[BackupPC-users] WORKAROUND: Hang when using rsync over ssh to backup Windows 2003 files

2008-02-19 Thread hot java
PROBLEM: Backup Hangs when using BackupPC / rsync over ssh to a Windows 2003

WORKAROUND SUMMARY: Backup a Windows 2003 server using by using BackupPC's
Pre and Post commands to establish a forwarding ssh tunnel and a locally
bound Windows rsyncd service.  I know what you are thinking - I don't want
to load rsyncd as a service because this creates another security issue.
Wait,  we are going to BIND the rsyncd service to and then connect
to it via the forwarding tunnel! Awesome.   Performing a backup using this
method will seem weird because you'll be issuing an rsync command on your
BackupPC server against localhost,, which is forwarded
over to the Windows 2003 server where it then connect to the rsync service
on  Believe me - it works.  I've been using this method for
over a month now without any problems.


How to backup a Windows 2003 server using BackupPC, rsyncd, and a forwarding
ssh tunnel.  The goal was to develop a secure backup method that actually
works.  Rsync over ssh from Linux to Windows fails (for me).  So, we
developed a secure method that meshes nicely with BackupPC and rsyncd.
Caution: these are my personal notes, following them may crash your system
and result in data loss.

FAILURE: Linux --rsync/ssh-- Windows 2003(sshd):
We spent about a week trying to resolve problems backing up a Windows 2003
server from Linux using rsync over ssh.  Almost all of our attempts at
getting a clean backup of Windows 2003 server from a Linux server using
rsync over ssh failed miserably - the backup would simply hang on certain
files.  This problem persisted even when we replaced the original Windows
source files with a Volume Shadow Copy - ouch!

SUCCESS: Linux ==rsync (modules)/ssh== Windows 2003(sshd/rsyncd)
All of our tests using module-based rsync from Linux to Windows 2003 rsyncd
services worked perfectly.  So, we developed a simple workaround to secure
rsyncd connections through a forwarding ssh connection.  To do this, we bind
rsyncd to localhost on a Window 2003 server and then connect to this service
from our Linux backup server through a forwarding SSH tunnel.

* Install cygwin, be sure to include cygrunsrv, openssh and rsync.
* Follow one of the many online guides for setting up cygwin's sshd
(reference: http://pigtail.net/LRP/printsrv/cygwin-sshd.html)

To setup rsync as service in Windows 2003 do the following:
(reference: http://www.gaztronics.net/rsync.php)

Start cygwin:
% vi /etc/rsyncd.conf

use chroot = false
strict mode = false

   path = /cygdrive/c/webserver
   read only = false
   list = true
   comment = BACKUP

% cygrunsrv -I Rsyncd -p /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin/rsync.exe -a
--config=/cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/rsyncd.conf --daemon --no-detach --address= -f Rsyncd daemon service on localhost -u Administrator

***IMPORTANT: BE SURE TO USE --address= *

% cygrunsrv --list
% cygrunsrv --start sshd
% cygrunsrv --start Rsynd

Now, we are ready to test our new services.

TESTING: On your Linux backup server issue this command:

TESTING: linux% ssh -L 1500: -l user myserver.my.domain

TESTING: This command will establish a tunnel to myserver where new
connections to the local linux port on 1500 are forwarded over to the remote
side and actually connect to  That is to say, local
connections to are: (a) FORWARDED through the tunnel and (b)
connected to on the remote side.

TESTING: Now that we have this incredibly useful tunnel in place, all we
need to do is run rsync against the localhost:1500 to actually backup the
remote side.

TESTING: Here is an example of the rsync command:

TESTING: linux% rsync -av --port 1500 /home/backups

TESTING: In this example, backupwww is the name of your Windows 2003 rsyncd
module.  Obviously, /home/backups is the destination on your backup server
where you want to store these test backups.

If everything works, you are ready to configure BackupPC.


BACKUPPC: BackupPC (rsyncd method) --ssh tunnel- Windows 2003
Server (sshd/rsyncd)
LINUX: Install BackupPC
LINUX: Setup ssh keys such that user backuppc can ssh over to your Windows
2003 server without supplying a password
(reference: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq/ssh.html)

Pick an alias for your Windows 2003 server to be used by BackupPC.  Any name
will do - we'll map this alias to later with ClientNameAlias.
For this example, I selected securewww1 as an alias for our Windows 2003

linux% vi /BackupPC/conf/hosts

Re: [BackupPC-users] WORKAROUND: Hang when using rsync over ssh to backup Windows 2003 files

2008-02-19 Thread dan
This is a great piece of knowledge, I encourage you to put this on the wiki.

also note that this can be done in reverse to have the remote machine create
the tunnel and issue a command over ssh 'BackupPC_servermsg or
BackupPC_dump' allowing remote clients to backup on their own schedule
without the backuppc server having any knowledge of their remote IP address.

this is also a great was to secure your rsync traffic as the rsyncd server
in cygwin does not listen to any network IP address, only

very nice.

On Feb 11, 2008 4:07 PM, hot java [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PROBLEM: Backup Hangs when using BackupPC / rsync over ssh to a Windows
 2003 server.

 WORKAROUND SUMMARY: Backup a Windows 2003 server using by using BackupPC's
 Pre and Post commands to establish a forwarding ssh tunnel and a locally
 bound Windows rsyncd service.  I know what you are thinking - I don't want
 to load rsyncd as a service because this creates another security issue.
 Wait,  we are going to BIND the rsyncd service to and then
 connect to it via the forwarding tunnel! Awesome.   Performing a backup
 using this method will seem weird because you'll be issuing an rsync command
 on your BackupPC server against localhost,, which is
 forwarded over to the Windows 2003 server where it then connect to the rsync
 service on  Believe me - it works.  I've been using this
 method for over a month now without any problems.


 How to backup a Windows 2003 server using BackupPC, rsyncd, and a
 forwarding ssh tunnel.  The goal was to develop a secure backup method that
 actually works.  Rsync over ssh from Linux to Windows fails (for me).  So,
 we developed a secure method that meshes nicely with BackupPC and rsyncd.
 Caution: these are my personal notes, following them may crash your system
 and result in data loss.

 FAILURE: Linux --rsync/ssh-- Windows 2003(sshd):
 We spent about a week trying to resolve problems backing up a Windows 2003
 server from Linux using rsync over ssh.  Almost all of our attempts at
 getting a clean backup of Windows 2003 server from a Linux server using
 rsync over ssh failed miserably - the backup would simply hang on certain
 files.  This problem persisted even when we replaced the original Windows
 source files with a Volume Shadow Copy - ouch!

 SUCCESS: Linux ==rsync (modules)/ssh== Windows 2003(sshd/rsyncd)
 All of our tests using module-based rsync from Linux to Windows 2003
 rsyncd services worked perfectly.  So, we developed a simple workaround to
 secure rsyncd connections through a forwarding ssh connection.  To do this,
 we bind rsyncd to localhost on a Window 2003 server and then connect to this
 service from our Linux backup server through a forwarding SSH tunnel.

 * Install cygwin, be sure to include cygrunsrv, openssh and rsync.
 * Follow one of the many online guides for setting up cygwin's sshd
 (reference: http://pigtail.net/LRP/printsrv/cygwin-sshd.html)

 To setup rsync as service in Windows 2003 do the following:
 (reference: http://www.gaztronics.net/rsync.php)

 Start cygwin:
 % vi /etc/rsyncd.conf

 use chroot = false
 strict mode = false

path = /cygdrive/c/webserver
read only = false
list = true
comment = BACKUP

 % cygrunsrv -I Rsyncd -p /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin/rsync.exe -a
 --config=/cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/rsyncd.conf --daemon --no-detach --address= -f Rsyncd daemon service on localhost -u Administrator

 ***IMPORTANT: BE SURE TO USE --address= *

 % cygrunsrv --list
 % cygrunsrv --start sshd
 % cygrunsrv --start Rsynd

 Now, we are ready to test our new services.

 TESTING: On your Linux backup server issue this command:

 TESTING: linux% ssh -L 1500: -l user myserver.my.domain

 TESTING: This command will establish a tunnel to myserver where new
 connections to the local linux port on 1500 are forwarded over to the remote
 side and actually connect to  That is to say, local
 connections to are: (a) FORWARDED through the tunnel and
 (b) connected to on the remote side.

 TESTING: Now that we have this incredibly useful tunnel in place, all we
 need to do is run rsync against the localhost:1500 to actually backup the
 remote side.

 TESTING: Here is an example of the rsync command:

 TESTING: linux% rsync -av --port 1500 /home/backups

 TESTING: In this example, backupwww is the name of your Windows 2003
 rsyncd module.  Obviously, /home/backups is the destination on your backup
 server where you want to store these test backups.