Re: [BackupPC-users] can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for trashClean

2006-07-22 Thread Craig Barratt
Nilesh writes:

> I am continuously getting the following entry in log file and it increase.
> --
> 2006-07-21 17:09:40 can't exec
> /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean
> for  trashClean

Does that path exist?  Is that file executable?  Does the
BackupPC user have permission to read/execute it?  What
happens if you run it manually as the BackupPC user:

su backuppc

What is the first line of BackupPC_trashClean, eg:


It should be the path to perl.  Does an executable perl
exist at that path?


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[BackupPC-users] can not start backup from CGI web interface

2006-07-22 Thread nilesh vaghela
It is new installation ( No of previous installation working fine )


 This PC has never been backed up!! 

This PC is used by root (and admin, backuppc).
Last status is state "idle" as of 22/7 12:18.

Got above err, can not start backup pc.

I have added few more client. Thigs remain same.

It also does not create LOG and lock files in /data/backuppc/pc/ipaddr/

what could be problem
-- Nilesh VaghelaElectroMechRedhat Channel Partner and Training Partner74, Nalanda Complex, Satellite Rd, Ahmedabad25, The Emperor, Fatehgunj, Baroda.
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[BackupPC-users] can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for trashClean

2006-07-22 Thread nilesh vaghela
I am continuously getting the following entry in log file and it increase.

2006-07-21 17:09:40 can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for  trashClean
2006-07-21 17:09:40 Running BackupPC_trashClean (pid=1810)
2006-07-21 17:09:40 Next wakeup is 2006-07-21 18:00:00
2006-07-21 17:09:40 can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for  trashClean
2006-07-21 17:09:40 Running BackupPC_trashClean (pid=1811)
2006-07-21 17:09:40 can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for  trashClean
2006-07-21 17:09:40 Running BackupPC_trashClean (pid=1812)
2006-07-21 17:09:40 can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for  trashClean
2006-07-21 17:09:40 Running BackupPC_trashClean (pid=1813)
2006-07-21 17:09:40 can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for  trashClean
2006-07-21 17:09:40 Running BackupPC_trashClean (pid=1814)
2006-07-21 17:09:40 can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for  trashClean
2006-07-21 17:09:40 Running BackupPC_trashClean (pid=1815)
2006-07-21 17:09:40 can't exec /usr/local/BackupPC-2.1.2/bin/BackupPC_trashClean for  trashClean
-- Nilesh VaghelaElectroMechRedhat Channel Partner and Training Partner74, Nalanda Complex, Satellite Rd, Ahmedabad25, The Emperor, Fatehgunj,

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Re: [BackupPC-users] NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE after samba update

2006-07-22 Thread Bill Hudacek
Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 21:57, Bill Hudacek wrote:
> Is  there some subtle difference in your $Conf{SmbClientFullCmd} and
> $Conf{SmbClientIncrCmd} entries?  Can you execute something
> resembling the expanded incremental command manually with
> smbclient?

Thanks, Les, for the reply.  I've been busy, and that's one of the 
things I've checked.

What it comes down to, isSamba 3.0.23-1 broke my system.  I'd setuid 
the smbclient and mount.cifs commands on disk; it complained until I 
removed that permission bit from those files.  That didn't fix the 
backuppc problems (though I held my breath as I tested again).

[It turns out smbmnt is /not/ based on "libsmb" - which is why samba was 
complaining and bailing - nothing based on this library can be suid 
anymore, I simply setuid that executable.  Bob's your uncle.]

Prepare for this upgrade, folks! They're trying to improve the world 
over at Samba-land, and we're gonna be hurtin' until we figure all this out.

I still have no idea why logins only fail on incrementals.

I've upgraded to BackupPC v3.0.0beta0, but the smbclient command lines 
for SMB-based incremental, full, and restore are the same as in past 
versions :-/  No satisfaction there.  I tested anyway, but you already 
know how that story turns out.

I've been through the entire release notes for this version of Samba - 
my prev version was 3.0.14a-2 (fedora core-4) - and there are literally 
thousands of changes.  My eyes are bleeding.  Nothing jumped out at me, 
no eureka moment...

We need a Linux kernel approach for samba, it would seem, where 
even numbers and odd numbers are used for stable versions and for 
massive changes, respectively - and those unstable versions are not 
pushed out to every computer in the world!  

Is anyone else running this version of samba? If so, is it working for 
you?  I'll work this problem from both endsif anyone has any info, I 
would be grateful.

I'd go back, but the idea is that sofwtware changes are *for the 
better*, and the Samba guys have as good a rep as anyone.  I'm going to 
try to fix this before I punt and downgrade.

I'm simply running a full backup on each machine that has not been 
backed up for the last week or so!  I would have punted days ago if 
I didn't have this escape hatch.

Complicating things is the fact that I have this half-a-terabyte volume, 
and it's 95% full, because I have it retaining nearly every backup I've 
ever doneso I really reduced the retention figures, and now 
BackupPC_trashClean is going nuts - it's already returned nearly 4 
GB...and I have this feeling it'll be running all night - or all weekend :-)

More as it happens

Thought for the day: Fedora makes "trailblazers" of us all, I think, 
when you have an untested combination of software - like BackupPC and Samba!


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Re: [BackupPC-users] fsck errors after crash in cpool data

2006-07-22 Thread JP Vossen
JP Vossen wrote:
> I had a long power failure last night and my UPS ran out of juice, so my 
> backuppc box died ungracefully.  I was trying to halt it when it died--I 
> cut it a little too fine.
> System is minimal Debian Stable using ext3.  BackupPC files are in 
> /data/backuppc, where /data is /dev/hda3.  On boot I get fsck errors and 
> it tells me to run it manually.  When I do that, I have a string of 
> errors, thus far only in backuppc/cpool/1/9/4 (but who knows).
> --- Sample errors ---
> Entry {hash/name} in /backuppc/cpool/1/9/4 ( {numbers} ) has an 
> incorrect filetype (was 1, should be 2).
> Fix?
> Entry {hash/name} is /backuppc/cpool/1/9/4 ( {numbers} ) is a link to 
> directory /backuppc/pc/somehost/94/f%2f/{dir} ( {numbers} ).
> Clear?
> Entry {hash/name} in /backuppc/cpool/1/9/4 ( {numbers} ) has 
> deleted/unused inode {inode}.
> Clear?
> --- end Sample errors ---
> Obviously, I am worried about disrupting BackupPC's fancy storage 
> mechanisms, but I also don't want corrupt backups.  And I need to clear 
> the fsck errors and bring the system back up.
> I've already allowed fsck to "fix" 5 or 10 filetypes and "clear" a few 
> deleted/unused inodes, but I have not cleared any links.  And there 
> seems no end of errors in sight.
> I *can* nuke the entire data pool and start over, but would prefer not 
> to, and I don't know how to do it cleanly anyway.  I don't mind losing 
> some backups, if I can save at least a few here and there.
> Suggestions on how to recover?

Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
 > I'm not a filesystem expert, but in a decent many years of fsck'ing
 > filesystems, I haven't seen a lot of alternatives to just letting it
 > go ahead and try to 'fix' everything.

I ran an fsck -n, logged the results and looked through them:
41  "Inode * ref count is *, should be *."
34  deleted/unused inode
25  incorrect filetype
21  link to directory

That seems like a lot of errors for a simple power crash.  Any thoughts 
on that?

Can anyone tell me what effect fixing these will have on the pool?

Or is there a way I can figure out what "cpool/1/9/4" is and nuke just 
it, then allow BackupPC to re-backup whatever it needs?


PS--Thanks for your input Carl.
JP Vossen, CISSP|:::==|jp{at}jpsdomain{dot}org
My Account, My Opinions |=|
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Re: [BackupPC-users] xFer Error

2006-07-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit Internet)
Arlequín wrote:

> On 17/07/2006 19:50, Nils Breunese (Lemonbit Internet) wrote:
>> Gabriel Menini wrote:
>> The fix is probably to use -D instead of --devices. This was changed
>>  in 2.1.2pl2 and has been mentioned on this list quite a lot of
>> times.
>> Nils Breunese.
> Thanks, Nils
> Should have browsed the list archives before asking, sorry.
> I'm running Ubuntu based BackupPC version 2.1.1-2ubuntu3
> How can I upgrade to 2.1.2pl2?
> Perhaps using another repository?

By the way, you don't need to upgrade tot 2.1.2pl2 to fix this. Just  
change --devices to -D for $Conf{RsyncArgs} and $Conf 
{RsyncRestoreArgs} in your file. There are other fixes in  
the new version of course (check the release notes).

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE after samba update

2006-07-22 Thread Matthew Radey
Craig Barratt wrote:
> Smbclient uses a file timestamp for setting the incremental date.
> That file is /usr/local/backuppc/data/pc/dc1/timeStamp.level0
> which gets removed after the backup.  So you should replace
> that with some other file that can be empty:
> touch timeStamp.level0
> Craig

Hi again Craig. I'm also experiencing and attempting to troubleshoot 
this problem. I tried the proposed method for testing, and turned the 
debug level up a bit. The transcript is below. Any ideas? So far I've 
had no luck Googling for answers.




[14:28:32 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/blah]$ PASSWD=mypasswd
[14:28:53 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/blah]$ export PASSWD
[14:29:01 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/blah]$ ls -l ../timeStamp.level0 
-rw-rw-r--  1 backuppc backuppc 0 Jul 20 14:10 ../timeStamp.level0
[14:32:20 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/blah]$ /usr/bin/smbclient\\myshare -U backuppc -E -N -d 3 -c tarmode full -TcN 
../timeStamp.level0 -
Getting files newer than Thu Jul 20 14:10:46 2006
lp_load: refreshing parameters
Initialising global parameters
params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf"
Processing section "[global]"
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Client started (version 3.0.23-1.fc4).
Connecting to at port 445
Doing spnego session setup (blob length=16)
server didn't supply a full spnego negprot
Got challenge flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x628a0215
NTLMSSP: Set final flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60080215
NTLMSSP Sign/Seal - Initialising with flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60080215
SPNEGO login failed: Logon failure
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
Connecting to at port 445
Doing spnego session setup (blob length=16)
server didn't supply a full spnego negprot
Got challenge flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x628a0215
NTLMSSP: Set final flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60080215
NTLMSSP Sign/Seal - Initialising with flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60080215
SPNEGO login failed: Logon failure
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

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Re: [BackupPC-users] xFer Error

2006-07-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit Internet)
Arlequín wrote:

> On 17/07/2006 19:50, Nils Breunese (Lemonbit Internet) wrote:
>> Gabriel Menini wrote:
>> The fix is probably to use -D instead of --devices. This was changed
>>  in 2.1.2pl2 and has been mentioned on this list quite a lot of
>> times.
>> Nils Breunese.
> Thanks, Nils
> Should have browsed the list archives before asking, sorry.
> I'm running Ubuntu based BackupPC version 2.1.1-2ubuntu3
> How can I upgrade to 2.1.2pl2?
> Perhaps using another repository?

I don't know if anyone has packaged 2.1.2pl2 for Debian/Ubuntu yet. I  
use BackupPC on CentOS myself and installed it from source.

Nils Breunese.

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