
I have written an handler which implements the handleRequest et handleFault methods with Axis 1.2.1 and Jonas 4.6.6

In the handleRequest method, if I have a bad parameter in the request I have to throw a SOAPFaultException

in the handleRequest method:
Detail detail = null;
detail = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createDetail();
detail.addChildElement( "Stock Trade" ).addTextNode( "failed" );
throw new SOAPFaultException(new QName( "http://www.francetelecom.com/2006/int";, "ServiceFailed" ), "action parameter is null", "http://www.francetelecom.com/2006/int/handler";,

And according to the specifications, the handleFault method is called:
But in this method I don't want to send a SOAPFault but a SOAP Message with a custom element (Response) in the soap message;

In the handleFault method:
SOAPMessageContext messagectx = (SOAPMessageContext) context;
SOAPFactory factory = SOAPFactory.newInstance(); MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage msg = mf.createMessage();
SOAPBody body = msg.getSOAPBody();
Name testName = factory.createName("TestResponse", "test", "http://www.francetelecom.com/2006/int";); SOAPBodyElement theBodyElement = body.addBodyElement(testName);
Name responseName = factory.createName("Reponse");

//For debugging
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

the client receives a RemoteException and not the custom soap message with the TestResponse element that I have built in the handleFault method.

In the console, the soap message contains the custom element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
<test:TestResponse xmlns:test="http://www.francetelecom.com/2006/int";>
 <Reponse xmlns=""/>
2006-06-29 14:47:42,905 : JonasHandler.onFault : *------* Fault

1/ How can I solve this problem ?
2/ Where the SOAPFaultException  exception has gone when I throw it ?

Thanks for your help.


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