Re: [BackupPC-users] Limit Disk Space for a Host

2017-05-30 Thread Holger Parplies

Oliver Lippert wrote on 2017-05-30 22:32:49 +0200 [[BackupPC-users] Limit Disk 
Space for a Host]:
> [...]
> is there any way to set an „limit“ to an Host?


> I want to backup an Host but want to make sure that all his backup-files max
> reach 200GB.

Even the concept of the storage space used up "by one host" is difficult to
define. Due to pooling, a file found on N hosts in M locations during O backups
is only stored once - how much of the storage space is allocated to each host?
How much computing power do you want to put into finding that out? When doing
a new backup, do you want to disallow creation of a new reference to a file
already existing in the pool (i.e. requiring no new space), because the
storage space accounted to this host would exceed its quota? Do you want
quotas to apply before or after pooling and/or compression? Do you even really
want quotas, or are you just trying to prevent mistakes from filling up your
pool? (Actually, that might even be a neat feature request - abort a backup
if it exceeds $Conf{BackupMaxSize} (definable per host or even per share).)

Your usage case may (possibly) not have any content shared between hosts, but
the concept of BackupPC does, so any solution would have to work for the
general case.

> [...]
> Current solution are two seperate docker backuppc-instances, but that is
> administration overhead…

And you don't get the benefit of pooling between the pools.


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[BackupPC-users] Limit Disk Space for a Host

2017-05-30 Thread Oliver Lippert
Hi there,

is there any way to set an „limit“ to an Host?


I want to backup an Host but want to make sure that all his backup-files max
reach 200GB.

Then I want to get an alert / mail / whatever…


Current solution are two seperate docker backuppc-instances, but that is
administration overhead…



Mit freundlichem Gruß,
  Oliver Lippert – Lipperts WEB


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