    I'm currently using Java Reflection to load my service locator, getting 
ports and invoke operations. Everything works fine for me apart from catching 
exceptions. As I'm currently aware, whatever AxisFault thrown by the web 
service call is wrapped under my InvocationTargetException which is available 
to me via the getCause() or getTargetException() method.

    However, I cannot seem to cast the AxisFault into my specific exceptions. 
Given my port type operation signature is like this

    public void myop(pars... ) throws ... MyPackage.StringMessage;

    My (reflection) Java code are as follows

    try {
        Method methodOp;
        Class serviceLocatorClass = Class.forName("...");
        Object serviceLocator = serviceLocatorClass.newInstance();
        Method getPortMethod = serviceLocatorClass.getMethod("....");
        Object port = getPortMethod.invoke(serviceLocator, null);
        Method webServiceOp = port.getClass().getMethod("myop", parClasses);
        Object result = webServiceOp.invoke(port, pars);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
        if (ex.getTargetException() instanceof AxisFault) {
            Class stringMessage = // .... do loading of StringMessage via 

            ex.getTargetException().getClass().getName();        // returns 
"AxisFault" which is not what i want as i'm expecting StringMessage
            stringMessage.cast(ex.getTargetException());            // 
encountered ClassCastException
    } ....

    When my webs service throws StringMessage exception (I'm certain this is 
the thrown), I cannot seem to cast it successfully. I found out that 
ex.getTargetException().getClass().getName() returns me AxisFault instead of 

    I then try the static way, which
    try {
    } catch (AxisFault ex) {
        .... ex.getTargetException().getClass().getName();        // returns 

    Would appreciate advice on this! Many thanks in advance!

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