Re: [BackupPC-users] More thoughts on Laptop backups

2007-03-05 Thread Craig Barratt
Rick writes:

 Someone recently brought up some questions about securely backing up
 laptops with backuppc, and it prompted me to ask about some questions
 which I've been pondering.
 I'm currently backing up several systems including a laptop which
 happens to be running ubuntu linux.
 Now one thing I've never properly addressed is that this laptop has
 both an internal ethernet card, and a pcmcia wi-fi card.  Most times I
 use the wireless, but sometimes plug it into the wall instead.

My WinXX laptop is similar.  I use the netbios name to identify it
and nmblookup on BackupPC to find it.  See $Conf{NmbLookupFindHostCmd}.

So one option is to run nmbd on your linux machine.  Or you can modify
$Conf{NmbLookupFindHostCmd} to be any command that returns the IP


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Re: [BackupPC-users] web interface problems in 3.0.0

2007-03-05 Thread Jim McNamara

That script isn't intended to be tested through a web interface, it is just
a script to be run to see if your perl supports suid functions. Just run it
at the command line.

Your permissions also seem different from mine -

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -al /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  104 2007-02-22 22:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root  168 2007-02-22 22:18 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root8 2007-02-22 22:18 image - ../image
-rwsr-xr-x 1 backuppc backuppc 3993 2007-02-14 17:14 index.cgi


On 3/5/07, Filipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jim McNamara wrote:

On 2/21/07, Filipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've upgraded from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0 in a debian sarge, and some problems
 First it was the error about the language, and resolved it by renaming
 /etc/backuppc and reinstalling the 3.0.0 version.

I saw the same problem in the same situation. In the Debian package, it
looks for the configs in /etc/backuppc, but the 2.0.0 tarball looks to
/etc/BackupPC. I symlinked them together.

Then some errors appeared when backing up hosts, and the web interface
 edit configuration does not work,

That is a permissions issue, and it is tied into the next problem as well.
The user backuppc needs to be able to write in the /etc/BackupPC directory,
and create subdirectories. In debian, the /etc/backuppc was installed as
root:root, and to edit I switched the ownership to backuppc:www-data. Once
backuppc is the owner of /etc/BackupPC, it will be able to write to the
config files, and create/modify the individual pc configs in the
subdirectory /etc/BackupPC/pc, which will be created the first time you
modify a host's config.

either manual incr/full backup button!
 When I press them I get back to home page.

I saw the exact same thing. The problem was that the sticky bit on the
BackupPC_Admin script in the cgi-bin had been altered. This page on the FAQ
helped me sole it - ,
specifically the section with the script. For Debian, perl usually isn't in
/bin/perl, but rather /usr/bin/perl.

The BackupPC_Admin file needs to have these permissions on Debian, or it
generally won't work, and cause exactly the problems you were seeing:

-r-sr-x---  1 backuppc www-data 3993 2007-02-12 15:57 BackupPC_Admin

The sticky must be set on execute as owner, backuppc or the failures will
occur. Setting those permissions is covered both in the man page and on the
FAQ I cited above.

 I haven't solved yet the problem with the buttons and edit actions in cgi
read that and it seems that every thing's ok
when I do the script file test I am prompted to download the script file,
cut if I add the .cgi extension, it opens the file but gives the 500
Internal Server Error.
this does not happen with the printenv script ( with .cgi ext)

some important information that could help u identity the problem( if u
need more files/dir say it plz):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# ls -al /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin
total 24
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2007-03-05 12:06 .
drwxr-xr-x  7 root root 4096 2006-07-07 18:02 ..
-rwsr-xr-x  1 backuppc www-data 3993 2007-02-14 20:00 BackupPC_Admin
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root8 2006-09-20 20:32 image - ../image
-rwsr-xr-x  1 backuppc backuppc 3925 2006-01-08 22:25 index.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x  1 backuppc www-data  268 2007-03-05 11:59 printenv.cgi
-rwxrwxr-x  1 backuppc www-data   69 2007-02-22 01:25 script.cgi

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# ls -al /etc/BackupPC/
total 172
drwxrwx---   3 backuppc www-data  4096 2007-02-26 09:19 .
drwxr-xr-x  65 root root  4096 2007-02-16 14:37 ..
-rw-r-   1 backuppc www-data   412 2007-03-05 15:04 apache.conf
-rw-r-   1 backuppc www-data 77136 2007-03-05 14:38
-rw-r-   1 backuppc www-data 64544 2007-02-14 18:25
-rw-r-   1 backuppc www-data  2518 2007-01-06 18:19 hosts
-rw-r-   1 root www-data 0 2006-07-07 18:03 htgroup
-rw-r-   1 root www-data23 2006-09-08 18:00 htpasswd
drwxr-xr-x   2 backuppc www-data  4096 2007-03-02 18:43 pc

File: /etc/BackupPC/apache.conf

Alias /backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/

Directory /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
None   $
Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
DirectoryIndex index.cgi

AuthGroupFile /etc/BackupPC/htgroup
AuthUserFile /etc/BackupPC/htpasswd
AuthType basic
AuthName BackupPC admin
require valid-user


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Re: [BackupPC-users] web interface problems in 3.0.0

2007-03-05 Thread Filipe

I don't see the difference on permissions..
I see that you don't have BackupPC_Admin in that directory,... and 
modification time of my index.cgi is a lot older than you's...

Jim McNamara wrote:
That script isn't intended to be tested through a web interface, it is 
just a script to be run to see if your perl supports suid functions. 
Just run it at the command line.

Your permissions also seem different from mine -

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -al /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  104 2007-02-22 22:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root  168 2007-02-22 22:18 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root8 2007-02-22 22:18 image - ../image
-rwsr-xr-x 1 backuppc backuppc 3993 2007-02-14 17:14 index.cgi


On 3/5/07, *Filipe* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim McNamara wrote:

On 2/21/07, *Filipe* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've upgraded from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0 in a debian sarge, and some
First it was the error about the language, and resolved it by
/etc/backuppc and reinstalling the 3.0.0 version.

I saw the same problem in the same situation. In the Debian
package, it looks for the configs in /etc/backuppc, but the 2.0.0
tarball looks to /etc/BackupPC. I symlinked them together.

Then some errors appeared when backing up hosts, and the web
edit configuration does not work, 

That is a permissions issue, and it is tied into the next problem
as well. The user backuppc needs to be able to write in the
/etc/BackupPC directory, and create subdirectories. In debian,
the /etc/backuppc was installed as root:root, and to edit I
switched the ownership to backuppc:www-data. Once backuppc is the
owner of /etc/BackupPC, it will be able to write to the config
files, and create/modify the individual pc configs in the
subdirectory /etc/BackupPC/pc, which will be created the first
time you modify a host's config.

either manual incr/full backup button!
When I press them I get back to home page. 

I saw the exact same thing. The problem was that the sticky bit
on the BackupPC_Admin script in the cgi-bin had been altered.
This page on the FAQ helped me sole it - , specifically
the section with the script. For Debian, perl usually isn't in
/bin/perl, but rather /usr/bin/perl.

The BackupPC_Admin file needs to have these permissions on
Debian, or it generally won't work, and cause exactly the
problems you were seeing:

-r-sr-x---  1 backuppc www-data 3993 2007-02-12 15:57 BackupPC_Admin

The sticky must be set on execute as owner, backuppc or the
failures will occur. Setting those permissions is covered both in
the man page and on the FAQ I cited above.

I haven't solved yet the problem with the buttons and edit actions
in cgi interface!
read that and it seems that every thing's ok
when I do the script file test I am prompted to download the
script file, cut if I add the .cgi extension, it opens the file
but gives the 500 Internal Server Error.
this does not happen with the printenv script ( with .cgi ext)

some important information that could help u identity the problem(
if u need more files/dir say it plz):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# ls -al /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin
total 24
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2007-03-05 12:06 .
drwxr-xr-x  7 root root 4096 2006-07-07 18:02 ..
-rwsr-xr-x  1 backuppc www-data 3993 2007-02-14 20:00 BackupPC_Admin
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root8 2006-09-20 20:32 image -
-rwsr-xr-x  1 backuppc backuppc 3925 2006-01-08 22:25 index.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x  1 backuppc www-data  268 2007-03-05 11:59 printenv.cgi
-rwxrwxr-x  1 backuppc www-data   69 2007-02-22 01:25 script.cgi

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# ls -al /etc/BackupPC/
total 172
drwxrwx---   3 backuppc www-data  4096 2007-02-26 09:19 .
drwxr-xr-x  65 root root  4096 2007-02-16 14:37 ..
-rw-r-   1 backuppc www-data   412 2007-03-05 15:04 apache.conf
-rw-r-   1 backuppc www-data 77136 2007-03-05 14:38
-rw-r-   1 backuppc www-data 64544 2007-02-14 18:25
-rw-r-   1 backuppc www-data  2518 2007-01-06 18:19 hosts
-rw-r-   1 root www-data 0 2006-07-07 18:03 htgroup
-rw-r-   1 root www-data23 2006-09-08 18:00 htpasswd
drwxr-xr-x   2 backuppc www-data  4096 2007-03-02 18:43 pc

File: /etc/BackupPC/apache.conf

Alias /backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/

Directory /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
None   $
Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

[BackupPC-users] Howto backup BackupPC server

2007-03-05 Thread Fabio Milano

How do I backup my BackupPC server?

Can I use one BackupPC server to backup another BackupPC server?

Scenario I need to solve is:

Servers backup to BackupPC server at office, and BackupPC server needs
to be backed-up to offsite server.


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Howto backup BackupPC server

2007-03-05 Thread Brien Dieterle
I don't think another instance of backuppc would work very well for a 
number of reasons.  However, I think you could do well with copying the 
raw block device over netcat or ssh.  If you are using LVM for the 
backuppc data you could take a snapshot and not affect regular backups, 
otherwise you should stop backuppc and unmount the partition first (you 
are using a dedicated partition, right? ;-) )

Couple tips if you try this:  set the readahead on the block dev fairly 
high before you start dd (blockdev --setra 16384 /dev/device).   Then 
pipe it out with dd and compress it with lzop ( dd if=/dev/device bs=10M 
| lzop -1c |nc host port).  On the receiving end you'd run something 
like  nc -l -p port diskdump.  This is what I use for LAN, but for slow 
links you'd probably want more compression.  For good measure you might 
want to zero out the extra space on the drive before you dump it (dd 
if=/dev/zero of=blah bs=1M ; rm blah).

Of course, this would require quite a bit of disk space and would limit 
your backup intervals and retention policies...  Any other ideas, List?


Fabio Milano wrote:

 How do I backup my BackupPC server?

 Can I use one BackupPC server to backup another BackupPC server?

 Scenario I need to solve is:

 Servers backup to BackupPC server at office, and BackupPC server needs
 to be backed-up to offsite server.


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 Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
 opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys-and earn cash
 BackupPC-users mailing list

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[BackupPC-users] Complicated setup with lvm2 snapshot

2007-03-05 Thread Mario Giammarco
I would like backuppc in my complex situation:

- I have some real clients and some virtual clients (openvz based) to backup
- The virtual linux are on the server (and future backup server)
- I use lvm2 I and I would like to use snapshot before backupping to have a 
consistent backup
- I would like to be able to recover from bare metal (Done: I have seen in 
mailing list that is possible to do semi automatic with knoppix)
- I would like to use backup to create a new virtual machine not from scratch 
but as a clone of other

Is it possible?

Another question: I have seen that there is a gui from linbox. Are there other 
gui or enhancements?

Thanks in advance for any reply!


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