Hi all


            I have been using wsdl2code from axis2 version 0.94, and I have got some strange results. I am working on windows XP professional, with SUN jdk 1.5, and I have set AXIS_HOME environment variable to the directory where axis2 was unzipped.


            I have use the next command:


Wsdl2code –uri C:/wsdlFolder/Pegs.wsdl –o C:/outputFolder/pegs –p com.mycompany.pegs –ss –d xmlbeans.


Note that when I use ss option, only server side classes are generated, but with version of axis2 0.93 both server and client classes was generated. If I use the option –sd an error occurs.


            The result of execute the command at first sight seems to be fine, but if we look the generated class PegsRequestSkeleton, all the methods have as parameter a variable of type OMElement, so the class PegsRequestMessageReceiver compiles with errors.

With version 0.93, the methods in the skeleton class have as parameter a variable of appropriate type based on wsdl definition.


            I send attached the mentioned files, Pegs.wsdl and guide_trial.xsd.


            Later I have modified the wsdl file and the imported schema. The modifications consist in eliminate the wsdl:types tag, and use the wsdl:import tag.

When I execute the command described above with Axis 2 0.94 the result is correct, and the methods in the skeleton class have the correct type of parameter, the one based on wsdl definition.


            The problem is that for being WS-I compliant, I have to use wsdl:types, so I shouldn’t make changes on it.


I send attached the mentioned files Pegs2.wsdl and guide_trial2.xsd used in this example.


Thanks in advance for your interest


Ricardo Blanes.

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Attachment: Pegs2.wsdl
Description: Pegs2.wsdl

Attachment: guide_trial2.xsd
Description: guide_trial2.xsd

Attachment: Pegs.wsdl
Description: Pegs.wsdl

Attachment: guide_trial.xsd
Description: guide_trial.xsd

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