I am using Axis2 1.4.1 (deployment in Tomcat) and a Java 6 application
and I get the BadVersion Error when starting Tomcat. I do not get this
error when I compile the application in Java 1.5. I know that the FAQ
(https://svn.wso2.com/~thilina/axis2fullsite/faq.html#a4) says
something about that issue but it does not work for me. First there is
no "stax-api.jar" in the axis2/lib dir but only
"geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar" so I added this jar to my jre's
lib directory but that did not help. Also Tomcat 6 has no
"common/endorsed" folder as suggested in the FAQ.

I would really appreciate if somebody has experienced a similar
problem and has a solution.
Thanks a lot,

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