Just wanted to share this interesting test result I found about 
switching the ssh cipher. I am running the 3.0.0 beta3 in production on 
a fairly small centos4 server (basic spec but with a 1.5TB raid5 setup) 
and backing up a variety of windows, linux and solaris across a 100mbit 

I wanted to see whether I could speed up the data transfer without 
resorting to rsh or applying the no-encryption patch for ssh, so I did 
some tests and found that arcfour was the fastest cipher for me (seems 
to be a common conclusion), by a factor of about 2.

Interestingly when I start using this in the backuppc ssh config it has 
made huge improvements to the backup completion time by a factor of up 
to 10. Here are stats showing the difference, the cipher was switched 
after backup 21:

  Backup#        Type    Filled          Level           Start Date      
Age/days         Server Backup Path
15      full    yes     0       12/28 20:00     811.7   18.5 
18      incr    no      1       1/1 01:00       124.9   15.3    
19      incr    no      1       1/2 01:00       137.2   14.3    
20      incr    no      1       1/3 01:00       124.2   13.3    
21      incr    no      1       1/4 01:00       145.2   12.3    
22      full    yes     0       1/13 12:43      212.4   2.8     
23      incr    no      1       1/14 12:14      7.7     1.8     
24      incr    no      1       1/15 12:14      7.5     0.8     

         Totals          Existing Files          New Files
Backup#         Type    #Files  Size/MB         MB/sec  #Files  Size/MB         
#Files  Size/MB
15      full    269365  5971.7  0.12    99242   863.5   180563  5115.6
18      incr    2151    256.2   0.03    1335    21.2    855     235.1
19      incr    2161    258.2   0.03    1509    25.1    686     233.2
20      incr    2167    260.2   0.03    1518    26.2    681     234.0
21      incr    2173    262.1   0.03    1244    26.9    962     235.3
22      full    268940  5993.7  0.47    268640  5722.1  11914   279.1
23      incr    2136    257.2   0.56    1598    18.1    2965    239.3
24      incr    2142    259.1   0.57    1493    22.1    682     237.1

I'd be interested to know if others have seen similar results.


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