Axis is required to toss back a mustUnderstand fault when it receives
a header with mustUnderstand="1" if it doesn't have a handler. All you
have to do is configure a handler that removes the wsse:Security
header from the message.


On 4/22/05, Jeff Greif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a web service which (at the moment) does not care about
> security.  The client, however, insists on using WS-Security to sign its
> messages, which presumably puts mustUnderstand=1 somewhere in a SOAP
> header.  Is there some way for the server to process the message without
> producing a could-not-understand fault, by using either a WS-Security
> handler with a loose policy or even better, a trivial handler or no
> handler at all?  In what part of the processing is the decision about
> mustUnderstand made?
> Jeff

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