(Cross posted to Azores, Madeira, and IslandRoutes)

Blaine Bettinger, blogger of "The Genetic Genealogist" and author of "The
Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy," is compiling
actual statistics on what people are getting for their DNA results (in
terms of centiMorgans). This data helps us figure out our relationships

I have Word document called "Shared cM Project." I've listed all the names
for the data that I've submitted. For example, I wrote down Shirley
Allegre's name. So when I'm done with this email, I'm going to look at my
matches and NOT submit the cMs that I share with Shirley because I've
already done so (NOTE: I did say I'm submitting the cMs - not her name)! I
will also let my match know that I submitted them so they don't do the same
(that is, if I think they hang out reading Blaine's blog).

Here's Blaine's announcement:

The next update to the Shared cM Project will happen as soon as we have
50,000 submissions! We're at more than 42,000 submissions, so less than
8,000 to go!

I'd be honored if you would consider submitting! If everyone here submits
just 1 known relationship, we can finish it in no time. The Submission
Portal is linked below, and is very easy to fill out!

This always raises lots of questions, so I'll try to anticipate some of

1. If you *absolutely* need to check what you've already submitted, leave a
comment with your email address and we'll see if we can get my helper to

2. The # of segments is optional, so don't count them if you don't want to.

3. At FTDNA, use the total shared cM value you're given, don't subtract the
small segments.

4. Use the total shared cM value the company gives you, don't go and get
extra data such as the X unless it is already included in the total.

5. If you have anything unexpected, unusual, or otherwise notable about a
relationship, there's a field for that information in the submission.

6. All relationships are needed, but the more distant relationships (all
half relationships and all full relationships beyond 3C) are most

The portal to submit is here:  https://goo.gl/qZWF4i

>From Cheri:

Use only 1 company. Whichever one you want. Don't submit the same person
over and over again.

Submitting really helps with our intermarriage/endogamy problem. I will
have my genealogy program open too so I can say that the person is my 4C,
4C1R, 5C1R, 6C, 7CR2. That definitely states the endogamy!
Cheri Mello, Family Tree DNA Admin (volunteer)
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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