Hi all,

I have a running set web services that exposes a set of entity and various actions available on those entities When generating the code using WSDL2Java in Axis 1.4 It took a very long time (5h for all services) to generate the stubs and a lot of memory 1Gb to 1.3Gb.

Since I was not able to find any info, googling on the subject I started a debug version of the WSDL2Java and find a few things that I was able to enhance this after a few days of debugging in the source. (speed down to 25 minutes, and memory down to 500Mb by adding some caching and replacing recursion calls by recurrent calls)

I have a patch of a recent snapshot available for this change, It would be great if this could some how be integrated in an official release of Axis 1.4, but I don't know exactly how to proceed with this, Unfortunately I can't run the tests till the end since I can't get access to some interop WSDLs from sun... but I'll try to run them later today

any help would be greatly appreciated

Stephane Moreau

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