[BackupPC-users] XferLog file entries out of order???

2021-01-14 Thread backuppc
In reviewing my error logs, I noticed the following seemingly out of sequence 
   newrecv cd+ rwxr-xr-x  493, 49368 
   same   recv >f..tpog... rw-r--r--  493, 493 19047 
   same   recv >f..tpog... rw-r--r--  493, 493  2476 
   newrecv cd+ rwxr-xr-x  493, 49368 
   same   recv >f..tpog... rw-r--r--  493, 493 51097 
   same   recv >f..tpog... rw-r--r--  493, 493  2269 
   newrecv cd+ rwxr-xr-x  493, 493 0 mythtv/.xmltv
   Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0 filesTotal, 0 
sizeTotal, 72 filesNew, 122116222 sizeNew, 52433405 sizeNewComp, 702247 inode
   Number of files: 26,856 (reg: 21,162, dir: 5,511, link: 180, special: 3)
   Number of created files: 5,766 (reg: 72, dir: 5,511, link: 180, special: 3)
   Number of deleted files: 0
   Number of regular files transferred: 21,156
   Total file size: 5,474,058,601 bytes
   Total transferred file size: 5,473,037,685 bytes
   Literal data: 122,116,222 bytes
   Matched data: 0 bytes
   File list size: 747,250
   File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
   File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
   Total bytes sent: 17,384,402
   Total bytes received: 135,362,520
   sent 17,384,402 bytes  received 135,362,520 bytes  475,107.07 bytes/sec
   total size is 5,474,058,601  speedup is 35.84
   DoneGen: 0 errors, 186 filesExist, 1020916 sizeExist, 17123 sizeExistComp, 
21345 filesTotal, 5474058601 sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 
713500 inode
   rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) 
(code 23) at main.c(1676) [generator=]
   rsync_bpc exited with benign status 23 (5888)
   That means the client rsync had errors on some files.  Please check the 
   It likely means that rsync's delete cleanup (which deletes files on the 
   server that are no longer on the client) was skipped.  You should fix the 
   that rsync can run cleanly.  You can also specify the --ignore-errors option
   which will still do the delete even if there are rsync errors, but do that 
with caution.
  recv cd+ rwx-- 1011,101178 puser
   same   recv >f..t.og... rw--- 1011,101110 
   same   recv >f..tp. rw-r--r--0,   0 0 
   newrecv cd+ rwx-- 1011,101140 puser/.cache
   same   recv >f..tpog... rw-r--r-- 1011,1011 0 

Specifically, the log shows the following during the backup of my 'home' 
   - The last few file lines of the backup for the 'mythtv' user (which is not 
the last user)
   - Summary rsync lines for the conclusion of the 'home' partition backup
   - Rsync error message
   - Continuation of the file lines for the rest of the users on the 'home' 

What could be causing the 'summary' to come before the conclusion of the 
file-by-file logging?
Is something causing the two loggin

   The only thing I can think of to understand #2 is if the rsync log is out of 
sync with the rsync client summary messages

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Project: https://backuppc.github.io/backuppc/

[BackupPC-users] Getting file list from freenas

2021-01-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
I have a test install of backuppc up and running, and backing up a 
half-dozen Debian servers with no problems.  Now our NAS admin has asked 
me to add a freenas machine to the test, and it's just giving me 
"fileListReceive failed" whenever I try to run a backup.

I've verified that I can ssh in as the bpc user without problems, and 
determined that freenas puts rsync in a different place than debian 
does, so I created a file at /etc/backuppc/thisnas.pl containing

$Conf {RsyncClientPath} = '/usr/local/bin/rsync';

then forced bpc to re-read the configuration and tried again, but still 
"fileListReceive failed".

What's my next step for resolving this?  Is it possible to get more 
detailed information in the bpc logs than just "fileListReceive failed"?

Note that I do *not* have root/sudo access on the freenas machine, so 
there are logs I can't check there.  I instructed the nas admin to add 
the line

backuppc  ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/rsync --server --sender *

to sudoers, and he has done so, so bpc should have sufficient sudo 
capability to run, even though I'm not an admin there myself.

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Project: https://backuppc.github.io/backuppc/