Re: [Axis2] OMElement question

2006-04-29 Thread Xinjun Chen
I have the same as Michele. 
From my understanding, if I use signature ReplyObject fooMethod(RequestObject arg) then in the services.xml, I need to specify the message receiver as org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver
, and in the service implementation class, ReplyObject will be the generated classes from WSDL complexType ReplyObject. 

If I use the signature OMElement fooMethod(OMElement arg), then I specify the message receiver in services.xml as org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver.

Can any Axis2 guys tell me what else I need to do? Is there any other databinding issue inside?
Michele, we can also use write our own message receiver to control the data binding. 

On 4/28/06, Michele Mazzucco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And so, at now, it's not possible, is it? If it is, can anybody show mea very simple example of how to use custom objects as arguments (or
return value) of ws methods?Thanks,MicheleDennis Sosnoski wrote: You basically need an interface layer between the JAXB objects and the Axis2 code. This interface code can potentially be generated for you
 using the WSDL2Java tool provided by Axis2, but doing this requires a JAXB extension for WSDL2Java. This doesn't currently exist, so you'd need to do the conversions yourself, and Ajith is suggesting that you
 look at how the code generated for other data binding frameworks is structured so you can understand what needs to be done. I'm planning to add JAXB 2.0 support within the next month or so. It
 should be reasonably easy at this point, since the JAXB issues are very similar to those I've dealt with for JiBX data binding. I believe there are license issues which will prevent this actually becoming part of the
 Axis2 project, but I'm sure we'll link it from the Axis2 site once the JAXB add-on is available.- Dennis Dennis M. Sosnoski SOA, Web Services, and XML Training and Consulting - Seattle, WA +1-425-296-6194 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117
 Michele Mazzucco wrote: Hi Ajith, I'm sorry, but can you be more clear, please? Could you show me a practical example? Thanks,
 Michele Ajith Ranabahu wrote: Hi, yes this is possible :) Axis2 explicitly allows any databinding to be plugged in and infact if you codegen for different frameworks like
 xmlbeans/adb/jaxme you'll see howthe codegenerator generates the skeletons referring to the generated databinding classes. if you are doing it by hand then you'll have to write your custom
 message receiver and write the fromOM and toOM conversion methods as well (the implementation of these methods are dependent on the databinding framework) My guess is the best choice for you would be to run the codegen with
 XMLbeans and look at the generated code. You can then replace the necessary classes and rewrite the conversion methods. On 4/25/06, Michele Mazzucco 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, starting from an xml schema, I generate Java classes with JAXB. Now the
 question is, can I use those objects as return type or method argument(s) of my web service methods or I must use exclusively OMElement objects?
 i.e. say, for an in-out operation, I generate two classes from the xml schema, RequestObject and ReplyObject. Which of the two options is the
 correct one?, // web service method ReplyObject fooMethod(RequestObject arg) {... }
 or OMElement fooMethod(OMElement arg) {... } Thanks, Michele
 -- Ajith Ranabahu

Re: [Axis2] OMElement question

2006-04-27 Thread Michele Mazzucco
And so, at now, it's not possible, is it? If it is, can anybody show me
a very simple example of how to use custom objects as arguments (or
return value) of ws methods?


Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
 You basically need an interface layer between the JAXB objects and the
 Axis2 code. This interface code can potentially be generated for you
 using the WSDL2Java tool provided by Axis2, but doing this requires a
 JAXB extension for WSDL2Java. This doesn't currently exist, so you'd
 need to do the conversions yourself, and Ajith is suggesting that you
 look at how the code generated for other data binding frameworks is
 structured so you can understand what needs to be done.
 I'm planning to add JAXB 2.0 support within the next month or so. It
 should be reasonably easy at this point, since the JAXB issues are very
 similar to those I've dealt with for JiBX data binding. I believe there
 are license issues which will prevent this actually becoming part of the
 Axis2 project, but I'm sure we'll link it from the Axis2 site once the
 JAXB add-on is available.
  - Dennis
 Dennis M. Sosnoski
 SOA, Web Services, and XML
 Training and Consulting -
 Seattle, WA +1-425-296-6194 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117
 Michele Mazzucco wrote:
 Hi Ajith,

 I'm sorry, but can you be more clear, please? Could you show me a
 practical example?


 Ajith Ranabahu wrote:

 yes this is possible :) Axis2 explicitly allows any databinding to be
 plugged in and infact if you codegen for different frameworks like
 xmlbeans/adb/jaxme you'll see how  the codegenerator generates the
 skeletons referring to the generated databinding classes.

 if you are doing it by hand then you'll have to write your custom
 message receiver and write the fromOM and toOM conversion methods as
 well (the implementation of these methods are dependent on the
 databinding framework)
 My guess is the best choice for you would be to run the codegen with
 XMLbeans and look at the generated code. You can then replace the
 necessary classes and rewrite the conversion methods.

 On 4/25/06, Michele Mazzucco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 starting from an xml schema, I generate Java classes with JAXB. Now the
 question is, can I use those objects as return type or method
 argument(s) of my web service methods or I must use exclusively
 OMElement objects?


 say, for an in-out operation, I generate two classes from the xml
 schema, RequestObject and ReplyObject. Which of the two options is the
 correct one?,

 // web service method
 ReplyObject fooMethod(RequestObject arg) {


 OMElement fooMethod(OMElement arg) {


 Ajith Ranabahu


[Axis2] OMElement question

2006-04-25 Thread Michele Mazzucco
Hi all,

starting from an xml schema, I generate Java classes with JAXB. Now the
question is, can I use those objects as return type or method
argument(s) of my web service methods or I must use exclusively
OMElement objects?


say, for an in-out operation, I generate two classes from the xml
schema, RequestObject and ReplyObject. Which of the two options is the
correct one?,

// web service method
ReplyObject fooMethod(RequestObject arg) {


OMElement fooMethod(OMElement arg) {


Re: [Axis2] OMElement question

2006-04-25 Thread Ajith Ranabahu
yes this is possible :) Axis2 explicitly allows any databinding to be
plugged in and infact if you codegen for different frameworks like
xmlbeans/adb/jaxme you'll see how  the codegenerator generates the
skeletons referring to the generated databinding classes.

if you are doing it by hand then you'll have to write your custom
message receiver and write the fromOM and toOM conversion methods as
well (the implementation of these methods are dependent on the
databinding framework)
My guess is the best choice for you would be to run the codegen with
XMLbeans and look at the generated code. You can then replace the
necessary classes and rewrite the conversion methods.

On 4/25/06, Michele Mazzucco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 starting from an xml schema, I generate Java classes with JAXB. Now the
 question is, can I use those objects as return type or method
 argument(s) of my web service methods or I must use exclusively
 OMElement objects?


 say, for an in-out operation, I generate two classes from the xml
 schema, RequestObject and ReplyObject. Which of the two options is the
 correct one?,

 // web service method
 ReplyObject fooMethod(RequestObject arg) {


 OMElement fooMethod(OMElement arg) {


Ajith Ranabahu