
I am consuming a third-party service that uses SOAP-ENC arraytypes. I rewrote 
the WSDL so that I could use XmlBeans.
The service returns an array of Complex Type element with its attributes are of 
simple types. When I print the xmltext, it works fine but when I access the 
child element, I noticed that it is looking for a child element with QNAMEs.

I had similar problem at the root of the response. The service was returning 
like this
 <snp:GetNAICs xmlns:snp="urn:SentryService">
         <return soapenc:arrayType="q1:CSentryNAIC[53]" 

Then I modified  the xml like below to work.
 <snp:GetNAICs xmlns:snp="urn:SentryService">
         <snp:return soapenc:arrayType="q1:CSentryNAIC[53]" 

I tried the same trick here but did not work.

XMLText output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xml-fragment xmlns:q1="urn:SentryService" xmlns:snp="urn:SentryService" 
        <sName>Lexington Insurance Company</sName>

I get null when I access 'sName'.

Could anyone provide me a solution to access this?

Note: I thought this is related to xmlbeans and posted there but it seems the 
traffic is very low for me to get a response. Thanks in advance.


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