How to enable XML 1.1 in axis2

2008-06-24 Thread westpine

I'd like Axis2 client use in requests and responses xml version 1.1 as
opposed to the default 1.0 that it is using now. Is there any configuration
setting that lets me specify which xml version to use? Thanks a lot!
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Re: Custom HTTP transport setting

2008-03-17 Thread westpine

Thaks! One more question. I know that axis2.xml could be linked by its path
in service constructor (if using, like I do, generated stubs). But I know
only this part of it, related to transport sender. But I need whole file.
Where I can get it  or what else parameters (besides transport sender) I
have to include in it to make it valid?

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Re: Custom HTTP transport setting

2008-03-17 Thread westpine

Ok!  One step closer :) But still does not work 
I get axis2.xml (without any changes yet) from conf and got this error:
Login error: The system is attempting to engage a module that is not
available: addressing

This what i've done: 

ConfigurationContext context =
ews = new ExchangeWebService(context, url_str);

What could be a source of error?

Upul Godage wrote:
 You can get a copy of the default, let's say the conf/axis2.xml, and
 the http sender entry and do other customizations.  For example if you do
 not need other listeners or senders other than http you can remove those
 On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:59 AM, westpine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thaks! One more question. I know that axis2.xml could be linked by its
 in service constructor (if using, like I do, generated stubs). But I know
 only this part of it, related to transport sender. But I need whole file.
 Where I can get it  or what else parameters (besides transport sender) I
 have to include in it to make it valid?

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How to enable CommonsHTTPTransportSender for client?

2008-03-07 Thread westpine

Hello. I need to enable CommonsHTTPTransportSender for my web services client
that built with axis2 libs. In documentation there is following info: 
transportSender name=http
 parameter name=PROTOCOL locked=falseHTTP/1.1/parameter
 parameter name=Transfer-Encodingchunked/parameter
/transportSender has to be added to axis2.xml
So, I have 2 questions. Where to look or where to create this axis2.xml? And
may be it  could be done right in code?  How to do it? Thanks!

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How to change SOAP request manually?

2008-01-17 Thread westpine

Hi! Problem I have with axis2 stubs is that in some cases in XML SOAP request
tag name for some entitys substituted with its parent class tag name and its
actuall type specified in attribute xsi:type=CalssName. Here is an
This is generated request:

Path FieldURI=item:ItemClass xsi:type=typ:PathToUnindexedFieldType 
Constant Value=IPM.Note /

And this is java code for it. 

IsEqualToType searchExpression = IsEqualToType.Factory.newInstance();
FieldURIOrConstantType constant =
ConstantValueType value = ConstantValueType.Factory.newInstance();
searchExpression.setFieldURIOrConstant(constant );
PathToUnindexedFieldType path  =

We have tag name SearchExpression but it name of parent class for class
IsEqualToType and I need to get

And for the similar reason Instead of Path I need to have FieldURI. 

So one option i see how to fix it is when we already composed our XML
request change it's node names somehow.  How it could be done?
Thank you for your help! 

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Re: [Axis2] How Do I Set mustUnderstand=0?

2008-01-16 Thread westpine

Hi! I have a little bit similar problem. But I need mustUnderstand attribute
to be vanished completely, not just set to 0. Because I have error The
request failed schema validation: The
'' attribute is not
declared. Do you know how to do that? Thanks! 
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How to send XML request with Axis2?

2008-01-11 Thread westpine

Hi. I'm creating client with Axis2 and in some situation i can not use stubs
and need to compose SOAP request myself. So after I have string with XML
SOAP request in it, how to send it to server? Thanks!
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How to remove mustUnderstand attribute?!

2008-01-10 Thread westpine

What a hell is mustUnderstand attribute?! I'm creating client to 3d party
server and after migrating from axis1.4 to axis2 I found this strange attrib
added to the header elements of my SOAP request. How to get rid of it?
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Cannot load SchemaTypeSystem Error. (I know about TypeSystemHolder.class but still have problem)

2008-01-08 Thread westpine

Hi. I've got common error 

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot load SchemaTypeSystem. Unable
to load class with name
Make sure the generated binary files are on the classpath.

Found solution about that : The TypeSystemHolder.class generated by
WSDL2Java must be placed in your classpath in order to avoid this error.
But i still have this error. May be I'm just doing something wrong? 
Here is my .classpath

classpathentry kind=src path=src/
classpathentry kind=con 
classpathentry kind=con path=org.eclipse.jdt.USER_LIBRARY/axis2/
classpathentry kind=lib path=K:/resources.jar/
classpathentry kind=output path=bin/

in resources.jar generated resource folder is packed. 
Thak you.!
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Axis xsi:type problem. (How to avoid it?)

2008-01-02 Thread westpine

Hi. I have following problem. If i have 2 classed: Parent and child, is SOAP
request tag for Child object looks like parent xsi:type=child/ instead
of just simple child/. How to fix it? I'm using axis 1.4. Thanks!!
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Re: AXIS2 with SAAJ

2007-09-20 Thread westpine

Are you sure that response contains elements you are searching for? Try to
send request from some tool and retrieve response. I use soapUI plugin for
eclipse for this purpose.
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Re: AXIS2 with SAAJ

2007-09-19 Thread westpine

I'm using this code. body is SOAPBody object. 

String name =

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