Re: How can I publish my web service?

2006-04-25 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
The public UDDI registry has been taken down, so you will need to set up your own registry. The Apache jUDDI project provides an open source UDDI implementation -- see
. Or you might install the Systinet Registry -- see Systinet provides a free download, and it provides a really easy to use utility called wsdl2uddi. It will automatically register your service based on the WSDL document.
 wrote:Hi All,Can someone please advice me how to publish my Web Service, I have created
WSDL file ...I have a test client program, and successully invoked myservices using the stub classes. I am doing this a final year project, Ihave my presentation next week and thought it would be great if I can
demonstrate my service as registered with a UDDI and my Client programlooks for this service via UDDI Please advice, thanxyasmin

How can I publish my web service?

2006-04-24 Thread rafiqy
Hi All,

Can someone please advice me how to publish my Web Service, I have created
WSDL file ...I have a test client program, and successully invoked my
services using the stub classes. I am doing this a final year project, I
have my presentation next week and thought it would be great if I can
demonstrate my service as registered with a UDDI and my Client program
looks for this service via UDDI 

Please advice, thanx
