[BackupPC-users] Woe is me

2010-05-01 Thread Dom
Hi all,

I've just set up BackupPC and have to say it's brilliant. I'm using it 
to replace out current Netbackup based system which luckily is still 
running along side the new BackupPC system. Reading from this list has 
been invaluable.  I work for a major local government emergency service 
in the UK and compared to the more expensive alternatives it's winning 
friends all round here. Anyway, I'm here to vent a little because I'm 
very sad. I've set up BackupPC to back up to a Coraid 20TB unit with a 
Raid6 configuration that can tolerate 2 disk failures. I just logged in 
to do my Sysadmin checks and found 3 bloody disks have failed totally 
ruining my BackupPC filesystem. 18 Linux system backups, 5TB of backups, 
hundreds of fulls and incrementals all down the pan. The tape backup 
side isn't even started yet so I can't even recover my BackupPc config, 
we've got some engineers coming in to install that side in a couple of 

All that work, all that effort. Not BackupPC's fault at all. But still I 
could cry. Apologies for posting here but no one else could understand 
my current anguish.

Buggery bugger bugger bum shit bob shag.

and Cheers...


BackupPC-users mailing list
Project: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/

Re: [BackupPC-users] Installing on Red Hat Enterprise

2010-03-26 Thread Dom
On 26/03/10 16:23, Les Mikesell wrote:
 On 3/26/2010 10:31 AM, John BORIS wrote:

 John J. Boris, Sr.
 JEN-A-SyS Administrator
 Archdiocese of Philadelphia
 Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
 Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!

 Josh Malonejmal...@nrao.edu   3/26/2010 11:15 AM

 Is the backuppc process running?


 backuppc  6534 1  0 09:59 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl
 /usr/local/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC -d
 backuppc  6536  6534  0 09:59 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl
 backuppc  7058  7056  0 10:09 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

 Are you using suexec?

 If this is a dedicated backuppc server (like mine)
 just change the apache user to 'backuppc'. I'm running on RHEL5.4

 using the
 standard tarball with no issues, but with apache running as backuppc.

 Here is the BackupPC.conf
 Directory   /usr/local/BackupPC
 order deny,allow
 deny from all
 allow from
 AuthType Basic
 AuthUserFile /etc/BackupPC/BackupPC.users
 AuthName BackupPC Community Edition Administrative Interface
 require valid-user

 Alias   /BackupPC   /usr/local/BackupPC/bin
 ScriptAlias /BackupPC_Admin /BackupPC_Admin
 Shouldn't the target of the ScriptAlias be the full path to the
 BackupPC_Admin program?

 The easy way on RHEL/Centos is to enable the epel yum repository and
 yum install BackupPC
 But be aware that it will put things in different locations.

Try disabling SELinux if it's enabled.

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BackupPC-users mailing list
Project: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/