[BackupPC-users] Bug reports? nss_ldap and BackupPC

2007-06-17 Thread Warren Howard

I've tested this against BackupPC 2.1.2 and BackupPC 3.0 on Gentoo
Linux.  Basically in both cases I can get BackupPC working fine.  Then
when I try to "LDAP enable" my system (i.e. I install and configure
pam_ldap and nss_ldap) BackupPC will stop working.  Specifically
BackupPC will fail to "daemonize".  When I add "ldap" entries to
/etc/nsswitch.conf the command "/usr/bin/BackupPC -d"  stops working,
however I can still run "/usr/bin/BackupPC" in the foreground.  When I
remove the "ldap" entries from /etc/nsswitch.conf BackupPC works fine
once more.

I think this is a bug where do I send the bug reports?



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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backup from localhost failed

2007-06-17 Thread Randy Barlow
Matthias Meyer wrote:
> Is it right that localhost use ssh?

Well it will work if the backuppc user has the proper credentials to
login to localhost as root.  It seems that this might not be the case.
You don't need to use ssh and probably shouldn't however.  I'd recommend
using rsync or tar to backup localhost and just give the backuppc user
sudo permissions.

Randy Barlow

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people
for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him
who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were
not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received
mercy, but now you have received mercy. ~1 Peter 2:9-10

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[BackupPC-users] Backup from localhost failed

2007-06-17 Thread Matthias Meyer
Just after installation it works.
But then I delete the localhost and add a new with localhost=anotherhost.
The following Full Backup failed as follows:

Running: /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -n -l root localhost env 
LC_ALL=C /bin/tar -c -v -f - -C / --totals --exclude=./\*/lost+found/\* 
--exclude=./\*/profile/\* --exclude=./\*.nobackup --exclude=./\*/Mail/SPAM\* 
--exclude=./\*/Mail/Witze\* --exclude=./\*/Mail/sent-mail 
--exclude=./\*/Mail/outbox --exclude=./\*/trash/\* --exclude=./\*/Trash/\* 
--exclude=./\*/.kde/socket\* --exclude=./\*/.kde/share/config/session/\* 
--exclude=./\*/.xine/session\* --exclude=./\*/.thumbnails/\* 
--exclude=./\*/tmp/\* --exclude=./\*.tmp --exclude=./\*/temp/\* 
--exclude=./\*.temp --exclude=./\*.qic --exclude=./\*.iso --exclude=./\*.log 
--exclude=./\*_log --exclude=./\*cache\* --exclude=./\*.kpackage\* 
--exclude=./.xsession-error\* --exclude=./\*.slave-socket 
--exclude=./\*.journal --exclude=./\*.nfs\* --exclude=./\*.DCOPserver_\* 
--exclude=./\*.std --exclude=./\*.vmss --exclude=./\*.vmdk\* 
--exclude=./\*.nvram --exclude=./\*.vmem --exclude=./\*.vmsn --exclude=./\*.vmx 
--exclude=./\*.000 ./etc ./var/backups ./home ./root
full backup started for directory /
Xfer PIDs are now 3092,3091
Host key verification failed.
Tar exited with error 65280 () status
tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0 
filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal
Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share /)
Backup aborted (No files dumped for share /)

Is it right that localhost use ssh?

The backup for "anotherhost" works fine.

Thanks in advance
Don't Panic

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Should you have to patch BackupPC/Lib.pm?

2007-06-17 Thread Craig Barratt
Tony writes:

> That's correct.  The code winds up looking either in /etc, or in 
> $TOPDIR/conf, neither of which is correct.  On FreeBSD, it would go in 
> /usr/local/etc/BackupPC (or /usr/local/etc/backuppc, whichever).

Ok, it's fixed.  The makeDist script fails to change the hardcoded
value back to __CONFDIR__.  When the tarball release is created,
this line in lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm:

ConfDir=> $confDir eq "" ? '/etc/BackupPC' : $confDir,

should become:

ConfDir=> $confDir eq "" ? '__CONFDIR__' : $confDir,

so that configure.pl can substitute the correct value.  You figured
out the workaround - you can simply edit the correct value in Lib.pm
after configure.pl is run.


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[BackupPC-users] PostXXXXCmd REMOTEUSER $ubstitution

2007-06-17 Thread Mark Sopuch
Hi all.

I utilise the so-called 'User Commands' for mail-outs on pretty much 
every operation that would be of interest to those caring about the 
management of their data. Due to the configured shared nature of access 
to initiating ops in BackupPC at my site, I need to specifically address 
the name of the initiating user in the body text of each mail-out for 
each operation so others in the group can see what has been requested.

I use the following substitutions already:

$user = name of a mail group representing the individuals sharing 
the workstation(s)
$moreUsers = individuals names ie. the people in the mail group

Now, the next substitution may exist elsewhere but I have no idea how to 
get them into my User Command:

$REMOTEUSER = the person initiating as one of the people from 
moreUsers (or any other area BackupPC gets ACL)

Can anyone kindly suggest a way to do this because at present I haven't 
been successful in a naive attempt at using $ENV{REMOTEUSER} within the 
PostCmd Perl script I have. Given it is not called CGI it's hardly 
surprising I guess.


-- Mark

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