Help with complex bean

2006-01-26 Thread Vinicius Carvalho
Hello there! I have this following Bean:

public class User{

private ListCar cars;



Axis is generating a WSDL that contains an array of any type instead of Car and defining a qName for Car. How can I change this?


Re: Help with complex bean

2006-01-26 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Define the schema the way you'd like it to be in your WSDL and generate your bean from it.

AnneOn 1/26/06, Vinicius Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello there! I have this following Bean:

public class User{

private ListCar cars;



Axis is generating a WSDL that contains an array of any type instead of Car and defining a qName for Car. How can I change this?


Re: Help with complex bean

2006-01-26 Thread Jim Azeltine
Here is the WSDL for a working service that I modified to return an array of  beans instead of just a single bean.?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=""  xmlns:apachesoap=""  xmlns:impl=""  xmlns:intf=""
  xmlns:tns1=""  xmlns:wsdl=""  xmlns:wsdlsoap=""  xmlns:xsd=""!--WSDL created by Apache Axis version: 1.2.1Built on Jun 14, 2005 (09:15:57 EDT)--wsdl:types schema
 elementFormDefault="qualified"  targetNamespace=""  xmlns="" import namespace=""/ element name="getPersonBeans" complexType/ /element element name="getPersonBeansResponse" complexType sequence element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="getPersonBeansReturn" 
 type="tns1:PersonBean"/ /sequence /complexType /element /schema schema elementFormDefault="qualified"  targetNamespace=""  xmlns="" complexType name="PersonBean" sequence element name="FName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/ element name="LName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/ element name="born" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/ element name="index"
 type="xsd:int"/ /sequence /complexType /schema/wsdl:typeswsdl:message name="getPersonBeansResponse" wsdl:part element="impl:getPersonBeansResponse"  name="parameters"//wsdl:messagewsdl:message name="getPersonBeansRequest" wsdl:part element="impl:getPersonBeans" name="parameters"//wsdl:messagewsdl:portType name="PersonArray" wsdl:operation name="getPersonBeans" wsdl:input message="impl:getPersonBeansRequest"  name="getPersonBeansRequest"/
 wsdl:output message="impl:getPersonBeansResponse"  name="getPersonBeansResponse"/ /wsdl:operation/wsdl:portTypewsdl:binding name="PersonArraySoapBinding" type="impl:PersonArray" wsdlsoap:binding style="document"transport=""/ wsdl:operation name="getPersonBeans" wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/ wsdl:input name="getPersonBeansRequest" wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/
 /wsdl:input wsdl:output name="getPersonBeansResponse" wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/ /wsdl:output /wsdl:operation/wsdl:bindingwsdl:service name="PersonArrayService" wsdl:port binding="impl:PersonArraySoapBinding" name="PersonArray" wsdlsoap:address  location="http://localhost:8080/axis/services/PersonArray"/ /wsdl:port/wsdl:service/wsdl:definitionsJim  Anne Thomas Manes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Define the schema the way you'd like it to be in your WSDL and generate your bean from it.Anne  On 1/26/06, Vinicius Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hello there! I have this following Bean:public class User{private ListCar cars;...}Axis is generating a WSDL that contains an array of any type instead of Car and defining a qName for Car. How can I change this?Regards