

From the Axis user’s guide, it says for each entry in the type section, a java class will be generated by WSDL2Java.


I have a wsdl file which defines 5 XMl data types in schema part. Eclipse can generate 5 java classes (ContentType, ListRequestType, ReturnedResultCount, SearchString and SummaryRequestType) based on the schema. This makes sense.


If I use WSDL2Java to generate client side, I can only get 3 java classes (ContentType, ListRequestType and SummaryRequestType).


Could someone tell me why? Do I need to give some options to generate the other twos? The WSDL file is as following.


Thanks a lot.  




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






    <xsd:simpleType name="summaryRequestType">

        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">

            <xsd:enumeration value="SUMMARY-RADIOLOGY"/>

            <xsd:enumeration value="SUMMARY-CARDIOLOGY"/>

            <xsd:enumeration value="SUMMARY"/>

            <xsd:enumeration value="SUMMARY-LABORATORY"/>



    <xsd:simpleType name="listRequestType">

        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">

            <xsd:enumeration value="LIST-ALLERGIES"/>

            <xsd:enumeration value="LIST-MEDS"/>



    <!-- Please list all content types available, and remove those not available. -->

    <xsd:simpleType name="contentType">

        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">

            <xsd:enumeration value="text/html"/>



    <!-- Indicates that this item is a returned rows restriction -->

    <xsd:simpleType name="ReturnedResultCount">

        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:positiveInteger">     </xsd:restriction>


    <!-- Please use the string "Search" as a prefix for all search criteria, and list below -->

    <!-- Indicates that this item is a search string -->

    <xsd:simpleType name="SearchString">

        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">     </xsd:restriction>



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