From: Aaron Armstrong
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 4:36 PM
To: ''
Subject: Compatibility with Tomcat 3.3


Java 1.4 changed the rules as to how packages beginning in java.* and javax.* get loaded. Specifically, they only get loaded from endorsed directories. jaxrpc.jar and saaj.jar contain javax packages, so they may not get picked up. If happyaxis.jsp (see below) cannot find the relevant packages, copy them from axis/WEB-INF/lib to CATALINA_HOME/common/lib and restart Tomcat.


We need to install axis on a machine with Tomcat; however, this machine doesn’t have a CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory.  Instead it has a tomcat/lib/common directory.  We think this is because our machine is running Tomcat 3.3 and not 4.1.


Is axis compatible with Tomcat 3.3?  If so, where should we make our files available?






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