As a follow-up to my previous question, how exactly are you supposed to do exception handling in Axis (specifically, 1.2.1)?

The user's guide says that as long as your exceptions inherit from java.lang.Exception, and are "beans", then it should just work. That hasn't been my experience, and, from what I can tell from the archives of this mailing list, people either seem to say:

a) Don't bother, it's too complicated. Bypass it altogether by either throwing subclasses of AxisFault or just returning the exception data as the return value from the method


b) it works, but only if you custom-craft your WSDL in some magic way, which noone seems to want to document anywhere

This seems to imply to me that the Axis user docs are seriously in error. Is this true? Should I be using something besides Axis to do this, because I really don't want to have to do something kludgy with the exceptions just to bypass a (really major) hole in the implementation.


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