axis  1.2   
> internally). The problem I had was similair, although IIRC correctly I was   
> getting ser / deser errors, not null. It was working on simple types but   
> failing on complex ones. 
> HTH,
> Robert
>  http://www.braziloutsource.com/
>     On 5/26/06, Roy    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >  wrote:         I think that
> this is not exactly my problem. I can call normally the      service from
> my client when i use simple types. When i try to pass complex      types i
> face the problem. 
> robert lazarski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε: 
>            You're        trying to use a non-ejb client to connect to a
> Web Service that implements        implements  SessionBean, is that
> correct? The only way I got that to work -        using jboss - was
> something like...
>  // remote ejb / web        service
>  private CallCentreWebEndpoint        endpoint;
>  String wsdl_loc   = "        
> http://localhost:8080/CallCentreWebServiceJAR?wsdl";;
>                     // generated by JSWDP wscompile, which jboss insists
> on        using 
>                    URL mappinglocation =       
> ClassLoader.getSystemResource("CallCentreWeb_Mapping.xml");
>                    assertNotNull(mappinglocation);
>                    // bean         mapping
>                    URL ws4eeMetaData =       
> ClassLoader.getSystemResource("ws4ee-deploy.xml");
>                    assertNotNull(ws4eeMetaData);
>                    QName qname = new QName("        
> http://localhost/callcentreweb";,
>                      "CallCentreWebService");
>                     URL url =  new        URL(wsdl_loc);
>                    org.jboss.webservice.client.ServiceFactoryImpl factory=    
> (org.jboss.webservice.client.ServiceFactoryImpl)        
> ServiceFactoryImpl.newInstance();
>                    javax.xml.rpc.Service service =
> factory.createService(url,        mappinglocation, ws4eeMetaData,  qname,     
> null);
>                    endpoint = (CallCentreWebEndpoint)        
> service.getPort(CallCentreWebEndpoint.class);
> The main idea here is        ServiceFactoryImpl, which varies by vendor.
> This may not be your problem,        but thought I'd post it in case it
> helps. 
> HTH,
>  Robert
> http://www.braziloutsource.com/  
>        On 5/26/06,  Roy        <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >         wrote:            
> I tried the beanmapping too but it didn't work. This is the the         
> complex type i want to send and the  deploy.wsdd          file:
> Deploy.wsdd:
> <deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/  " xmlns:java="
> http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/providers/java";>
>               <service name="EJBTestService" provider="java:EJB">          
>         <parameter          name="wsdlTargetNamespace" value="
> http://ejb.test.com"/>
>                  <parameter name="beanJndiName"         
> value="ejb/TestService"/> 
>                  <parameter name="homeInterfaceName"          value="
> com.test.ejb.TestServiceHome"/>
>                  <parameter name="remoteInterfaceName" value="         
> com.test.ejb.TestService"/> 
>                  <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/> 
>                  <operation name="sendData" qname="operNS:SendData"         
> xmlns:operNS="  http://test.com/ejb/";          returnQName="retNS:Result"
> xmlns:retNS=" http://test.com/ejb/ "          returnType="rtns:int"
> xmlns:rtns="          http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema ">
>                      <parameter qname="pns:reqData"          xmlns:pns="
> http://test.com/ejb/ "          type="ns:RequestData"
> xmlns:tns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema "          /> 
>                  </operation>
>                  <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
>                  <beanMapping xmlns:ns="  http://ejb.test.com/rd";         
> qname="ns:RequestData"         
> languageSpecificType="java:com.test.ejb.rd.RequestData"/>
>              </service>
> </deployment>
> --- 
> public class          RequestData implements java.io.Serializable{
> private String          x;
> private String y;
> private int num;
> public void          setX(String x)
>           this.x =          x; 
> public void setY(String y)
>                    this.y = y;
> public void setNum(String          n)
>           this.num =          n;
> public String getX(){
>     return          x;
> }
> public String getY(){  
>     return          y;
> }
> public int getNum{
>  return           num;
> }
> }
> If you see something wrong please tell          me...
> Anne Thomas Manes <           [EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε:
>                   I            think you need to use a beanmapping element
> rather than a typemapping            element.  
> If that doesn't work, please post more            information.
> Anne
>            On 5/25/06, Roy <             [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:            
> Hello all, 
> I have deployed an ejb service with a method              that takes as
> input a complex object (it contains 2 Strings and one              int
> var). When i generate the code in the client with WSDL2Java and             
> call the method i can see that this complex type object becomes             
> null. I can see in the monitor that the request object isn't null             
> but in the debug mode i can see that the service receives a null             
> object. This problem doesn't occur when I use simple types to             
> transfer.  
> I tried the same code on a non-ejb service and works             
> normally. 
> In the deploy wsdd i use a typemapping element to              describe
> the object and i use the BeanSerializerFactory and             
> BeanDeSerializer factory as serializer-deserializer.  
> Can              someone explain why is this happening?
> Regards,
>               Roy
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