[AZORES-Genealogy] History channel

2015-02-26 Thread EResendes
They were also the last to abolish slavery in Europe.  Continental Portugal 
abolished slavery before Azores.  Some of my ancestors were documented as 
owning slaves.

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[AZORES-Genealogy] History channel

2015-02-25 Thread Elizabeth Migliori
Interesting info.
Just watched a program on History channel called "Mankind The story of all
of us"
One point was a bit shocking (to me anyway)It showed how the Portuguese
were the first ones to capture and transport slaves from Africa.

Great show otherwise.


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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] History Channel - Peter Francisco

2010-03-12 Thread Cheri Mello
I know he had an 18 cent (U.S. Commemorative) stamp made in his honor in
1975 (I think for the American bicentennial - I did stamps for my Girl Scout
collectors badge).

I remember writing something up on Peter Francisco for the Genealogy Forum
on AOL.  That would have been over 10 years ago.  The only other bookmarks I
have on him are:


Peter Francisco Day - March 15

I'm sure an Internet search will turn up more on him.

I thought I remember asking Joao Ventura about him once.  I think Joao said
that he had Peter Francisco's genealogy, as he was born as Pedro on
Terceira.  I don't remember the freguesia though.

Always wondered about the 6 foot 6 thing though.  Sounds rather tall for the
time period, let alone for someone from the Azores in that time period.  Oh
well, makes for a good story!

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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[AZORES-Genealogy] History Channel - Peter Francisco

2010-03-12 Thread "E" Sharp
Read about Peter Francisco story to be on History Channel:



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