Re: [BackupPC-users] Default pc pool location

2007-08-10 Thread John Buttery
* On Friday 10 August 2007 08:07, Renke Brausse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I believe the pool is hard coded to /var/lib/backuppc - I solved this
> on my box with a bind mount to my storage file system.

  The path is hard-coded at compile time, I believe, 
and /var/lib/backuppc is the compiled-in location in the Debian package 
(and possibly others).  You can change it with a directory symlink, or 
a "bind" mount as Renke suggests.  If you're not familiar with this 
process, it's as simple as:

mount --bind /var/lib/backuppc /some/new/place

  Make sure you re-create the mount in your system startup scripts.  :)

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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Re: [BackupPC-users] backup taking too much space

2007-08-08 Thread John Buttery
* On Wednesday 08 August 2007 08:41, Rob Owens 
>Any ideas why this might be?  Rsync is using the --links option, so it
>shouldn't be following any links to other directories.  When I
> eliminate /home from the list of directories to backup (leaving only
> /etc and /usr/local/bin), the problem goes away.

  Maybe you could try specifying --one-file-system in $Conf{RsyncArgs} ?

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Simple per PC setup

2007-07-12 Thread John Buttery
* On Thursday 12 July 2007 14:56, "Yaakov Chaikin" 
>I have looked through the documentation, but can't figure out how to
>specify a specific directory within a machine to back up as well as
>how to specify configurations per PC. I see where it talks about the
>ability to specify configurations per PC, but don't see anywhere how
>to do this assuming I have host names for each machine I want to back

  You specify which directories to back up with the *ShareName 

  Per-host configuration is done in the per-host config files, which 
should be created (by you) at:


  The per-host config files inherit the main config, so you only need to 
specify things that override those settings.

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] "Host key verification failed" errors after losing backup pool drive [SOLVED]

2007-07-05 Thread John Buttery
  Usually the [SOLVED] tag implies that the problem has been discussed 
on the list already, but this was actually something I was about to 
post about and then realized the solution before hitting Send.  
However, as Eric Raymond said, all problems are shallow to 
here's the problem and solution for someone that may find this 
a "deeper" problem:

  The hard disk that holds (well, held :p) all our backups died a couple 
of days ago (wheee!).  Yesterday was a holiday, and when I came back 
today I had two mails with a bunch of hosts complaining that their 
backups failed, and looking at the errors in the BackupPC interface 
showed this:

Fatal error (bad version): Host key verification failed.

  Basically, the problem was that the directory being used to hold the 
backups (/var/lib/backuppc/) was also the backuppc user account's home 
directory...and thus the location of the .ssh/ directory which contains 
the SSH private key.
  You'll need to re-generate the private key with "ssh-keygen", then 
populate it to the various hosts BackupPC needs to log in to (I 
recommend using ssh-copy-id for this purpose, but any method will 

  Thanks for some kickass backup software, and hopefully this little 
tidbit will sit in the archives and eventually come up in someone's 
search results!

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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Re: [BackupPC-users] SSH Tunnel HOWTO for BackupPC

2007-05-10 Thread John Buttery
* On Thursday 10 May 2007 08:58, Johan Ehnberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Changing the SSH port will not mess with anything, as long as you have
>the same commands in BackupPC and on the command line.

  Just FYI, you could also put the port number in the ssh client config 
file.  Note, I don't think this will actually assist with the problem 
at hand...just suggesting it since managing one config file sure beats 
having to go in and manually edit "-p blah" into every ssh command line 
in the BackupPC config file.
  Create a file called ~/.ssh/config where ~ is the BackupPC user's home 
directory.  The '~/.ssh' directory should be mode 0700 and the 'config' 
file should be 0600.  Then put this in the config file:

Host myhost
  Port 8675309

  The token 'myhost' is a space-delimited list of names that you might 
use on the ssh command line.  In other words, you might have something 
like this:

Host myhost
  Port 8675309

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Resources for fixing File::RsyncP

2007-04-11 Thread John Buttery
* On Wednesday 11 April 2007 12:11, mattkelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Thanks for the reply.  My system is running Ubuntu, so I don't know if
> this yum repository is compatible.  The libfile-rsyncp-perl package
> is only version 0.52, and I don't know what source to add that might
> have an updated version 0.68.  Does anyone else here use ubuntu and
> know of an updated package? Thanks.

  I assume, by "Ubuntu", you mean 6.06/Dapper; perhaps there's a 
backport of the 6.10/Edgy or 7.04/Feisty package?  You could also try 
the packages from "Debian proper"...the recently-released 4.0/Etch (as 
in, a few days ago) may have a newer version, or possibly the unstable 
aka "sid" version.  Despite the "unstable" moniker, I find Debian sid 
packages to be very reliable in most cases.

  All of that is assuming you decide not to go the CPAN route as Chris 
suggested, which would almost certainly get you what you want if going 
outside APT isn't a hangup for you.

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request for BackupPC: Search backups

2007-03-26 Thread John Buttery
* On Sunday 25 March 2007 15:18, "Krsnendu dasa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>It is hard to find files in the backups by browsing. If there were a
>search feature that allowed you to search one or more computers
>backups that would be great.

  I know this isn't a "real solution" per se, but if you're in a current 
situation that you need a quick solution to...there is the possibility 
of doing something like this (at the shell prompt on the BackupPC 

cd /var/lib/backuppc/pc (or wherever you keep your backups)
find -name '*somename*' -print

  You may also want to play with '-mindepth', '-maxdepth', '-prune', 
and '-iname'...but in general I'm just saying you can use the search 
utilities of the underlying OS as a workaround.

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC exclusion per-share usin g arrays in $Conf{BackupFilesExclude}

2007-01-31 Thread John Buttery
* On Tue, 2007-01-30 at 17:16 -0600, John Buttery wrote:
>>[stuff about backups aborting with "signal=ALRM" errors]

* On Tuesday 30 January 2007 20:39, Travis Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
(Travis Fraser) wrote:
>Would you be running into problems because the other rsync share names
> are included in "/"?

  You know, sometimes you don't see the forest for the trees.  I guess 
Eric Raymond was right when he said that all problems are shallow given 
a sufficiently high number of eyeballs.[1]  Thanks.
  The other machines being backed up do have a separate /var partition, 
so this is probably the issue.  I'm going to go ahead and move 
$Conf{RsyncShareName} into the per-host config as well; I assume this 
is necessary?

-- []
[1] Comments about whether it should have taken an entire mailing list's 
eyeballs to check the partition layout will, of course, be GLEEFULLY 

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC exclusion per-share using arrays in $Conf{BackupFilesExclude}

2007-01-31 Thread John Buttery
* On Tuesday 30 January 2007 18:14, Holger Parplies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
(Holger Parplies) wrote:
>seems correct, but: do your RsyncArgs include --one-file-system (or
> -x)? If not, the files you are trying to exclude might be included in
> unexpected ways (eg. /log/maillog relative to /var would not be
> excluded if seen as /var/log/maillog relative to /). I'm not exactly
> sure though, what would happen if you backed up ['/', '/usr', '/var',
> '/home'] *without* --one-file-system.

  Sorry, I should have included that.  Yes, that argument is there (it 
was already there).  The RsyncArgs setting is otherwise unchanged from 
the default (in other words, we just uncommented that line).

>[explanation of the uses of trailing '/' characters in directory names]

  Cool, thanks for explaining that so clearly.

>[stuff about wildcards]

  Ditto.  :)

>[stuff about leading '/' characters in per-share exclude patterns]

  This is the one I was really hoping to get an answer on.  Once again, 
thanks for the complete explanation.

>[stuff about increasing ClientTimeout to avoid SIGALRM aborts]

  Yeah, that seems to be the general wisdom, and probably would have 
fixed it for me (I did some web searches and found that stuff and tried 
it before emailing) if I hadn't already written a fatal flaw into my 
per-host config file.  See my next reply (to Travis Fraser).  :)

  Note to BackupPC "powers that be": you may want to consider taking the 
substantive content out of the email that this is a reply to 
(message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) and putting it 
in the main documentation.  Of particular use, I think, would be a 
fleshed-out example of a full-blown array exclude with multiple shares 
and wildcards to demonstrate all the permutations.  Perhaps something 
like this (note: I don't know enough about perl to know if you're 
allowed to put comments inline like that, so this may or may not be a 
valid config fragment):

$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
 '/' => [
  '/dev/',  ## /dev is actually safe to back up if you like, though
  'mnt/',   ## I have multiple directories called 'mnt' throughout the 
filesystem, don't want to back up any of them

 '/var' => [
  ## We use leading '/' characters here so the paths are all anchored to 
the top of the share
  '/something' ## This will exclude 'something' regardless of whether 
it's a file or directory, since there's no trailing '/'

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator

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[BackupPC-users] BackupPC exclusion per-share using arrays in $Conf{BackupFilesExclude}

2007-01-30 Thread John Buttery
  I'm wondering if I've got the syntax right for this looks 
right, but I can't find any actual examples anywhere and some of the 
files that I think should be excluded by this, aren't.

  This is BackupPC 2.1.1 as installed by Debian Sarge (the full package 
version string is '2.1.1-2sarge2').

  When excluding directories, do I need to put a trailing '/' character?  
Are wildcards allowed?  When specifying directory names inside the 
per-share array, do I put the leading '/' characters?

  Also, this backup fails with the following error (the other 7 or 8 
hosts we back up are fine)...but I think this may be due to its trying 
to back up files that are getting created/destroyed or modified during 
the run.  That problem should solve itself once the files start getting 
excluded properly, I'm guessing.

The following hosts had an error that is probably caused by a
misconfiguration.  Please fix these hosts:
  - hostname (aborted by signal=ALRM)

  Here are the lines from the main that affect what's being 
backed up (as far as I know...I can send other stuff as required, 
didn't want to spam the list with the entire file :p).

- cut here
$Conf{XferMethod} = 'rsync';
$Conf{RsyncShareName} = ['/','/usr','/var','/home'];
- cut here

  And, here are the entire contents (excluding comments) of the 
host-specific config file for the machine in question:

- cut here
$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
'/' => [

'/var' => [
- cut here

John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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