Re: [axis2] TypeSystemHolder does not exist help needed - solved

2005-11-28 Thread iksrazal

Em Domingo 27 Novembro 2005 02:03, o Eran Chinthaka escreveu:

 And one other thing, seems like you are using the data binding stuff a
 lot. So if you can write a small article on, using Axis2 data binding,
 from your experience, I'm happy to host that in Axis2 web site itself. I
 think others also can help you with that. This will be useful for all
 the new comers to Axis2 and its a good time for you to give something
 back to the community :-)

 Hope you don't have any intellectual property problems with the company
 in doing that. ;-)


Thanks for the invite. Sure, I'm interested. My only concern is that the 
article is focused enough to be helpful. I have the code from the JIRA issues 
that are free of IP. 

I have a few ideas. Of course I'd appreciate any feedback concerning other 
ideas I've missed or something that should be omitted: 

1) Using Axis2 WSDL2Java as an ant task - currently not documented I don't 

2) Compling the code ;-);-) . 

3) Converting an 'RPC encoded'  wsdl to doc-lit, since Axis2 does not plan on 
supporting 'RPC encoded' completely - at least not soap encoded arrays...

4) Coding the client using non-blocking and 'fire and forget'  - haven't 
gotten there yet with a wsdl based service, but will soon. I've done it 
without wsdl. 

5) packaging. 

Any feedback is helpful. 


Re: [axis2] TypeSystemHolder does not exist help needed - solved

2005-11-28 Thread Eran Chinthaka


Just write them and commit to xdocs. Please keep up updated, what you
have written, so that we can link them to the main site.

If you do not have karma or committership, you can either send a patch
or create a JIRA and attach your files. I think second option is

BTW, any idea of putting them before this friday ? We are thinking of
doing a release on that day. But if you want some more time, its not a

Thanks for your help.

-- Chinthaka

iksrazal wrote:

  Em Domingo 27 Novembro 2005 02:03, o Eran Chinthaka escreveu:

And one other thing, seems like you are using the data binding stuff a
lot. So if you can write a small article on, using Axis2 data binding,
from your experience, I'm happy to host that in Axis2 web site itself. I
think others also can help you with that. This will be useful for all
the new comers to Axis2 and its a good time for you to give something
back to the community :-)

Hope you don't have any intellectual property problems with the company
in doing that. ;-)


Thanks for the invite. Sure, I'm interested. My only concern is that the 
article is focused enough to be helpful. I have the code from the JIRA issues 
that are free of IP. 

I have a few ideas. Of course I'd appreciate any feedback concerning other 
ideas I've missed or something that should be omitted: 

1) Using Axis2 WSDL2Java as an ant task - currently not documented I don't 

2) Compling the code ;-);-) . 

3) Converting an 'RPC encoded'  wsdl to doc-lit, since Axis2 does not plan on 
supporting 'RPC encoded' completely - at least not soap encoded arrays...

4) Coding the client using non-blocking and 'fire and forget'  - haven't 
gotten there yet with a wsdl based service, but will soon. I've done it 
without wsdl. 

5) packaging. 

Any feedback is helpful. 



Re: [axis2] TypeSystemHolder does not exist help needed - solved

2005-11-26 Thread iksrazal
In case anyone gets this same error, here is how I solved it: 

Buried in all those .xsb files, the WSDL2Java command creates a compiled 
class, like so: 


That class needs to be in the classpath used to compile the java source files 
which WSDL2Java produced. Here's how the relevant parts of my build.xml 
turned out: 

   path id=axis.classpath
  pathelement location=build/classes /
  fileset dir=${axis.home}/lib
include name=**/*.jar /
  fileset dir=lib
include name=*.jar/
  pathelement location=${build.classes} /

   target name=compile_wsdl2 depends=wsdl2
echo message=Compiling wsdl2 files/

 failonerror=true debug=true

 include name=**/*.java/
  classpath refid=axis.classpath/ 

copy todir=${build.classes} 
  fileset dir=wise 
include name=**/*.properties/
!-- any XML/XSL file --
include name=**/*.x*/

  !-- ./ -uri wsdl/service.wsdl -ss -sd -o wise/ -p 
com.siemens.swa.plugins.webservices.types --
  target name=wsdl2 depends=clean,prepare
  java classname=org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java fork=true
  classpath refid=axis.classpath/ 
  arg value=-uri/
  arg file=wsdl/service.wsdl/
  arg value=-ss/
  arg value=-sd/
  arg value=-o/
  arg file=wise/
  arg value=-p/
  arg value=com.siemens.swa.plugins.webservices.types/

  !-- Move the schema folder to classpath--
  move todir=${build.classes}
  fileset dir=wise
  include name=**/*schema*/**/*.class/
  include name=**/*schema*/**/*.xsb/



Em Sexta 25 Novembro 2005 09:00, escreveu:
 Hi all,

 I 'm getting strange errors when trying to compile my WSDL2Java code with

 ./ -uri wsdl/service.wsdl -ss -sd -o wise/ -p

nding/org/xmlsoap/schemas/ package
emHolder does not exist
 [javac] public static final org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType type =

 I think what I need to do is put the
 'schemaorg_apache_xml' dir generated by WSDL2Java in the classpath. After
 several attempts, however, I'm not having any luck.

 My classpath is:

   path id=axis.classpath
   pathelement location=build/classes /
   fileset dir=${axis.home}/lib
 include name=**/*.jar /
   fileset dir=lib
 include name=*.jar/
   pathelement location=wise/schemaorg_apache_xml /

   classpathref=axis.classpath /

 My target is:

 target name=compile_wsdl2 depends=clean,prepare
 echo message=Compiling wsdl2 files/

  failonerror=true debug=true

  include name=**/*.java/
   classpath refid=axis.classpath/

 copy todir=${build} 
   fileset dir=wise 
 include name=**/*.properties/
 include name=**/*.x*/

 Please help,

Re: [axis2] TypeSystemHolder does not exist help needed - solved

2005-11-26 Thread Eran Chinthaka

Hi Iksrazal,

This was a known issue. I think Ajith once wrote a small ant script to
copy the generated stuff to correct places and generate a jar file.

Anyway, since this is a well know problem and a solution, can you
please open a JIRA on this and close it giving your solution. This will
be useful for tracking purposes. 

And one other thing, seems like you are using the data binding stuff a
lot. So if you can write a small article on, using Axis2 data binding,
from your experience, I'm happy to host that in Axis2 web site itself.
I think others also can help you with that. This will be useful for all
the new comers to Axis2 and its a good time for you to give something
back to the community  :-) 

Hope you don't have any intellectual property problems with the company
in doing that. ;-) 


iksrazal wrote:

  In case anyone gets this same error, here is how I solved it: 

Buried in all those .xsb files, the WSDL2Java command creates a compiled 
class, like so: 


That class needs to be in the classpath used to compile the java source files 
which WSDL2Java produced. Here's how the relevant parts of my build.xml 
turned out: 

   path id="axis.classpath"
  pathelement location="build/classes" /
  fileset dir="${axis.home}/lib"
include name="**/*.jar" /
  fileset dir="lib"
include name="*.jar"/
  pathelement location="${build.classes}" /

   target name="compile_wsdl2" depends="wsdl2"
echo message="Compiling wsdl2 files"/

 failonerror="true" debug="true"

 include name="**/*.java"/
  classpath refid="axis.classpath"/ 

copy todir="${build.classes}" 
  fileset dir="wise" 
include name="**/*.properties"/
!-- any XML/XSL file --
include name="**/*.x*"/

  !-- ./ -uri wsdl/service.wsdl -ss -sd -o wise/ -p 
com.siemens.swa.plugins.webservices.types --
  target name="wsdl2" depends="clean,prepare"
  java classname="org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java" fork="true"
  classpath refid="axis.classpath"/ 
  arg value="-uri"/
  arg file="wsdl/service.wsdl"/
  arg value="-ss"/
  arg value="-sd"/
  arg value="-o"/
  arg file="wise"/
  arg value="-p"/
  arg value="com.siemens.swa.plugins.webservices.types"/

  !-- Move the schema folder to classpath--
  move todir="${build.classes}"
  fileset dir="wise"
  include name="**/*schema*/**/*.class"/
  include name="**/*schema*/**/*.xsb"/



Em Sexta 25 Novembro 2005 09:00, escreveu:
Hi all,

I 'm getting strange errors when trying to compile my WSDL2Java code with

./ -uri wsdl/service.wsdl -ss -sd -o wise/ -p

nding/org/xmlsoap/schemas/ package
emHolder does not exist
[javac] public static final org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType type =

I think what I need to do is put the
'schemaorg_apache_xml' dir generated by WSDL2Java in the classpath. After
several attempts, however, I'm not having any luck.

My classpath is:

  path id="axis.classpath"
  pathelement location="build/classes" /
  fileset dir="${axis.home}/lib"
include name="**/*.jar" /
  fileset dir="lib"
include name="*.jar"/
  pathelement location="wise/schemaorg_apache_xml" /

   taskdef resource=""
  classpathref="axis.classpath" /

My target is:

target name="compile_wsdl2" depends="clean,prepare"
echo message="Compiling wsdl2 files"/

 failonerror="true" debug="true"

 include name="**/*.java"/
  classpath refid="axis.classpath"/

copy todir="${build}" 
  fileset dir="wise" 
include name="**/*.properties"/
include name="**/*.x*"/

Please help,


[axis2] TypeSystemHolder does not exist help needed

2005-11-25 Thread iksrazal
Hi all, 

I 'm getting strange errors when trying to compile my WSDL2Java code with ant: 

./ -uri wsdl/service.wsdl -ss -sd -o wise/ -p 

does not exist
[javac] public static final org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType type = 

I think what I need to do is put the 
'schemaorg_apache_xml' dir generated by WSDL2Java in the classpath. After 
several attempts, however, I'm not having any luck. 

My classpath is: 

  path id=axis.classpath
  pathelement location=build/classes /
  fileset dir=${axis.home}/lib
include name=**/*.jar /
  fileset dir=lib
include name=*.jar/
  pathelement location=wise/schemaorg_apache_xml /

  classpathref=axis.classpath /

My target is: 

target name=compile_wsdl2 depends=clean,prepare
echo message=Compiling wsdl2 files/

 failonerror=true debug=true

 include name=**/*.java/
  classpath refid=axis.classpath/

copy todir=${build} 
  fileset dir=wise 
include name=**/*.properties/
include name=**/*.x*/

Please help, 