Re: [BackupPC-users] RsyncIncrArgsExtra

2019-08-03 Thread Ted Toal

> BackupPC shines, I think, in less well-constrained situations.
> Given the boundaries I wonder if you wouldn't do better with something
> simple like a script which runs 'find' to find the files to be backed
> up, plain vanilla rsync to do the actual transfers, and de-duplication
> provided (if necessary) by one of several filesystems which offer it.

We looked at a lot of different solutions, and BackupPC seemed best.  I really 
like it.  I’m not sure that any script we set up could do any better job 
finding the files to back up, than rsync via BackupPC with the 
file-size-constraint option specified.  If I understand it correctly, 
incrementals DO NOT read the entire file contents and compute a checksum, but 
work strictly off of file modification date, so finding the files requires only 
reading the directories and not reading the files themselves, right?


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] RsyncIncrArgsExtra

2019-08-02 Thread Ted Toal
Hi Alex,

Ok, thanks for that suggestion, I’d thought of it, but wasn’t sure if rsync 
would complain if the arg appeared twice, but apparently it doesn’t.

I am NOT sure whether bandwidth limitation is what I want.  I am actually 
trying to throttle down not only the network bandwidth used but also the I/O 
load.  This is a shared file system with hundreds of users accessing it.  I’m 
only backing up our lab’s small portion of the data, and I’m only backing up 
files less than 1 MB in size.  The full backups are done separately by someone 
else in a different manner.  For my <1 MB files, I am doing a full backup once 
a year and an incremental backup once an hour.  I want to have essentially 0 
impact on the network bandwidth and on the I/O load between the server that 
talks to BackupPC and the network storage device.  Since I’m just starting, I’m 
doing the first full backups, and they are taking forever.  I have a bandwidth 
limit of 1 MB/s, very low.  I need to explore how high I can go without 
impacting other’s access, and how high I need to go to finish the full backups 
and incremental backups in a timely fashion.  I’m thinking a higher bandwidth 
limit for the full backups would get them done quicker with still little 
impact.  For the incrementals, I haven’t done one yet so I don’t know how long 
it will take, but I may discover I have to increase that bandwidth also, and/or 
decrease the frequency of the incrementals.

Based on that, do you think I should be using ionice too?  And by the way, I do 
not have root access to the server.


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Identical files

2019-08-02 Thread Ted Toal
>> Would replacing "same permissions, ownership or modification time" by
>> "same filename, path, permissions, ownership, modification time, or
>> other metadata" make the crowd more happy?

Yes, that is all that is needed, just adding “filename, path” to that list.

BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] RsyncIncrArgsExtra

2019-08-01 Thread Ted Toal
There is a BackupPC config parameter named RsyncFullArgsExtra, but none named 
RsyncIncrArgsExtra (to provide extra rsync args for an incremental backup).  
I’d like to see such a parameter.  My immediate use is that I’d like to 
restrict rsync bandwidth to different amounts depending on whether it is a full 
or incremental backup.

BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] WakeupSchedule midnight

2019-07-26 Thread Ted Toal
$Conf{WakeupSchedule} says it is in units of hours past midnight.  I assumed 
midnight local time, but the log file tells me that it is measuring relative to 
midnight universal time.  This is awkward, can it be changed?

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Identical files

2019-07-25 Thread Ted Toal
>> From a practical perspective, files x and y are identical if and only if
>>  `diff x y` returns 0. It's really just about the content.

Thanks, Alex!

 ...What about filename and file directory, do these have to match
  for a pair of files to be identical?

>> They wouldn't be identical files.  They'd be the same file. :)

Yes of course. :-)  I was thinking though, what if the directory was the same 
but filename was different (a copy of the file), or the filename was the same 
but directory different (copy of file in different directory using same name).  
And I’m glad to hear they are still detected as the same file!  That should be 
added to that documentation sentence.  I’d do it myself but don’t know how.  Is 
it easy to make updates to the documentation?

BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Identical files

2019-07-24 Thread Ted Toal
BackupPC documentation says ‘by "identical files" we mean files with identical 
contents, not necessary the same permissions, ownership or modification time.’  
What about filename and file directory, do these have to match for a pair of 
files to be identical?

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