Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC and removable drives

2005-08-26 Thread tmassey
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/25/2005 10:27:33 

 Hi all,
I am wondering if any one know if backuppc will work with removable
 drives that I can swap out every so often.  I want to be able to do my
 backups on these drives and be able to take these drives off site so
 that in case of really bad emergencies still have a fairly recent 

I have a half-dozen of these servers in place working very nicely. 
Removable IDE drives that get swapped weekly.

Except for an rsync problem with RHEL 4 (anyone else facing this?!?), it's 
working perfectly...

Tim Massey

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up unsharable windoze directories

2005-08-26 Thread Rainer Zocholl
[EMAIL PROTECTED](Marty)  25.08.05 19:22

I'm looking for a way to back up the Documents and Settings
directories on a Windows XP box on my network, and rsyncd is not
currently an option. I tried without success manually enabling

The user must have the right to enable sharing.
I would not give any normal user that right!

One possible solution I considered is Hidden Administrative Shares,
e.g. C$ for a C drive.  I've never gotten C$ to work, 

You must use an admintrative account. That account must have the 
right to log on remotely. Yepp. Windows permissions are much more finer than
unix world thinks...
If that PC is part of a Domain/ADS add power of 4 of problems...

however, on this particular Windows XP host, nor have I found evidence 
of any hidden administrative share on this system.
When I try to log onto C$ with
smbclient I get the following error:

   tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

You know the difference MS makes between

net use * \\host\share
net use * \\host\share\

and the beatifull error message you get?

But of cause:
An stupid paranoid admin may have removed Admin-Shares.

(I get a similar error message attempting to back up C$ using

Check the permission.

Of cource the remote account MUST have a password!
XP checks this and will not allow such acconut to open anything
remotely (One thing MS did right...?)
default guest acccount is disabled too.


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up unsharable windoze directories

2005-08-26 Thread Les Mikesell
On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 10:44, Rainer Zocholl wrote:

 One possible solution I considered is Hidden Administrative Shares,
 e.g. C$ for a C drive.  I've never gotten C$ to work, 
 You must use an admintrative account. That account must have the 
 right to log on remotely. Yepp. Windows permissions are much more finer than
 unix world thinks...
 If that PC is part of a Domain/ADS add power of 4 of problems...

This is XP-home version he's talking about.  Domain membership is
intentionally broken as well as the file sharing to encourage
you to abandon the version you paid for when you bought the box
and buy an expensive upgrade.  I don't think they have a backup
operator group that has the rights you really want for backuppc

On an only slightly related note: has anyone tried using cygwin
sshd and gnutar to back up a windows box?  Aside from having
to call the C: drive /cygdrive/c, I'd expect that to work.

   Les Mikesell

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up unsharable windoze directories

2005-08-26 Thread Marty

Les Stott wrote:

with the rsyncd that you download from the backuppc sourceforge download 
page you just extrat to c:\rsyncd, configure the rsyncd.conf and double 
click service.bat to start and run it as a service. Thats it!

Thanks, that sounds a lot simpler than the Cygwin-based approach
I had looked at.  I'll check it out.

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September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up unsharable windoze directories

2005-08-26 Thread Rainer Zocholl
[EMAIL PROTECTED](Marty)  25.08.05 22:34

Les Stott wrote:

 Marty wrote:

 I'm looking for a way to back up the Documents and Settings
 directories on a Windows XP box on my network, and rsyncd is not
 currently an option. I tried without success manually enabling

 Why is rsyncd not an option? we use it without drama all the time to
 backup Documents and Settings.

I do not own nor administer it so I have to have to as noninvasive
as possible. Changing some configuration settings is fine but I can't
go much beyond that.

I also need a more general solution because there are other XP boxes,
laptops that go on and off the network.
I have even less control over those.

evil mode

If you have administrative rights on the box (i assume you have
or will be able to gain) it's absoletely no problem to install 
and start(!) software (including drivers) remotely.
Noone will see what you are doing, and afterwards you simply 
remove the software silently ;-)

I assume but never tried, that it might be possible for
Group powerusers too.


AFAIK you only need an rsyncd.
Don't over emphisis of installs Mostly it's pure woodoo.
Many installer have an option to select howlong the install
should sleep(!) after each of the 3 files to install so the
user got the feeling he had bought a real big software...

Share a folder called backup.
Do on some anachron base ntbackup to that folder.
ntbackup can be runeasily in batches/scheulers.
save the folder were you want. (I am waiting for notebooks with 2 disks
or real big PCMCIA/PCI-Express Harddisks...)
ntbackup comes with every Windows XP. In XP home it's merely not installed
because it does allow saving of system system, but does not warn,
that a restore of system was not possible.
An other advantage is: ntbackup uses MS volume shadow copy system 
(vss, not vsc) so it's no problem to backup teh usually locked .pst 
files of Outlook!


SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up unsharable windoze directories

2005-08-26 Thread Marty

Rainer Zocholl wrote:

Share a folder called backup.
Do on some anachron base ntbackup to that folder.
ntbackup can be runeasily in batches/scheulers.
save the folder were you want. (I am waiting for notebooks with 2 disks
or real big PCMCIA/PCI-Express Harddisks...)
ntbackup comes with every Windows XP. In XP home it's merely not installed
because it does allow saving of system system, but does not warn,
that a restore of system was not possible.
An other advantage is: ntbackup uses MS volume shadow copy system 
(vss, not vsc) so it's no problem to backup teh usually locked .pst 
files of Outlook!

Thanks.  This is the kind of alternative I was hoping for -- something
that requires no additional software.  I will investigate this option

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Re: [BackupPC-users] $Conf{FullKeepCnt} with $Conf{FullPeriod} set to -1

2005-08-26 Thread Ralf Gross
Craig Barratt schrieb:
 Ralf Gross writes:

  I schedule backups exclusively with cron with this option and
  $Conf{FullPeriod} =  -1;
  5 20 * * 5 /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg backup zorg
  root 1 /dev/null 21
  5 20 * * 1-4 /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg backup
  zorg zorg
  root 0 /dev/null 21

 Yes, this is the right way to do it.  However, I recommend setting
 $Conf{IncrPeriod} to a number bigger than 0.95 because currently
 there will be a race condition between BackupPC doing it's normal
 scheduling of the incremental and the manual incremental via cron.

 $Conf{IncrPeriod} = 1.1;

Ok, I changed it to 1.1

 Alternatively, you don't need to do the incrementals with cron since
 BackupPC can schedule those every day after the full.

The full backups only take place at weekend, the incremental backups
from Monday to Friday. I like to know when each backup starts and
therefore I'll stay with cron. At the moment backuppc backups only 6

  Now I want to keep the last 4 weekly full backups + 3 monthly full
  backups. So I changed the config.
  $Conf{FullKeepCnt} = [4, 0, 3];
  I'm not sure if this will work with $Conf{FullPeriod} set to -1
  reading this part of the documentation.
  # Entry #n specifies how many fulls to keep at an interval of
  # 2^n * $Conf{FullPeriod} (ie: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...).

 No, it won't work correctly with a negative $Conf{FullPeriod}.
 You should set $Conf{FullPeriod} to slightly more than 7, so
 that $Conf{FullKeepCnt} works correctly, but cron beats BackupPC
 for each full.

I changed it to 7.1. If I want to disable full backups for a host for
awhile, it is not sufficient to just comment out the crontab entry
anymore, I have to remember to set $Conf{FullPeriod} to -1 again?


SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up unsharable windoze directories

2005-08-26 Thread Rainer Zocholl
[EMAIL PROTECTED](Les Mikesell)  26.08.05 11:07

On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 10:44, Rainer Zocholl wrote:

One possible solution I considered is Hidden Administrative
Shares, e.g. C$ for a C drive.  I've never gotten C$ to work,

 You must use an admintrative account. That account must have the
 right to log on remotely. Yepp. Windows permissions are much more
 finer than unix world thinks...
 If that PC is part of a Domain/ADS add power of 4 of problems...

This is XP-home version he's talking about.

i could read only

I'm looking for a way to back up the Documents and Settings directories
on a *Windows XP* box on my network, and rsyncd is not currently an option.

But that explains why he does not have a default C$! ;-)
But that's an security enhancement not a crippling...

Domain membership is intentionally broken 


as well as the file sharing to encourage you to abandon 
the version you paid for when you bought the box
and buy an expensive upgrade.

Hm, it opens a box, that warn's that it not wise to
share K: (My Memory stick drive... argl)
So as with all boxes: Klick OK.

Too you need to modify the firewall and bind 
Client for MS networks and File and Printer... to the LAN interface
and remove that bindung from all other.

After that file sharing (at least offerings shares) seems to work.

I don't think they have a backup operator group that has the rights 
you really want for backuppc either.

I know that XP can make copies of all those In use system using 
volume shadow copy services! I was really surprised.
At least there were no complaints...

On an only slightly related note: has anyone tried using cygwin
sshd and gnutar to back up a windows box?  Aside from having
to call the C: drive /cygdrive/c, I'd expect that to work.

I tried it some month ago using a script from rdiff-backup project..
Would be no problem to use it with backuppc because
both are very near...


SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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