Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1

2010-02-03 Thread Andreas Veithen
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:06, Stadelmann Josef wrote:


 Builds using MAVEN 2.2.1
 Source Code used,
 Cmd window              NetBeans IDE 6.8                        Maven
 downloaded by SVN Tortoise                                      Maven
 2.2.1           external Maven 2.2.1

 Ant 1.7.0               external Ant 1.7.0

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1               fails
 fails                                   -Dmave.test.skip=true
 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1               success
 success                         .NA.

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\trunk\java                             success
 success                         -Dmave.test.skip=true
 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\trunk\java                             success
 success                         .NA.

 Builds using MAVEN 3.0-SNAPSHOT                         AXIS2 is not yet
 maven 3.0-Snapshot ready!

 If you have NetBeans IDE 6.8 with the internal or external maven
 3.0-snapshot then you are unable to open the axis2 root POM correctly.
 However one is  still able to build some off the axis2
 components/artifacts correctly. In short AXIS2 Trunk sources and earlier
 are not yet ready for MAVEN 3.0-SNAPSHOT!


Maven 3.0 (alpha-6) actually works surprisingly well on the Axis2
build. There are only two issues:

- A duplicate dependency declaration in the integration module; this
is now fixed.

- The root POM has an antrun execution that depends on the output of
several of its sub-modules by directly accessing
modules/xxx/target/classes, but no provisions are made to make sure
that these modules are built before the antrun execution. Depending on
the output of other modules in that way is bad practice, and leads to
unstable/unpredictable build. With Maven 2.0 the build order is such
that it works correctly, but this is probably more a coincidence. We
will probably have to use some maven-assembly-plugin magic to do this
correctly and to make the build order predictable.


Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1

2010-02-02 Thread Andreas Veithen
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:06, Stadelmann Josef wrote:


 Builds using MAVEN 2.2.1
 Source Code used,
 Cmd window              NetBeans IDE 6.8                        Maven
 downloaded by SVN Tortoise                                      Maven
 2.2.1           external Maven 2.2.1

 Ant 1.7.0               external Ant 1.7.0

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1               fails
 fails                                   -Dmave.test.skip=true
 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1               success
 success                         .NA.

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\trunk\java                             success
 success                         -Dmave.test.skip=true
 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\trunk\java                             success
 success                         .NA.

 Builds using MAVEN 3.0-SNAPSHOT                         AXIS2 is not yet
 maven 3.0-Snapshot ready!

 If you have NetBeans IDE 6.8 with the internal or external maven
 3.0-snapshot then you are unable to open the axis2 root POM correctly.
 However one is  still able to build some off the axis2
 components/artifacts correctly. In short AXIS2 Trunk sources and earlier
 are not yet ready for MAVEN 3.0-SNAPSHOT!


You are probably one of the first persons to attempt building Axis2
with Maven 3.0. Normally Maven 3.0 is meant to be a drop-in
replacement for Maven 2.x so there should be no major problems. I will
give it a try.


Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1

2010-02-01 Thread Andreas Veithen

Please see AXIS2-3290 and AXIS2-4460. This issue has been fixed
recently in the trunk.


On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 16:35, Stadelmann Josef wrote:
 Hi all,

 I’ve used subversion to catch down axis2




 Then I used a Vista cmd window and maven 2.2.1 to build axis2

 CD C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1  mvn install

 And all was built perfect, greatre success, error free.

 Now I struggle with the same doing it from with NetBeans 6.8,

 using external maven 2.2.1 from the same location as done using maven from
 the vista cmd window

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1ant -version

 Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008


 It fails while building JAXWS Integration Tests

 Any ideas and hints welcome. What can I do to get my axis2 cleanly built
 using NetBeans IDE 6.8 and maven 2.2.1 ?

 I will use NB 6.8 for debugging axis2 running on a Integrity OpenVMS
 maschine under Tomcat,

 with a NetBeans IDE debugger attached to the JVM on OpenVMS.



 NetBeans: Executing
 -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dnetbeans.execution=true
 -Dmaven.repo.local=C:\Users\C770817\.m2\repository --errors -e clean

 NetBeans:  JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\JAVA\jdk1.6.0_14

 + Error stacktraces are turned on.

 Scanning for projects...


 Building Apache Axis2 - JAXWS Integration Tests

    task-segment: [clean, install]



 Deleting directory


 Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.


 No sources to compile


 Executing tasks

     [mkdir] Created dir:

     [mkdir] Created dir:

     [mkdir] Created dir:

  [echo] Generating JAX-B classes from XSDs

  [echo] Generating java from soap 11

  [echo] Generating java from echo.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from stock1.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from stock2.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from samplemtom.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from greeterTypes.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from ProxyDocLitWrapped.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from AddNumbers.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from ProxyDocLitnonWrapped.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from samplemtomjpeg.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from RPCLit.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from RPCLitSWA.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from gorilla_dlw.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from SOAP12Echo.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from AddNumbersHandler.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from async_doclitwr.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from async_doclitwr2.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from FaultyWebService.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from FaultsService.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from jaxbsource

  [echo] Generating java from doclit_nonwrap.wsdl for javabean endpoint

  [echo] support

  [echo] Generating java from doclitwrap.wsdl for javabean endpoint

  [echo] support

  [echo] Generating java from doclitbare.wsdl for javabean endpoint

  [echo] support

  [echo] Generating java from EchoMessage.wsdl for javabean endpoint

  [echo] support

  [echo] Generating java from resourceinjection.wsdl for javabean

  [echo] endpoint Resource Injection

  [echo] Generating java from AnyType.wsdl for javabean endpoint

  [echo] AnyType support

  [echo] Generating java from MessageContext.wsdl for message context

  [echo] properties support

  [echo] Generating java from WSDLMultiTests.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from Polymorphic shapes.wsdl for javabean

  [echo] endpoint support

  [echo] Generating java from SOAPActionTest.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from rpclitenum.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from AddNumbersHandler.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from rpclitstringarray.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from swamtomservice.wsdl

 Executed tasks


 Using default encoding to 

Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1

2010-02-01 Thread Andreas Veithen
On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 17:35, Stadelmann Josef wrote:
 Thank you Andreas,

 But why does under NetBeans IDE control, maven build/makes only 26 files 
 while running maven in a vista cmd window maven builds/makes 50 files.
 And that is what the error says. File not found ... osn't it?

NetBeans somehow decided to run the build with maven.test.skip set to
true. That is what causes the AppleFinderService issue (we figured
that out last weekend after several people had a look into that

 Looking at the POM I do not understand why this file and others are not built 
 when maven is used from NetBeans IDE.

 So your saying that I have no choice to have a error free build using 
 NetBeans IDE 6.8. I tried to build error free from the trunk sources and in 
 absence of a well running build I switched to the tags/v1.5.1 sources, which 
 did it perfectly when I used maven 2.2.1 from a Vista cmd window, but fails 
 now with the latest greatest NetBeans IDE 6.8

Does this imply that you had a build failure using the trunk sources
and plain Maven?

 Then I like to formulate my question differently.
 What source code version of axis2 shall I use to have an error free build 
 using NetBeans IDE 6.8 with external maven 2.2.1 and ant 1.7?

Our priority is to have a build that works correctly with (plain)
Maven. We do not systematically test importing the sources into
various IDEs, so it's impossible to tell which version works with the
particular combination of tools you are using. However, we are happy
to fix issues that occur with specific IDEs (if the required fix has
no negative impact on the normal Maven build) when they are reported.
E.g., myself, from time to time I fix issues to simplify working with
the sources in Eclipse.

 Thank you

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Andreas Veithen []
 Gesendet: Montag, 1. Februar 2010 17:03
 Betreff: Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1


 Please see AXIS2-3290 and AXIS2-4460. This issue has been fixed
 recently in the trunk.


 On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 16:35, Stadelmann Josef wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've used subversion to catch down axis2




 Then I used a Vista cmd window and maven 2.2.1 to build axis2

 CD C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1  mvn install

 And all was built perfect, greatre success, error free.

 Now I struggle with the same doing it from with NetBeans 6.8,

 using external maven 2.2.1 from the same location as done using maven from
 the vista cmd window

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1ant -version

 Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008


 It fails while building JAXWS Integration Tests

 Any ideas and hints welcome. What can I do to get my axis2 cleanly built
 using NetBeans IDE 6.8 and maven 2.2.1 ?

 I will use NB 6.8 for debugging axis2 running on a Integrity OpenVMS
 maschine under Tomcat,

 with a NetBeans IDE debugger attached to the JVM on OpenVMS.



 NetBeans: Executing
 -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dnetbeans.execution=true
 -Dmaven.repo.local=C:\Users\C770817\.m2\repository --errors -e clean

 NetBeans:  JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\JAVA\jdk1.6.0_14

 + Error stacktraces are turned on.

 Scanning for projects...


 Building Apache Axis2 - JAXWS Integration Tests

    task-segment: [clean, install]



 Deleting directory


 Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.


 No sources to compile


 Executing tasks

     [mkdir] Created dir:

     [mkdir] Created dir:

     [mkdir] Created dir:

  [echo] Generating JAX-B classes from XSDs

  [echo] Generating java from soap 11

  [echo] Generating java from echo.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from stock1.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from stock2.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from samplemtom.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from greeterTypes.xsd

  [echo] Generating java from ProxyDocLitWrapped.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from AddNumbers.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from ProxyDocLitnonWrapped.wsdl

  [echo] Generating java from

Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1

2010-02-01 Thread Andreas Veithen
On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 18:10, Stadelmann Josef wrote:

 The problem I am faced with is twofold.

 1. When I turn oft in NetBeans IDE 6.8 under Option at the Maven tag the 
 checkbox labeled:
 Skip test for any build executions not directly related to testing
 those resulting in forcing the maven command having a 
 -Dmaven.test.skip=true on board,
 then turning this flag OFF in the option menu for maven
 makes all test classes generated (around 50) and then
 the dedicated copy tasks as shown in the POM runs but al tests run as well 
 (very lengthy)

 Therefore: To get an error free build using NetBeans IDE 6.8 and maven 2.2.1 
 I have to work for JAXWS Integration with this flag set to OFF

 2. And maybe I get something wrong here but maybe of interest to you:
 When I use the vista cmd window
 ...  mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install

 The build
 -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
 fails too.

That is the issue we fixed last weekend. See:

 So are you saying I have to use the POM from the trunk for JAXWS Integration 
 to build correctly?
 Where do you think it was fixed; sorry but I am not getting more insight 
 reading the two JIRA's


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Stadelmann Josef []
 Gesendet: Montag, 1. Februar 2010 17:35
 Betreff: AW: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1

 Thank you Andreas,

 But why does under NetBeans IDE control, maven build/makes only 26 files 
 while running maven in a vista cmd window maven builds/makes 50 files.
 And that is what the error says. File not found ... osn't it?

 Looking at the POM I do not understand why this file and others are not built 
 when maven is used from NetBeans IDE.

 So your saying that I have no choice to have a error free build using 
 NetBeans IDE 6.8. I tried to build error free from the trunk sources and in 
 absence of a well running build I switched to the tags/v1.5.1 sources, which 
 did it perfectly when I used maven 2.2.1 from a Vista cmd window, but fails 
 now with the latest greatest NetBeans IDE 6.8

 Then I like to formulate my question differently.
 What source code version of axis2 shall I use to have an error free build 
 using NetBeans IDE 6.8 with external maven 2.2.1 and ant 1.7?

 Thank you

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Andreas Veithen []
 Gesendet: Montag, 1. Februar 2010 17:03
 Betreff: Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1


 Please see AXIS2-3290 and AXIS2-4460. This issue has been fixed
 recently in the trunk.


 On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 16:35, Stadelmann Josef wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've used subversion to catch down axis2




 Then I used a Vista cmd window and maven 2.2.1 to build axis2

 CD C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1  mvn install

 And all was built perfect, greatre success, error free.

 Now I struggle with the same doing it from with NetBeans 6.8,

 using external maven 2.2.1 from the same location as done using maven from
 the vista cmd window

 C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1ant -version

 Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008


 It fails while building JAXWS Integration Tests

 Any ideas and hints welcome. What can I do to get my axis2 cleanly built
 using NetBeans IDE 6.8 and maven 2.2.1 ?

 I will use NB 6.8 for debugging axis2 running on a Integrity OpenVMS
 maschine under Tomcat,

 with a NetBeans IDE debugger attached to the JVM on OpenVMS.



 NetBeans: Executing
 -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dnetbeans.execution=true
 -Dmaven.repo.local=C:\Users\C770817\.m2\repository --errors -e clean

 NetBeans:  JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\JAVA\jdk1.6.0_14

 + Error stacktraces are turned on.

 Scanning for projects...


 Building Apache Axis2 - JAXWS Integration Tests

    task-segment: [clean, install]



 Deleting directory


 Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.


 No sources to compile


 Executing tasks

     [mkdir] Created dir:

     [mkdir] Created dir:

Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1

2010-02-01 Thread Amila Suriarachchi
On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Stadelmann Josef wrote:

 Thank you Andreas,

 But why does under NetBeans IDE control, maven build/makes only 26 files
 while running maven in a vista cmd window maven builds/makes 50 files.
 And that is what the error says. File not found ... osn't it?

 Looking at the POM I do not understand why this file and others are not
 built when maven is used from NetBeans IDE.

 So your saying that I have no choice to have a error free build using
 NetBeans IDE 6.8. I tried to build error free from the trunk sources and in
 absence of a well running build I switched to the tags/v1.5.1 sources, which
 did it perfectly when I used maven 2.2.1 from a Vista cmd window, but fails
 now with the latest greatest NetBeans IDE 6.8

 Then I like to formulate my question differently.
 What source code version of axis2 shall I use to have an error free build
 using NetBeans IDE 6.8 with external maven 2.2.1 and ant 1.7?

As Andreas has told this is fixed in current trunk and available  with next
For the moment you can remove the jaxws-integration module (this contains
some integration tests for jaxws and since you skip tests anyway it is not
useful) from the root pom.xml


 Thank you

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Andreas Veithen []
 Gesendet: Montag, 1. Februar 2010 17:03
 Betreff: Re: help needed building axis2 using NetBeans 6.8 and maven 2.2.1


 Please see AXIS2-3290 and AXIS2-4460. This issue has been fixed
 recently in the trunk.


 On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 16:35, Stadelmann Josef wrote:
  Hi all,
  I've used subversion to catch down axis2
  Then I used a Vista cmd window and maven 2.2.1 to build axis2
  CD C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1
  C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1  mvn install
  And all was built perfect, greatre success, error free.
  Now I struggle with the same doing it from with NetBeans 6.8,
  using external maven 2.2.1 from the same location as done using maven
  the vista cmd window
  C:\asf\webservices\axis2\tags\java\v1.5.1ant -version
  Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008
  It fails while building JAXWS Integration Tests
  Any ideas and hints welcome. What can I do to get my axis2 cleanly built
  using NetBeans IDE 6.8 and maven 2.2.1 ?
  I will use NB 6.8 for debugging axis2 running on a Integrity OpenVMS
  maschine under Tomcat,
  with a NetBeans IDE debugger attached to the JVM on OpenVMS.
  NetBeans: Executing
  -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dnetbeans.execution=true
  -Dmaven.repo.local=C:\Users\C770817\.m2\repository --errors -e clean
  NetBeans:  JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\JAVA\jdk1.6.0_14
  + Error stacktraces are turned on.
  Scanning for projects...
  Building Apache Axis2 - JAXWS Integration Tests
 task-segment: [clean, install]
  Deleting directory
  Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
  No sources to compile
  Executing tasks
  [mkdir] Created dir:
  [mkdir] Created dir:
  [mkdir] Created dir:
   [echo] Generating JAX-B classes from XSDs
   [echo] Generating java from soap 11
   [echo] Generating java from echo.xsd
   [echo] Generating java from stock1.xsd
   [echo] Generating java from stock2.xsd
   [echo] Generating java from samplemtom.xsd
   [echo] Generating java from greeterTypes.xsd
   [echo] Generating java from ProxyDocLitWrapped.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from AddNumbers.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from ProxyDocLitnonWrapped.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from samplemtomjpeg.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from RPCLit.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from RPCLitSWA.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from gorilla_dlw.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from SOAP12Echo.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from AddNumbersHandler.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from async_doclitwr.wsdl
   [echo] Generating java from async_doclitwr2.wsdl