Hello world,
I've already asked for this question. Nobody answered. I supposed
i was not clear. If it's too trivial to be answered, please let me know...
The point is how i can manage axis to control nillable property on elements in complex type?
For instance, if my wsdd file defines the following complex type :


typeMapping qname="ns:resultat" xmlns:ns=http://xxx/types
languageSpecificType= "java:org.my.type"
encodingStyle= "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>

How, i force the wsdl to be :

complexType name="messageTechnique" >
element name="code" nillable= "true" type="xsd:string" />


OR :

<element name="code" type= "xsd:string" />

Please help,

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