Re: [BackupPC-users] missing rdev on device...

2008-12-22 Thread Holger Parplies
Hi Glassfox,

since you're ignoring off-list requests to stop posting to this *mailing list*
via "Backup Central", let me explain to you on-list, that this is a
MAILING LIST (shouting intended), and that you are making an utter fool of
yourself by repeatedly generating messages containing

Glassfox wrote on 2008-12-22 16:59:41 -0500 [[BackupPC-users]  missing rdev on 
> This is an edited version of a previous post

You *cannot* edit previous posts. "Backup Central"s official point of view
seems to be something like "we only encourage fools to do stupid things, we
don't make them do them; if that annoys mailing lists, so what?". They
obviously don't grasp the basics of threading and the involved email headers,
and, frankly, I couldn't be bothered to explain them to them. It's not that it
is *impossible* to follow a mutilated-by-Backup-Central-type thread, it's just
that it's a pain, and I, for one, don't voluntarily inflict pain upon myself.
I would be happy to continue simply ignoring your posts and the partly
incorrect or misleading answers there have been, if not for the fact that all
of that lands in the archives and may mislead readers who have done *nothing*
to deserve it.

So, as for your question,

> Any idea what's wrong here?

I really couldn't care less.


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] missing rdev on device...

2008-12-22 Thread dan
I must say Glassfox, I have never seen Holger get upset with someone on-list
like this.  Please change your post methods for our sake.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Holger Parplies  wrote:

> Hi Glassfox,
> since you're ignoring off-list requests to stop posting to this *mailing
> list*
> via "Backup Central", let me explain to you on-list, that this is a
> MAILING LIST (shouting intended), and that you are making an utter fool of
> yourself by repeatedly generating messages containing
> Glassfox wrote on 2008-12-22 16:59:41 -0500 [[BackupPC-users]  missing rdev
> on device...]:
> >
> > This is an edited version of a previous post
> You *cannot* edit previous posts. "Backup Central"s official point of view
> seems to be something like "we only encourage fools to do stupid things, we
> don't make them do them; if that annoys mailing lists, so what?". They
> obviously don't grasp the basics of threading and the involved email
> headers,
> and, frankly, I couldn't be bothered to explain them to them. It's not that
> it
> is *impossible* to follow a mutilated-by-Backup-Central-type thread, it's
> just
> that it's a pain, and I, for one, don't voluntarily inflict pain upon
> myself.
> I would be happy to continue simply ignoring your posts and the partly
> incorrect or misleading answers there have been, if not for the fact that
> all
> of that lands in the archives and may mislead readers who have done
> *nothing*
> to deserve it.
> So, as for your question,
> > Any idea what's wrong here?
> I really couldn't care less.
> Regards,
> Holger
> --
> ___
> BackupPC-users mailing list
> List:
> Wiki:
> Project:
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] missing rdev on device...

2008-12-23 Thread Holger Parplies

Glassfox wrote on 22.12.2008 at 16:50:24 [[BackupPC-users]  missing rdev on 
> I tried a complete restore on my localhost (which also runs BackupPC) today 
> and got a lot of error messages like this:
> "2008-12-22 21:54:23 localhost: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode: missing rdev 
> on device file dev/initctl"
> Any idea what's wrong here?

this is weird.

1.) /dev/initctl is a named pipe. There is no point in *restoring* a named
pipe, because you can't "restore" the process listening "on the other
end". You might still want to back up named pipes, for the sake of
having an exact image of your file system for reference or auditing
Did all of the error messages refer to named pipes?
2.) As far as I understand the complaining code (FileList/FileList.xs in the
source of File::RsyncP), it is interpreting the file as a device, not
a pipe. Might this be related to the "-D" option syntax change in rsync
2.6.7? Has anyone successfully tested backing up and restoring named

What rsync commands are run for backup and for restore? You can find them in
the XferLOG and RestoreLOG files ...


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] missing rdev on device...

2008-12-23 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
cpreston wrote:

> If you are on this mailing list and have an opinion about Backup  
> Central's use of this list, please read this message and respond.   
> I'm doing what I'm doing because I believe it helps the BackupPC  
> community -- no other reason.  It sure isn't to generate more web  
> traffic.  (If that's all I wanted to do, I could do that by setting  
> up a one-way setup where I import the messages from the list and  
> don't send forum messages back to the list.)  I believe that what  
> I'm doing is the right thing, but at least one member of the list  
> seems to feel rather strongly in the opposite direction.  I thought  
> I'd give you a chance to respond to that.

I'm with Holger on this one. I'm a member of a lot of mailinglists and  
I find the edited reposts coming from Backup Central quite annoying.

> Second, I DO understand the basics of email threading, and am well  
> acquainted with the appropriate RFCs.  I'm a Unix geek through and  
> through and used to use Usenet before it got popular and got all  
> messed up.

I feel now this mailinglist is getting messed up. And I think Holger  
felt the same.

> Do you yell at people that use email clients that mess up the thread  
> as well?  Just curious.

I do from time to time, yes.

> Apparently there's some combination of what I'm doing and what this  
> poster is doing that is driving you crazy.  I _think_ it's that he's  
> been editing previous posts.  The ability to edit a previous post is  
> on by default, but I have now turned it off.  (In fact, I decided to  
> do it for all forums.)  See how easy that was?  I am neither stupid  
> nor evil.  Quit trying to make me so.  I am a reasonable person who  
> responds to reasonable requests, even when they are stated rather  
> unreasonably strong, as is the case in your case.

Turning off editing previous posts is probably going a long way  
towards fixing our annoyance. Thanks for that.

> In addition, the poster to which you have sent such hateful sounding  
> posts has posted both questions AND answers to this forum and by  
> extension your mailing list.  (See 
>  )  While the majority of his/her posts have been questions, it  
> seems that they are trying to help as well.  Maybe you could back  
> off just a little.

I think Holger is maybe the most helpful and knowledgable person on  
this mailinglist, so we might want him to stay as well.

> Then you said:
>>> Any idea what's wrong here?
>> I really couldn't care less.
> So you posted all that just to say that you weren't going to answer  
> his question?  Now THAT'S being unreasonable.

I think he posted to say that he would have cared if the person asking  
would refrain from sending edited posts to the mailinglist via Backup  
Central. It was not the first time Holger expressed his annoyance with  
posters coming through Backup Central, so I guess this was just the  
drop and someone got a reaction that was maybe a bit stronger put than  
he could have expected.

Just my 2 cents,

Nils Breunese.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] missing rdev on device...

2009-01-08 Thread Tim Connors
On Wed, 24 Dec 2008, Holger Parplies wrote:

> Hi,
> Glassfox wrote on 22.12.2008 at 16:50:24 [[BackupPC-users]  missing rdev on 
> device...]:
> > I tried a complete restore on my localhost (which also runs BackupPC) today 
> > and got a lot of error messages like this:
> >
> > "2008-12-22 21:54:23 localhost: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode: missing 
> > rdev on device file dev/initctl"
> >
> > Any idea what's wrong here?
> this is weird.

Bugger, I'm in need of restoring my filesystem and I just came across
this.  It issued a few of these messages, then seems to have paused, with
rsync or backuppc not showing any activity according to strace.  Dunno
whether the incorrect handling of the pipe caused the susequent pause.
I'm restoring to blank partitions, so it's not like it's blocking on
writing to a pipe on the remote filesystem, since the pipe doesnt exist
yet.  Note that in my debugging, I have blown away the temporary partition
I created, so I can't verify whether it had actually created the pipe yet
(one suspects not, if couldn't handle it).

> 1.) /dev/initctl is a named pipe. There is no point in *restoring* a named
> pipe, because you can't "restore" the process listening "on the other
> end". You might still want to back up named pipes, for the sake of
> having an exact image of your file system for reference or auditing
> purposes.

Sure you want to restore named pipes (I think you're thinking of sockets).
Named pipes are pipes on the filesystem that haev a static name.  They can
be created temporarily by processes to communicate with another process
(but what's the point, that could have just passed over file descriptors
to a socket), or they can be pipes that you keep around that are
persistent over processes restarting (I first used pipes about 10 years
ago to have a music daemon that could block on a pipe until some reader
came along.  The first pipes backuppc came across when trying to
restore my current system was a pipe I created a few months ago in order
to work around limitations of a script I was using that wouldnt write to
stdout or /dev/stdout, but would write to a named pipe.

/dev/initctl for instance always exists in /dev.  If you want to restore
/dev, then you have to be able to handle named pipes.

Also, rsync is able to read and write named pipes.  It probably is -D, but
in order to restore a filesystem, you need to use -D.

> Did all of the error messages refer to named pipes?

2009-01-09 12:47:11 gamow: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode: missing rdev on 
device file tconnors/.config/gxine/socket
2009-01-09 12:47:11 gamow: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode: missing rdev on 
device file tconnors/.signature
2009-01-09 12:47:11 gamow: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode: missing rdev on 
device file 
2009-01-09 12:47:11 gamow: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode: missing rdev on 
device file 

They are named pipes on the system that was backed up and is trying to be
restored to.

> 2.) As far as I understand the complaining code (FileList/FileList.xs in the
> source of File::RsyncP), it is interpreting the file as a device, not
> a pipe. Might this be related to the "-D" option syntax change in rsync
> 2.6.7? Has anyone successfully tested backing up and restoring named
> pipes?

Backing up has never complained.  The file exists as an empty file in the
full backup.
Dunno how to parse the attrib file.

in FileList/rsync.h,
#define IS_DEVICE(mode) (S_ISCHR(mode) || S_ISBLK(mode) || S_ISSOCK(mode)
|| S_ISFIFO(mode))

> What rsync commands are run for backup and for restore? You can find them in
> the XferLOG and RestoreLOG files ...

I'm restoring from an incremental backup:
incr backup started back to 2008-12-25 15:00:01 (backup #14) for
directory /home
Running: /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l backuppc gamow sudo /usr/bin/rsync
--server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links
--hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive
--one-file-system --checksum-seed=32761 . /home/
Running: /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l backuppc gamow sudo /usr/bin/rsync
--server --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links
--hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --relative
--ignore-times --recursive --checksum-seed=32761 . /mnt/

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sexy, but a little too prone to going cross-eyed, biting you on
your thumb and then throwing up on your trousers. -- Jim in ASR

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