
From past 10 days i have been playing with AXIS 1.4 (Java) API. Actually my 
need is to write a generic web service monitoring client, where i can connect 
with different web services like .NET and J2EE. This generic client can used in 
monitoring any web service. USer need to supply WSDL URL and method details and 
can create a monitor instance. Using these details my generic client should 
poll for a specific web service.    

According to my Knowledge there are three ways to create web service monitor, 
which are as follows:

1. Static Stub Based
2. Dynamic Proxies
3. DII Call.

What i feel after spending 10 days with axis api is, method 1 & 2 is not so 
flexible for my use. Becuase i need to generate stubs dynamically and need to 
use reflection for making final soap call. 

I used WSDL2Java with differnt wsdl files. But the WSDL2Java tool output stub 
names is not consistent with every wsdl file.

1. if web service name starts with small letter wsdl2java tool is making it 
Ex: sevicename=eBayService in output stubs it is changed to EBayService.

2. With -p option stub names will have differnt names from without using -p 

If this is the case my reflection based soap call fails with some web services.

Then i decided to use DII approach eventhough it requires more effort than stub 
based client. But in some news groups i found like JAX-RPC DII client doesn't 
support Document/Literal encoding (supports only RPC).

Can any one guide me the best client approach.

Can I use DII approach with axis 1.4 or do i need to go with stub based 
approach only.

Durga Srinivasu 

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