[BackupPC-users] My Solution for Off-Site

2011-07-10 Thread Christian Völker
I just want to share my solution to keep an additional backup from the
original BackupPC store.

As we all know it's not really a good solution to rsync the BackupPC
datastore to somewhere else- due to the hardlinks. Doing manual image
copies (ie by swapping the drives of a RAID-1 array) has the big
disadvantage as it's a manual step.

So I decided to combine a couple of other techniques here:
First, my BackupPC is running as a virtual machine on VMware ESX host
sharing datastore and resources with the machines to back up. So the
obvious disadvantage is the case when the ESX host fails- how should I
restore this guy and the BackuPC machine? Well ESX is fairly stable but
you never know.
My storage uses in total 952GB of backup data. So it's really no good
idea to do an rsync here. Swapping drives manually is no good either as
the ESX host would complain.

So what I did was to set up a physical small sized box (old desktop
should work). No RAID involved. I installed there distributed remote
block device (drbd- use Google). Same on backuppc machine. So I have a
physical separated RAID1 available- just through network. Both drbd
devices are using LVM volumes as backing devices so I can enlarge/
shrink at will. The external server addditionaly uses the snaprotate.pl
script to create 4 snapshots of the drbd device at weekly rate.
The drbd device has BackuPC installed, too. So I can easily tell him to
take over and restore.

So with my setup I'm nearly prepared for everything at relatively low cost.
-backupc itself fails
+drbd one will take over after some minor (manual) steps.
-backupc wipes out it's storage (script failure or file system issue)
+I will roll back on the drbd to one of the previous LVM snapshots (up
to four weeks back)
-ESX host fails without removing backuppc
+Set drbd as primary and restore ESX (or just reinstall, it's faster)
-ESX host fails with wiping out the backuppc VM
+Set drbd as primary and restore everything from there on

So in summary I can easily keep my backuppc storage remotely in sync
with drbd and keep snaphshots to roll back weeks. The initial sync and
data migration to drbd device took 24hours while- you could reduce
backuppc downtime by not doing the dd command in parallel to the initial

Only disadvantage is the physical drbd is currently in same building (my
home) as the original ESX host. But this is not likely to change due to
my low external uplink bandwidth here- someone could use the drbd proxy
to use small lines for sync. But this proxy is not available as free
software. For me it's fine- if my house burns down I have more serious
issues than my BackupPC storage ;-)



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[BackupPC-users] Latest rsync.exe and cygwin1.dll for Windows 7.

2011-07-10 Thread Xuo

There was already a post about this subject a few weeks ago asking for
the possibility to use the latest version of rsync under Windows but
without any real answer.
My question is the following : can anybody provide a tar/zip/... file
with the version 3.0.8 of rsync ,the correct cygwin1.dll and all other
relevant files to be able to run backuppc from a linux server onto
another PC running Windows 7.
I have some problems about long files that could (I am not sure at
all) be solved with the latest versions of all tools and I would like to
avoid installing the full cygwin stuff.

Thank you for your help.


All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
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BackupPC-users mailing list
Project: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/

Re: [BackupPC-users] Latest rsync.exe and cygwin1.dll for Windows 7.

2011-07-10 Thread Doug Lytle
Xuo wrote:
 can anybody provide a tar/zip

I'd love to see this as well!


Ben Franklin quote:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
BackupPC-users mailing list
Project: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/