Ok I've already sent this email to the mailing list, but.. I really nedd at
least one response, so please try to answer !

whatever the version of axis2 1.3 or 1.4 I use,
I've a kind of bud during the wsdl2java operation.
why my element "Values" declared as type = anyType      become an
OMElement[] instead of an Object[]?
in the previous versions of axis (axis1 1.3°, it was worked very well!
(in fact I'm upgrading a big web service from axis 1 to axis2, this is my
last problem I need to slove..)
please help me ! or explain me how to convert an OMElement[] into an
object[] ?


    <complexType name="SearchConditionClauseType">
            <documentation>   Search Clause Fragment is a comparison between
a field and a value.   </documentation>
            <element name="Comparator" type="tns:SearchComparatorType"
                    <documentation> comparator  </documentation>
            <element name="FieldName" type="string" nillable="true">
                    <documentation>  FieldName to search. Pay attention,
fieldnames that are not defined by a type will throw an  exception.
            <element name="Values" *type="anyType"* maxOccurs="unbounded"
                    <documentation>  Value for the test. When using the
Like  operator, the wildcard % can be used. Multiples  values can be tested
(via OR operator)  </documentation>
            <element name="RelationName" type="string" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" nillable="true">
                    <documentation>There are some relation between

public class SearchConditionClauseType implements
org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBBean {
     * field for Comparator

     * field for FieldName
    protected java.lang.String localFieldName;

     * field for Values
     * This was an Array!
  *  protected org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement[] localValues;*

     * field for RelationName
    protected java.lang.String localRelationName;

Maybe if nobody knows why it's doing that, you could send me a piece of code
which was well generated for a type=anytype ?
with that I can correct mine...

thx a lot to answer!

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