
Your solution solved my second issue. Seems like my first issue is not a 
problem, my service is working without them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: Wrapped service wsdl does not generate wrapper classes


When using "wrapped" your response wrapper element should provide a
container for your return element. So what you want to do is define
types:Catalog as a child of your two response elements. e.g.:

<wsdl:message name="getCatalogAllResponse">
  <wsdl:part name="result" element="types:getCatalogAllReturn"/>

<xsd:element name="getCatalogAllReturn">
        <element ref="types:Catalog"/>


On 5/4/05, Schwarz, Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am having trouble with a wrapped service definition. I've included the 
> wsdl below.
>     There are two issues I need some assistance with:
>      1. The wrapper classes are not being generated. If I define the return 
> type for both response messages(getCatalogAllResponse and 
> getCatalogTypeResponse) as "types:Catalog" the wrapper classes are not 
> generated. If I change the return type for the getCatalogTypeResponse to 
> "types:status", the wrapper classes GetCatalogAll and GetCatalogType are 
> generated. My requirement is to return the Catalog type so I am stuck on this 
> problem.
>         2. I also noticed that the return type "Catalog" is not used for the 
> return type for the getCatalogAll method in the BindindImpl class generated 
> for this service. The constituent parts of the "Catalog" type, namely 
> count(long) and catalog(ArrayofCatalog) are returned via holder classes. If I 
> abandon the use of the wrapper types and directly define the  type for the 
> input request messages as "types:CatalogReq" and the return types for the 
> response messages as "types:Catalog", then the methods in the BindingImpl 
> class are defined to return the Catalog type and no holder classes are used.
>         Any insights to my problems would be welcomed.
> regards
> Karl Schwarz
> Here is the wsdl(this version generates the wrapper classes):
> <wsdl:definitions name="CatalogService"
>   targetNamespace="";
>   xmlns:wsdl="";
>   xmlns:soap="";
>   xmlns:xsd="";
>   xmlns:types="";
>   xmlns:tns="";>
> <wsdl:types>
> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="";
>        xmlns:types="";>
>     <xsd:element name="getCatalogAll">
>        <xsd:complexType>
>           <xsd:sequence>
>              <xsd:element ref="types:CatalogReq"/>
>           </xsd:sequence>
>        </xsd:complexType>
>     </xsd:element>
>     <xsd:element name="getCatalogType">
>        <xsd:complexType>
>           <xsd:sequence>
>              <xsd:element ref="types:CatalogReq"/>
>           </xsd:sequence>
>        </xsd:complexType>
>     </xsd:element>
>     <xsd:element name="CatalogReq">
>        <xsd:complexType >
>           <xsd:sequence>
>               <xsd:element name="catalog_id"  nillable="true" 
> type="xsd:string"/>
>               <xsd:element name="product_type_id"  type="xsd:long"/>
>               <xsd:element name="product_id"  nillable="true" 
> type="xsd:string"/>
>               <xsd:element name="name"  nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
>               <xsd:element name="create_time"  nillable="true" 
> type="xsd:string"/>
>               <xsd:element name="update_time"  nillable="true" 
> type="xsd:string"/>
>               <xsd:element name="count" type="xsd:long"/>
>               <xsd:element name="countOnly" type="xsd:boolean"/>
>           </xsd:sequence>
>        </xsd:complexType>
>      </xsd:element>
>      <xsd:complexType name="CatalogInfo">
>           <xsd:sequence>
>               <xsd:element name="catalog_id" nillable="true" 
> type="xsd:string"/>
>               <xsd:element name="product_type_id" type="xsd:long"/>
>               <xsd:element name="product_id"  nillable="true" 
> type="xsd:string"/>
>               <xsd:element name="name" nillable="true"  type="xsd:string"/>
>           </xsd:sequence>
>        </xsd:complexType>
>     <xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfCatalog">
>         <xsd:sequence>
>           <xsd:element minOccurs ="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="entry" 
> type="types:CatalogInfo"/>
>         </xsd:sequence>
>     </xsd:complexType>
>     <xsd:element name="Catalog">
>       <xsd:complexType >
>         <xsd:sequence>
>           <xsd:element name="count" type="xsd:long"  maxOccurs = "1"/>
>           <xsd:element name="catalog" type="types:ArrayOfCatalog"/>
>         </xsd:sequence>
>       </xsd:complexType>
>     </xsd:element>
>     <xsd:element name="status" type="xsd:string" />
>   </xsd:schema>
> </wsdl:types>
> <wsdl:message name="getCatalogAllRequest">
>    <wsdl:part name="body" element="types:getCatalogAll"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> <wsdl:message name="getCatalogAllResponse">
>    <wsdl:part name="result" element="types:Catalog"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> <wsdl:message name="getCatalogTypeRequest">
>    <wsdl:part name="body" element="types:getCatalogType"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> <wsdl:message name="getCatalogTypeResponse">
>   <wsdl:part name="result" element="types:status"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> <wsdl:portType name="CatalogServicePortType">
>   <wsdl:operation name="getCatalogAll">
>     <wsdl:input message="tns:getCatalogAllRequest"/>
>     <wsdl:output message="tns:getCatalogAllResponse"/>
>   </wsdl:operation>
>   <wsdl:operation name="getCatalogType">
>     <wsdl:input message="tns:getCatalogTypeRequest"/>
>     <wsdl:output message="tns:getCatalogTypeResponse"/>
>   </wsdl:operation>
> </wsdl:portType>
> <wsdl:binding name="CatalogServiceBinding" type="tns:CatalogServicePortType">
>   <soap:binding style="document" 
> transport=""/>
>   <wsdl:operation name="getCatalogAll">
>     <soap:operation soapAction="getCatalogAll"/>
>     <wsdl:input>
>       <soap:body  use="literal"/>
>     </wsdl:input>
>     <wsdl:output>
>       <soap:body use="literal"/>
>     </wsdl:output>
>   </wsdl:operation>
>   <wsdl:operation name="getCatalogType">
>     <soap:operation soapAction="getCatalogType"/>
>     <wsdl:input>
>        <soap:body use="literal"/>
>     </wsdl:input>
>     <wsdl:output>
>        <soap:body  use="literal"/>
>     </wsdl:output>
>   </wsdl:operation>
> </wsdl:binding>
> <wsdl:service name="CatalogService">
>   <wsdl:port name="CatalogService" binding="tns:CatalogServiceBinding">
>     <soap:address 
> location="http://localhost:8080/axis/services/CatalogService"/>
>   </wsdl:port>
> </wsdl:service>
> </wsdl:definitions>

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