Strange Codegen for RPC

2006-05-11 Thread mmacfadden

I have a wsdl that I have written that
describes an rpc style web service. When I generate the code using
WSDL2Java I get some strange results. Or at least it looks strange
to me. the first thing I notice is that I get the following classes:

Item - This represents the complex type
I have defined in the WSDL.
Item0 - This seems to be a wrapper class
that just has a setItem and getItem method
ItemManagerServiceStub - has a createItem
method that takes and Item0

This seems odd to me, I would have expected
to see the ItemManagerServiceStub class to have a method called createItem(
Item param1 ). Meaning that the client could create a Item object
and submit it to the service without having to wrap it in an Item0 object
first. If there is a way to achieve this I would like to know how.

Another thing I noticed is that in the
ItemManagerServiceStub class that I have submitted I see the following
  //Style is Doc.
  env = toEnvelope(getFactory(_operationClient.getOptions().getSoapVersionURI()),
param2, optimizeContent(new javax.xml.namespace.QName(, createItem)));
This seems strange because the comment
says style is doc, when I have set the style to rpc. This code was
in the createItem method.

Basically, it just doesn't look like
I am really getting a client that looks like a RPC client. The generated
API that uses the Item0 class and the //Style is Doc comment are both making
me suspicious. Just want to know if I am looking at a defect and/or
if there is a way to get what I want. Thanks

Michael MacFadden
Tomax Corp -

The views or opinions expressed here
are not endorsed by Tomax Corp. They are purely the opinions of the
email author.
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: Strange Codegen for RPC

2006-05-11 Thread Nicolas Guaneme

I have a wsdl when I done the delpy show me the service, but I try to
access to url?WSDL show me this error:
AXIS error
Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:
Fault - makeTypeElement() was told to create a type "{}getBankListRequest", with no containing element

 faultCode: {}Server.generalException
 faultString: makeTypeElement() was told to create a type "{}getBankListRequest", with no containing element

but in the wsdl the getBankList has the element for this method.
What do I do?
