Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] ST. Francis dress at burials

2017-03-02 Thread 'Monica C' via Azores Genealogy
My church is run by Franciscan brothers. They all wear their habit with the 
white rope belt with three knots, each reminding them of their oath of poverty, 
chastity and obedience.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] ST. Francis dress at burials

2017-03-01 Thread 'John Raposo' via Azores Genealogy
Your ancestors were members of the Franciscan Third Order, known today as Lay 
Franciscans. They still exist today, even in the US, and many still opt to take 
the brown robe to the grave. There are other lay orders whose members wear 
their distinctive habbits to the grave.
John Miranda Raposo

On Wednesday, March 1, 2017 2:33 PM, Gordon Soares  

 Does anyone know the significance of the deceased being buried in the habit of 
St. Francis? I have several documents of my ancestors being buried with the 
sacraments and requesting that they be buried in the “habit of St. Francis” and 
then being carried to the grave with the priests and followed by the Friars of 
St. Francis. 

Gordon Soares

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[AZORES-Genealogy] ST. Francis dress at burials

2017-03-01 Thread Gordon Soares
Does anyone know the significance of the deceased being buried in the habit of 
St. Francis? I have several documents of my ancestors being buried with the 
sacraments and requesting that they be buried in the “habit of St. Francis” and 
then being carried to the grave with the priests and followed by the Friars of 
St. Francis. 

Gordon Soares

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