Re: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files

2009-10-22 Thread Dennis Sosnoski
Certainly you can do this - XMLBeans is open source code, so get a copy 
of the source and modify it to generate the kind of class structure you 
want in your own custom version.

Otherwise, follow Amila's suggestion and go with another data binding 
approach. ADB is very easy to use with Axis2 and provides good support 
for schema. JAXB's data model isn't quite as nice as ADB's, but probably 
has been more thoroughly tested with all kinds of schema variations. 
JiBX lets you customize the data model, and works especially well with 
modular schemas where different groups are using different subsets of 
the overall schema, but currently requires you to generate the data 
model separately from the Axis2 linkage code and doesn't support all 
features of schema (with xsi:type the most significant lack).

Unfortunately (from your point of view), all of these other data 
bindings use simpler models than those generated by XMLBeans, so you're 
going to need to make changes to your application code to work with the 
other bindings. On the plus side, your application code should be 
significantly simpler once you've made the changes (and will also run 
somewhat faster).

 - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
Java XML and Web Services
Axis2 Training and Consulting -
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

sri ram wrote:

Can some one look into this .

--- On *Fri, 16/10/09, sri ram /* wrote:

From: sri ram
Subject: Re: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files
Date: Friday, 16 October, 2009, 12:02 PM

Since we have already done an extensive coding using this
databinding .
Its highly unlikely to revert back.
So now we are trying to improvise the generator itself :(

Hmm  ... is there no other way to achieve the below queries.


--- On *Fri, 16/10/09, Amila Suriarachchi
/* wrote:

From: Amila Suriarachchi
Subject: Re: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files
Date: Friday, 16 October, 2009, 11:56 AM

can you try another data binding frame work like adb or jaxbri.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:51 PM, sri ram wrote:

Attaching the files

--- On *Thu, 15/10/09, sri ram
/* wrote:

From: sri ram
Subject: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files
Date: Thursday, 15 October, 2009, 2:50 PM

Hi all,

As we know that XMLbeans generates a lot of file
reading the schema.
I have tried my best to modify the schema to best
known format to reduce the number of files.
And I have been succesfull in doing that .

What I see is that  there are a lot of unused methods
that are getting generated in  files that  are
generated .Unused in my code of implementation.
For example there are a lot of overloaded parse
methods that are generated ,which are
 public and static  and hence need to be loaded in the
memory even if they are used or not.
So my concern is can we suppress the generation of
these methods
by using some options in the command line (while
compiling the schema).
Else can we change the source code of the XMLBeans
generator to get the required methods. If yes what are
jars that   we can modify without violating any of the
rules of open source code .

I have attached two files to show the  number of
methods that are actually in use.
And  what we want to achieve.

The number of files that are generated are 4029  .
The number of line we want to reduce is 50 line in
each file .
ie approx 50 * 4000= 200,000

Our schema is ever increasing  with every version.
It will allow my application to work better and faster.

Can someone quickly respond to it.

Thanks in advance


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Mail. Learn how*

Re: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files

2009-10-16 Thread Amila Suriarachchi
can you try another data binding frame work like adb or jaxbri.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:51 PM, sri ram

 Attaching the files

 --- On *Thu, 15/10/09, sri ram* wrote:

 From: sri ram
 Subject: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files
 Date: Thursday, 15 October, 2009, 2:50 PM

 Hi all,

 As we know that XMLbeans generates a lot of file reading the schema.
 I have tried my best to modify the schema to best known format to reduce
 the number of files.
 And I have been succesfull in doing that .

 What I see is that  there are a lot of unused methods that are getting
 generated in  files that  are generated .Unused in my code of
 For example there are a lot of overloaded parse methods that are generated
 ,which are
  public and static  and hence need to be loaded in the memory even if they
 are used or not.
 So my concern is can we suppress the generation of these methods
 by using some options in the command line (while compiling the schema).
 Else can we change the source code of the XMLBeans generator to get the
 required methods. If yes what are jars that   we can modify without
 violating any of the rules of open source code .

 I have attached two files to show the  number of methods that are actually
 in use.
 And  what we want to achieve.

 The number of files that are generated are 4029  .
 The number of line we want to reduce is 50 line in each file .
 ie approx 50 * 4000= 200,000

 Our schema is ever increasing  with every version.
 It will allow my application to work better and faster.

 Can someone quickly respond to it.

 Thanks in advance


 Now, send attachments up to 25MB with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn 

 Connect more, do more and share more with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn 

Amila Suriarachchi
WSO2 Inc.

Re: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files

2009-10-16 Thread sri ram
Since we have already done an extensive coding using this databinding .
Its highly unlikely to revert back.
So now we are trying to improvise the generator itself :(

Hmm  ... is there no other way to achieve the below queries.


--- On Fri, 16/10/09, Amila Suriarachchi wrote:

From: Amila Suriarachchi
Subject: Re: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files
Date: Friday, 16 October, 2009, 11:56 AM

can you try another data binding frame work like adb or jaxbri.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:51 PM, sri ram wrote:

Attaching the files

--- On Thu, 15/10/09, sri ram wrote:

From: sri ram
Subject: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files

Date: Thursday, 15 October, 2009, 2:50 PM

Hi all,

As we know that XMLbeans generates a lot of file reading the schema.
I have tried my best to modify the schema to best known format to reduce the 
number of
And I have been succesfull in doing that .

What I see is that  there are a lot of unused methods that are getting 
generated in  files that  are generated .Unused in my code of implementation.
For example there are a lot of overloaded parse methods that are generated 
,which are

 public and static  and hence need to be loaded in the memory even if they are 
used or not.
So my concern is can we suppress the generation of these methods
by using some options in the command line (while compiling the schema).

Else can we change the source code of the XMLBeans generator to get the 
required methods. If yes what are jars that   we can
 modify without violating any of the rules of open source code .

I have attached two files to show the  number of methods that are actually in 
And  what we want to achieve.

The number of files that are generated are 4029  .

The number of line we want to reduce is 50 line in each file .
ie approx 50 * 4000= 200,000

Our schema is ever increasing  with every version.
It will allow my application to work better and faster.

Can someone quickly respond to it.

Thanks in advance 


   Now, send attachments up to 25MB with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn how.

   Connect more, do more and share more with Yahoo! India Mail.  Learn more.

Amila Suriarachchi
WSO2 Inc.

  Keep up with people you care about with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn how.

Re: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files

2009-10-15 Thread sri ram
Attaching the files

--- On Thu, 15/10/09, sri ram wrote:

From: sri ram
Subject: Regarding XMLBeans generation Of files
Date: Thursday, 15 October, 2009, 2:50 PM

Hi all,

As we know that XMLbeans generates a lot of file reading the schema.
I have tried my best to modify the schema to best known format to reduce the 
number of files.
And I have been succesfull in doing that .

What I see is that  there are a lot of unused methods that are getting 
generated in  files that  are generated .Unused in my code of implementation.
For example there are a lot of overloaded parse methods that are generated 
,which are
 public and static  and hence need to be loaded in the memory even if they are 
used or not.
So my concern is can we suppress the generation of these methods
by using some options in the command line (while compiling the schema).
Else can we change the source code of the XMLBeans generator to get the 
required methods. If yes what are jars that   we can
 modify without violating any of the rules of open source code .

I have attached two files to show the  number of methods that are actually in 
And  what we want to achieve.

The number of files that are generated are 4029  .
The number of line we want to reduce is 50 line in each file .
ie approx 50 * 4000= 200,000

Our schema is ever increasing  with every version.
It will allow my application to work better and faster.

Can someone quickly respond to it.

Thanks in advance 


   Now, send attachments up to 25MB with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn how.

  Connect more, do more and share more with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn more.*
 * XML Type:  AddPersonGroupMatrixReq
 * Namespace:
 * Java type: com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq
 * Automatically generated - do not modify.
package com.kiran.www;

 * An XML AddPersonGroupMatrixReq(@
 * This is a complex type.
public interface AddPersonGroupMatrixReq extends com.kiran.www.APIRequest
public static final org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType type = 


 * Gets the PersonGroupMatrix element
com.kiran.www.XPersonGroupMatrix getPersonGroupMatrix();

 * Sets the PersonGroupMatrix element
void setPersonGroupMatrix(com.kiran.www.XPersonGroupMatrix 

 * Appends and returns a new empty PersonGroupMatrix element
com.kiran.www.XPersonGroupMatrix addNewPersonGroupMatrix();

 * A factory class with static methods for creating instances
 * of this type.

public static final class Factory
public static com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq newInstance() {
  return (com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq) 
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().newInstance( type, null ); }

public static com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq 
newInstance(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) {
  return (com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq) 
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().newInstance( type, options 
); }

/** @param xmlAsString the string value to parse */
public static com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq 
parse(java.lang.String xmlAsString) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
  return (com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq) 
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( xmlAsString, type, 
null ); }

public static com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq 
parse(java.lang.String xmlAsString, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) 
throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
  return (com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq) 
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( xmlAsString, type, 
options ); }

/** @param file the file from which to load an xml document */
public static com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq parse( 
file) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
  return (com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq) 
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( file, type, null ); }

public static com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq parse( 
file, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws 
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
  return (com.kiran.www.AddPersonGroupMatrixReq) 
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( file, type, options 
); }

public static