Hi guys,
   I'm trying to serialize and then deserialize a MessageContext instance
from the same file it was serialized.
After deserialization the axisMessage field is null and I can see that it is
being initialized only if the
activate(OperationContext) is used, if I use activate(ConfigurationContext)
then the "reconcileAxisMessage" flag is set, but the AxisMessage
remains null.
I would then expect that if the getAxisMessage() is called, the message will
be initialized from the "metaAxisMessage" metadata.
However, I just get a warning "MessageContext.activate(configurationContext)
needs to be invoked." and I have already invoked this method.

In addtion to the axisMessage, I also noticed that the execution chain does
not contain all the phases it originally contained, e.g.:

execution chain before serialization:
[RMPhase, OperationInPhase, soapmonitorPhase]
execution chain after deserialization:
[] (empty)

The same with executed phases list:

before serialization:
[soapmonitorPhase, OperationInPhase, RMPhase, Dispatch, PreDispatch,
Security, Addressing, Transport]

after deserialization:
[Dispatch, PreDispatch, Security, Addressing, Transport]

Could somebody explain this behaviour please?


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