Re: [Bacula-users] Newbie alert: History, Backing up to File(s)

2009-07-28 Thread Toni Mueller


On Sat, 25.07.2009 at 18:52:08 +0300, Timo Neuvonen  
> First, there is some very limited job history in the .state files. Is it 
> possible the old information comes from the .state files of the spesific 
> clients, did you delete them also, in addition to the .state files of the 
> server?

I don't know where to find those client's state files, but the
experiment in question comprised only one server and the same machine
as the only client. According to the package manager, they should have
shared the same directory for state information. In that case... yes, I
deleted those files as well.

> also a Debian based system, and because of the re-install of Bacula had 
> accidentally been made to use different database engine (SQlite vs. MySQL) 

This is not applicable to my situation. I use PostgreSQL exclusively,
if possible. Bacula has the ability to use PostgreSQL, so I don't use
any of the other options. I also don't even have the sqlite-backend
version of Bacula programs installed.

> How did you delete the database? Did you use the drop_bacula_database 
> script, or did you delete it manually?

I purged the packages ("dpkg --purge ..."), and I also went and deleted
the database manually, like so:

# psql template1
template1# drop database bacula;

That should have done it, imho.

> catalog information. If the drop script really does not work for some 
> reason, I think then you need to report a bug (obviously to the Debian 
> packagers, not to the Bacula bug tracking system)

Once I determined the exact problem and cause, I'll take appropriate

Thank you for your ideas!

Kind regards,

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strange problem with authentication

2009-07-28 Thread Martin Simmons
> On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 16:10:35 -0300, Marcelo Terres said:
> Nobody have any idea of what could cause this error ?

The authentication between the sd and fd uses a session key generated by the
director, so it is unclear how this can fail.

Try running the 3 daemons at debug level 200 and see if that gives useful


> Regards,
> Marcelo H. Terres
> ICQ: 6649932
> MSN:
> Jabber:
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Marcelo Terres  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've got an odd problem. Let me explain.
> >
> > I had several clients and all of them was working perfectly until the end 
> > of last month (when I take some days off). I returned last wednesday, and 3 
> > clients are reporting this problem:
> >
> >
> > 17-Jul 16:38 backup-dir JobId 9073: Start Backup JobId 9073, 
> > Job=app253.2009-07-17_16.38.24
> > 17-Jul 16:38 backup-dir JobId 9073: Using Device "TapeDriveLTO3"
> > 17-Jul 16:38 backup-sd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Incorrect authorization key 
> > from File daemon at client rejected.
> >
> >
> > Please see 
> > for help.
> > 17-Jul 16:38 backup-sd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Incorrect authorization key 
> > from File daemon at client rejected.
> >
> >
> > Please see 
> > for help.
> > 17-Jul 16:38 backup-sd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Unable to authenticate File 
> > daemon
> >
> >
> > 17-Jul 16:38 app253-fd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Authorization key rejected 
> > by Storage daemon.
> > Please see 
> > for help.
> >
> >
> > 17-Jul 16:38 app253-fd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Failed to authenticate 
> > Storage daemon.
> > 17-Jul 16:38 backup-dir JobId 9073: Fatal error: Socket error on Storage 
> > command: ERR=No data available
> >
> >
> > If I ask the client status in bconsole everything is fine:
> >
> > Connecting to Client app253 at
> >
> > app253-fd Version: 2.4.4 (28 December 2008)  i486-pc-linux-gnu debian 4.0
> > Daemon started 17-Jul-09 16:37, 0 Jobs run since started.
> >  Heap: heap=138,492 smbytes=10,262 max_bytes=11,648 bufs=56 max_bufs=77
> >  Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=4 debug=0 trace=0
> >
> > Running Jobs:
> > Director connected at: 17-Jul-09 16:52
> > No Jobs running.
> > 
> >
> > So, I discard the possibility of password mismatch.
> >
> > This 3 servers are behind and router (a linux server), but they were behind
> > this server for months without backup errors.
> >
> > Anybody has some tips to me ? The only thing I know is that the router had
> > some changes, but nothing looks different, cause the other applications are
> > working fine.
> >
> > I tried to turn off the firewall in the router but the problem persist, so
> > I discard the firewall too.
> >
> > I'm using bacula 2.4.3 in the server and 2.4.4 in this client (the other 2
> > servers use 1.38 and I had a lot of 1.38 clients ini the network without
> > problems)
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Marcelo H. Terres
> >
> > 
> > ICQ: 6649932
> > MSN:
> > Jabber:
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > Sent from Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] RunScript{} does not work for me. RunAfter/BeforeJob does

2009-07-28 Thread Olaf Zevenboom
Dear list,

Using Bacula 2.4.4 I was stuck on why my Admin Type job did not work.
Messages on bconsole reported:
27-Jul 17:49 olaf-dir JobId 4471: Bacula 2.4.4 (28Dec08): 27-Jul-2009 17:49
 JobId:  4471
 Start time: 27-Jul-2009 17:49
 End time:   27-Jul-2009 17:49
 Termination:Admin OK

No errors. Also no errors in logs etc. Yet no external script got executed.
However when using RunAfterJob instead of RunScript{} the script(s) run 
The usage of RunScript{} is preferable as it is more fine grained as 
RunAfterJob is.
I tested with various scripts. Not just the ones specified below.
Am I doing something wrong in the configuration department or is this a bug?


relevant part of my bacula-dir.conf :

Schedule {
 Name = "MyAdmin_Schedule"
 Run  = Level=Full Pool=File_test Messages=Standard hourly at 0:00
 Run  = Level=Full Pool=File_test Messages=Standard hourly at 0:15
 Run  = Level=Full Pool=File_test Messages=Standard hourly at 0:30
 Run  = Level=Full Pool=File_test Messages=Standard hourly at 0:45
# used for more accurate testing:
 Run  = Level=Full Pool=File_test Messages=Standard hourly at 0:50

Job {
 Name   = "MyAdmin_JobAfter"
 Type   = Admin
 Client = olaf-fd
 FileSet= "Test Files"
 Messages   = Standard
 Storage= File
 Pool   = Default
 Schedule   = "MyAdmin_Schedule"
 RunScript {
   RunsWhen   = After
   FailJobOnError = Yes
   #Command= "/etc/init.d/apache2 start"
   #Command= "echo \"about to start Apache\""
   #Command= "echo \"AfterJob was run\" > /tmp/bactest.log"
   Command= "/etc/bacula/extra-scripts/"
#  RunAfterJob = "/etc/bacula/extra-scripts/"
} :
echo "Bl" > /tmp/bla.log

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula spool on SSD -- solid state drive performance testing?

2009-07-28 Thread Marc Cousin
On Monday 27 July 2009 15:21:17 Alan Brown wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Marc Cousin wrote:
> > All you really need is to be able to read and write big streams at the
> > same time. So the real problem is to help your disk scheduler to be able
> > to read while having a lot of data in the write cache.
> How many streams are you handling simultaneously.

Sorry, it took me a while to get that information ...

At peak during the night, we have around 40-50 write streams at the same time, 
and we are despooling to 3 LTO3 and 3 LTO1.

Load is sustained around 250MB/s for reads from spool and 300MB/s for writes 
to spool.

Of course, the disk array costs more than 2 64GB X25-E ... But at the same 
time, 128 GB would be really small for us.

Anyway, the purpose of my message wasn't to tell "don't buy SSD". You'll have 
better throughput with 1 SSD than with 1 SCSI 15k drive. But you could 
purchase a good controller and normal (SCSI 10k or maybe SATA) drives, and 
have a similar or better throughput with more that a few minutes worth of 
spool (128GB is roughly 5 minutes here :) )

I think the most important is : don't purchase anything without doing 
benchmarks first for this special type of activity. That's what we did : we 
wrote a small program to simulate the expected throughput on the array with 
several streams, and only bought the array when we were satisfied with its 
performance, which required a bit of tuning (choose the right filesystem, the 
right scheduler, tune read ahead...). And I think this time wasn't wasted at 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula spool on SSD -- solid state drive performance testing?

2009-07-28 Thread Alan Brown
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Marc Cousin wrote:

> At peak during the night, we have around 40-50 write streams at the same time,
> and we are despooling to 3 LTO3 and 3 LTO1.

That's larger than my installation and I haven't got budget for a
dedicated array controller. We're using software striping on our disks.

> I think the most important is : don't purchase anything without doing
> benchmarks first for this special type of activity. That's what we did : we
> wrote a small program to simulate the expected throughput on the array with
> several streams, and only bought the array when we were satisfied with its
> performance, which required a bit of tuning (choose the right filesystem, the
> right scheduler, tune read ahead...). And I think this time wasn't wasted at
> all...

You're right, it isn't.

The main criterion is keeping up with the tape drive(s). Right now we are,
but that will change with a new robot purchase and that's why I'm looking


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Newbie: Windows XP as Bacula Server Howto?

2009-07-28 Thread MyKey0815


I have found BACULA and want to integrate in my small network. I did´n´t have 
any Linux KnowHow and no Linux-Computers in my Network.

Have some write down a HowTo for installing BACULA 3.0.2 (Win32) as Server and 
a WebGUI (what are you preferd)? 

On the XP-Computer I have installed XAMPP (with MySQL 5, Apache)

I have try to install the server but the Director-Service start and stop after 
some seconds.

I hope some can help me and send me a link to a page that describe the steps to 
a "working" system ;-)


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tapes not fully written

2009-07-28 Thread John Drescher
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Mapper ict
department wrote:
> Hello John,
> Are you still alive? Or did i say something dumb? I posted a couple of
> updates. If you are busy i can understand as well.
> Acutally i was just wondering if you caught the latest updates.
> With kind regards,

I do not know the answer. To me it looks like a some type of hardware
problem. The 10GB tape is very troubling to me. I would try the btape
test or filling the tape with either tar or dd ( using real data not
zeros) and see if the problem still exists.


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] create_database and create_tables

2009-07-28 Thread MyKey0815


I think I have found a small "bug": I have install Bacula 3.0.2 (Win32) and 
want to run "create_database". I have the message: "File not found"

Now open the script and see, the path to my mysql.exe is wrong. In the script 
is "S:\XAMPP\mysql\bin\bin\mysql", but the file is only in 

BTW: The same behavior with the file create_tables ;-)

OK, I correct that. Start the script again. Now an other messages: "ERROR 1045 
(28000): Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' using password: NO)

How can I correct that?


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] bacula win32: Path to *.conf

2009-07-28 Thread MyKey0815


I try to configure my Bacula for the first time.

A question to the directory of the configuration-Files: Is it possible to 
change the directory? By default is it %ALLUSERS%\Application Data\Bacula. How 
can I use the files in S:\BACULA\Conf ?

Thank you very much


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula win32: Path to *.conf

2009-07-28 Thread Bruno Friedmann
MyKey0815 wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to configure my Bacula for the first time.
> A question to the directory of the configuration-Files: Is it possible to 
> change the directory? By default is it %ALLUSERS%\Application Data\Bacula. 
> How can I use the files in S:\BACULA\Conf ?
> Thank you very much
> Michael

Hi Michael, you could use want you want ( changing the path inside the registry 
key is necessary )
But don't forget that the system account ( normally used under windows ) 
doesn't have access to network drive !


 Bruno Friedmann

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] create_database and create_tables

2009-07-28 Thread Bruno Friedmann
MyKey0815 wrote:
> Hello, 
> I think I have found a small "bug": I have install Bacula 3.0.2 (Win32) and 
> want to run "create_database". I have the message: "File not found"
> Now open the script and see, the path to my mysql.exe is wrong. In the script 
> is "S:\XAMPP\mysql\bin\bin\mysql", but the file is only in 
> "S:\XAMPP\mysql\bin\mysql"
> BTW: The same behavior with the file create_tables ;-)
> OK, I correct that. Start the script again. Now an other messages: "ERROR 
> 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' using password: NO)
> How can I correct that?
> Thanks
> Michael

As I remember the create_table script doesn't create a user database at the 
same time.
To connect at mysql you need two thing a 'root' user (it's call like that in 
mysql and is the super-administator of the db )

When you can connect to mysql mysql-query-browser, mysql-admin-gui, phpmyadmin 
with the root user you can create a user for bacula.

also check inside your my.cnf config file that the skip-networking line is 
commented ( It should under windows ).


 Bruno Friedmann

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Diferential Backup

2009-07-28 Thread Luiz Gustavo P Tonello
Hello guys,

I'm a newbie in Bacula, but i configure this in my office.

So, i have one ask for us on the Diferential Backup:
Bacula make one Full backup for week (Sunday), and one Diferential  
backup for day.
But, i delete an archive on Friday.

So, I don't know in which day this file was exclude.
I will have to look in all jobs? or, as this archive existing in the  
last full job, i will find this in the last job?

Sorry my bad english, ok? And I wait that they have understood.

Luiz Gustavo P Tonello.

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what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Daniel De Marco

I'm trying to use bacula to keep two independent sets of backups for
some particular machines. I have two storage daemons setup (one of them
offsite) so I can't use Migration or Copy Jobs. 

My first try has been to setup a second set of jobs to do the backups to
the offsite location.
For example for client dummy I have the first job named "BK-dummy" and
a second one named "BK-dummy-offsite". The two job definitions use
different Storage and different Pools.
My understanding is that, since the Job names are different, bacula
would consider them independent, but what happens is that bacula seems
to consider both jobs as related in some way. For example if I start an
incremental backup for BK-dummy-offsite, bacula uses the last backup for
BK-dummy as reference point if that's the latest job for the client.
Is there a way to prevent this? One possibility would be to have two
different Client definitions, but there must be a better solution...

Thanks, Daniel.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread John Drescher
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Daniel De Marco wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use bacula to keep two independent sets of backups for
> some particular machines. I have two storage daemons setup (one of them
> offsite) so I can't use Migration or Copy Jobs.
> My first try has been to setup a second set of jobs to do the backups to
> the offsite location.
> For example for client dummy I have the first job named "BK-dummy" and
> a second one named "BK-dummy-offsite". The two job definitions use
> different Storage and different Pools.
> My understanding is that, since the Job names are different, bacula
> would consider them independent, but what happens is that bacula seems
> to consider both jobs as related in some way. For example if I start an
> incremental backup for BK-dummy-offsite, bacula uses the last backup for
> BK-dummy as reference point if that's the latest job for the client.
> Is there a way to prevent this? One possibility would be to have two
> different Client definitions, but there must be a better solution...

This is interesting to me. I did this a long while back (like 2 years
ago) and it worked. I still have the configs in my bacula.

John M. Drescher

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Fahrer, Julian
Two filesets should also work if i understood u right.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Julian Fahrer

- Originalnachricht -
Von: Daniel De Marco 
Gesendet: Tue Jul 28 21:59:57 2009
Betreff: [Bacula-users] multiple copies


I'm trying to use bacula to keep two independent sets of backups for
some particular machines. I have two storage daemons setup (one of them
offsite) so I can't use Migration or Copy Jobs. 

My first try has been to setup a second set of jobs to do the backups to
the offsite location.
For example for client dummy I have the first job named "BK-dummy" and
a second one named "BK-dummy-offsite". The two job definitions use
different Storage and different Pools.
My understanding is that, since the Job names are different, bacula
would consider them independent, but what happens is that bacula seems
to consider both jobs as related in some way. For example if I start an
incremental backup for BK-dummy-offsite, bacula uses the last backup for
BK-dummy as reference point if that's the latest job for the client.
Is there a way to prevent this? One possibility would be to have two
different Client definitions, but there must be a better solution...

Thanks, Daniel.

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Bacula-users mailing list
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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
Crystal Reports now.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Mike Ruskai
On 7/28/2009 3:59 PM, Daniel De Marco wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use bacula to keep two independent sets of backups for
> some particular machines. I have two storage daemons setup (one of them
> offsite) so I can't use Migration or Copy Jobs.
> My first try has been to setup a second set of jobs to do the backups to
> the offsite location.
> For example for client dummy I have the first job named "BK-dummy" and
> a second one named "BK-dummy-offsite". The two job definitions use
> different Storage and different Pools.
> My understanding is that, since the Job names are different, bacula
> would consider them independent, but what happens is that bacula seems
> to consider both jobs as related in some way. For example if I start an
> incremental backup for BK-dummy-offsite, bacula uses the last backup for
> BK-dummy as reference point if that's the latest job for the client.
> Is there a way to prevent this? One possibility would be to have two
> different Client definitions, but there must be a better solution...
I'm pretty sure Bacula considers the file set the backup unit of 
relevance here.  Use two identical but differently-named FileSet 
definitions in the two jobs, and you should get what you want.

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Scheduling question

2009-07-28 Thread jwulf

Bit of a bacula newbie and I am having a problem with a schedule
that I am trying to create. I poked through the mailing list
archive and the net and can't seem to find a similar answer.

My question has to do with using the "week of year" specification.

Current Setup
OS: linux (FC 10)
Platform: Intel x86
Bacula version: 2.4.4-1 (rpm installed)
Media: Single Ultium tape drive


I am trying to create a 5 week backup and pool configuration. Each
week on Saturday morning at 00:05 a Full backup should be started,
and then for the following week an incremental based on that Saturday
Full should be started on Monday through Friday at 00:05.

I would like to setup 5 pools where pool 1 through 4 are set to expire
in 30 days, and then the week 5 pool is held back and set to expire
in 365 days. Each pool is going to be a single tape so that I write
the entire weeks worth of data (i.e. the full, and then the 5

I have created a configuration which I thought would implement this
but it does not appear to be scheduling the weekly incrementals on
every Monday through Friday.

When I look at what is scheduled for the next 24 days it appears
that the weekly Fulls are correct, but for some reason I only
see a single incremental for each week?

I am currently in the week 5 cycle so for brevity here are the
bacula-dir.conf entries for the the week05 job and week05 schedule:

Job {
   Name = week05_job
   Enabled = yes
   Type = Backup
   Client = cvgsrv01-fd
   Messages = Standard
   Pool = week05_pool
   Schedule = week05
   Storage = lto_tape
   FileSet = home1_applic

Schedule {
   Name = week05
   Run = Level=Full Pool=week05_pool  
W05,W10,W15,W20,W25,W30,W35,W40,W45,W50 on s
at at 0:05
   Run = Level=Incremental Pool=week05_pool  
51 on mon-fri at 0:05

show schedule output (week05 cut and paste)

Schedule: name=week05
   --> Run Level=Incremental
   mday=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22  
23 24 25 2
6 27 28 29 30
   month=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
   wday=1 2 3 4 5
   wom=0 1 2 3 4
   woy=6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51
  --> Pool: name=week05_pool PoolType=Backup
   use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1
   max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=1 year
   VolUse=0 secs recycle=0 LabelFormat=*None*
   CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0
   RecyleOldest=0 PurgeOldest=0
   MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=0
   MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0
   --> Run Level=Full
   mday=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22  
23 24 25 2
6 27 28 29 30
   month=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
   wom=0 1 2 3 4
   woy=5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
  --> Pool: name=week05_pool PoolType=Backup
   use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1
   max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=1 year
   VolUse=0 secs recycle=0 LabelFormat=*None*
   CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0
   RecyleOldest=0 PurgeOldest=0
   MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=0
   MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0

Status dir days=24 output

status dir days=24
cvgsrv01-dir Version: 2.4.4 (28 December 2008) i386-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 28-Jul-09 16:12, 0 Jobs run since started.
  Heap: heap=135,168 smbytes=34,809 max_bytes=35,094 bufs=209 max_bufs=214

Scheduled Jobs:
Level  Type Pri  Scheduled  Name   Volume

IncrementalBackup10  29-Jul-09 00:05week05_job week05_01
Full   Backup10  01-Aug-09 00:05week01_job *unknown*
IncrementalBackup10  03-Aug-09 00:05week01_job *unknown*
Full   Backup10  08-Aug-09 00:05week02_job *unknown*
IncrementalBackup10  10-Aug-09 00:05week02_job *unknown*
Full   Backup10  15-Aug-09 00:05week03_job *unknown*
IncrementalBackup10  17-Aug-09 00:05week03_job *unknown*

Running Jobs:
No Jobs running.

I'm stumped. If anyone has any clues I would appreciate the help.



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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Daniel De Marco
Julian & John,

* Fahrer, Julian  [07/28/2009 17:14]:
>Two filesets should also work if i understood u right.

* Mike Ruskai  [07/28/2009 17:17]
> I'm pretty sure Bacula considers the file set the backup unit of
> relevance here.  Use two identical but differently-named FileSet
> definitions in the two jobs, and you should get what you want. 

The problem with having two filesets is that then if I modify one of
them I would have to remember to modify the other one as well... And 
this may seem trivial now, but if I will have to do the modification in
a year I'm sure I would forget :-)

>From the manual, 
> , 
it seems that a different Job name should be enough to keep the backups
separate. Indeed there's another weird thing happening: the first backup
of BK-dummy-offsite seems to be recognized as a different backup and the
Incremental gets updated to Full even if there is already a Full for
BK-dummy (and this is correct according to my interpretation of the
docs). The subsequent backups instead do Incrementals even from backups
of BK-dummy. 

Thanks, Daniel.

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what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Daniel De Marco

* John Drescher  [07/28/2009 16:52]:
> This is interesting to me. I did this a long while back (like 2 years
> ago) and it worked. I still have the configs in my bacula.

I'm using version 3.0.2, I assume you were using 2.something ?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread John Drescher
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Daniel De Marco wrote:
> John,
> * John Drescher  [07/28/2009 16:52]:
>> This is interesting to me. I did this a long while back (like 2 years
>> ago) and it worked. I still have the configs in my bacula.
> I'm using version 3.0.2, I assume you were using 2.something ?

Yes. That probably is the reason.


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what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Kevin Keane
Daniel De Marco wrote:
> Julian & John,
> * Fahrer, Julian  [07/28/2009 17:14]:
>>Two filesets should also work if i understood u right.
> * Mike Ruskai  [07/28/2009 17:17]
>> I'm pretty sure Bacula considers the file set the backup unit of
>> relevance here.  Use two identical but differently-named FileSet
>> definitions in the two jobs, and you should get what you want. 
> The problem with having two filesets is that then if I modify one of
> them I would have to remember to modify the other one as well... And 
> this may seem trivial now, but if I will have to do the modification in
> a year I'm sure I would forget :-)
I didn't follow this thread, but there is a simple solution to this 
problem. You can generate the actual content of the file set with a 
script, and call the same script from within both file sets in the 
bacula configuration file.

Kevin Keane
The NetTech
Find the Uncommon: Expert Solutions for a Network You Never Have to Think About

Office: 866-642-7116

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proprietary information. Please be advised that the unauthorized use or 
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received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and 
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what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Installation problem

2009-07-28 Thread Francisco Sanchez




I am trying to install Bacula 3.0.2 but after the installtion finished the 
bacula-sd.conf and are not created, this is the configure script 
that I ran :


CFLAGS="-g -Wall" ./configure \
  --sbindir=/usr/sbin \
  --sysconfdir=/etc/bacula \
  --with-scriptdir=/etc/bacula \
  --enable-smartalloc \
  --with-qwt=$HOME/bacula/depkgs/qwt \
  --with-mysql \
  --with-working-dir=/var/bacula \
  --with-pid-dir=/var/run \



This is the error message that I got :


Linking bacula-sd ...
/root/bacula/bacula-3.0.2/libtool --silent --tag=CXX --mode=link /usr/bin/g++   
-L../lib -o bacula-sd stored.o ansi_label.o vtape.o autochanger.o acquire.o 
append.o askdir.o authenticate.o block.o butil.o dev.o device.o dircmd.o dvd.o 
ebcdic.o fd_cmds.o job.o label.o lock.o mac.o match_bsr.o mount.o parse_bsr.o 
pythonsd.o read.o read_record.o record.o reserve.o scan.o sd_plugins.o spool.o 
status.o stored_conf.o vol_mgr.o wait.o -lacl -lz \
   -lbacpy -lbaccfg -lbac -lm   -lpthread -ldl   \
 -lssl -lcrypto
libtool: link: cannot find the library `/lib/' or unhandled argument 
make[1]: *** [bacula-sd] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/bacula/bacula-3.0.2/src/stored'

  == Error in /root/bacula/bacula-3.0.2/src/stored ==





This is the server info where I am trying to install it :


[r...@xiris3 bacula-3.0.2]# 
Linux 2.6.9-89.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Sat Jun 13 07:05:54 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 
[r...@xiris3 bacula-3.0.2]# 

[r...@xiris3 bacula-3.0.2]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 4)
[r...@xiris3 bacula-3.0.2]# 



And the Bacula version that I tried to install is 3.0.2, please if someone can 
help me with this error.














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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Daniel De Marco
* Kevin Keane  [07/28/2009 21:51]:
> I didn't follow this thread, but there is a simple solution to this 
> problem. You can generate the actual content of the file set with a 
> script, and call the same script from within both file sets in the 
> bacula configuration file.

Thanks, but in this case then the fileset would be the same and it would
not solve the original problem. no?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Kevin Keane
Daniel De Marco wrote:
> * Kevin Keane  [07/28/2009 21:51]:
>> I didn't follow this thread, but there is a simple solution to this 
>> problem. You can generate the actual content of the file set with a 
>> script, and call the same script from within both file sets in the 
>> bacula configuration file.
> Thanks, but in this case then the fileset would be the same and it would
> not solve the original problem. no?
As I said, I didn't follow the whole thread, so I don't really know what 
the whole goal was. What I saw was that apparently you wanted to have 
two separate file sets (with different names, obviously) that both 
contain the exact same files - and needed a way to maintain it that way. 
Basically, you would end up with two DIFFERENT filesets that just happen 
to be exactly identical to each other. If I misunderstood that, I 
apologize. Then my suggestion really isn't useful.

The way I would solve that is:

FileSet {
   Name = "FS1"


FileSet {
   Name = "FS2"

Actually, come to think about it, you don't need the script. If you just 
use the @ without the |, bacula will simply include the file (rather 
than execute a script and use the output as I had suggested):

FileSet {
   Name = "FS1"


FileSet {
   Name = "FS2"

Kevin Keane
The NetTech
Find the Uncommon: Expert Solutions for a Network You Never Have to Think About

Office: 866-642-7116

This e-mail and attachments, if any, may contain confidential and/or 
proprietary information. Please be advised that the unauthorized use or 
disclosure of the information is strictly prohibited. The information herein is 
intended only for use by the intended recipient(s) named above. If you have 
received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and 
permanently delete the e-mail and any copies, printouts or attachments thereof.

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what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread Mike Ruskai

On 7/28/2009 10:25 PM, Daniel De Marco wrote:

* Kevin Keane  [07/28/2009 21:51]:

I didn't follow this thread, but there is a simple solution to this
problem. You can generate the actual content of the file set with a
script, and call the same script from within both file sets in the
bacula configuration file.

Thanks, but in this case then the fileset would be the same and it would
not solve the original problem. no?


FileSet {
Name = SomeFiles1
Include {

FileSet {
Name = SomeFiles2
Include {

As far as Bacula is concerned, they are two different file sets, but 
they both refer to the same list of files.  You edit the one file list 
rather than the two FileSet directives.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies

2009-07-28 Thread John Drescher
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Kevin Keane wrote:
> Daniel De Marco wrote:
>> * Kevin Keane  [07/28/2009 21:51]:
>>> I didn't follow this thread, but there is a simple solution to this
>>> problem. You can generate the actual content of the file set with a
>>> script, and call the same script from within both file sets in the
>>> bacula configuration file.
>> Thanks, but in this case then the fileset would be the same and it would
>> not solve the original problem. no?
> As I said, I didn't follow the whole thread, so I don't really know what
> the whole goal was. What I saw was that apparently you wanted to have
> two separate file sets (with different names, obviously) that both
> contain the exact same files - and needed a way to maintain it that way.
> Basically, you would end up with two DIFFERENT filesets that just happen
> to be exactly identical to each other. If I misunderstood that, I
> apologize. Then my suggestion really isn't useful.

The goal was to allow an a local and off-site backups of the same
fileset to be independent. I remember that I did this in the past
(years ago) that this worked if you created 2 jobs that contained the
same fileset. Apparently in bacula 3.0.X this no longer works, so the
need was to now create 2 jobs and 2 filesets. But the OP did not want
the chance of the filesets to differ between the two jobs..


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] out of office until: 5.8.2009

2009-07-28 Thread John Drescher
2009/7/28  :
> Hallo John Drescher ,
> Ich bin bis 5.8.2009 auf Urlaub, und habe keine gelegenheit meine Mails zu 
> lesen. Ich freu mich, dass Du versucht hast mich zu erreichen. Wenn es 
> dringend ist, versuche bitte folgende Personen zu erreichen:
> Privat:         warte bis ich wieder zurueck bin
> Supportfragen:
> in dringenden faellen wende Dich bitte an:
>    Julian Muellner: +43/699/10501042
> Falls notwendig bin auch ich errichbar:
>    Hannes: +33/612839670
> Diese Nachricht mit dem Betreff:
>    Re: [Bacula-users] multiple copies
> wurde GELOESCHT! und kann nicht gelesen werden.
> Wenn es Zeit hat bis ich zurueck bin, dann schicke mir bitte nach 5.8.2009 
> die Nachricht nocheinmal.

This is getting very frustrating that every single email to the list
results in this out of office reply. I guess I could just block the


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Restore Windows directory to another drive

2009-07-28 Thread Ken Barclay


I'm currently attempting to restore a windows directory to a location
other than its original location, but receiving error.


The backup fileset was f:\


However, due to limited disk space we need to restore to b:\


JobId 10291: Error: B: is not a valid drive 29-Jul 10:40 msdb-fd JobId
10291: Error: ../../findlib/create_file.c:223 Could not create
B:/Restore090729/f/RunningDB/BIZDATA/BIZDATA.mdf: ERR=The system cannot
find the path specified.


In bconsole, modify 'where', I put this:

Please enter path prefix for restore (/ for none): B:/Restore090729


What am I doing wrong?





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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] reloading storage daemon configuration without stopping jobs

2009-07-28 Thread Bobby Castleberry
Is there a way to cause the storage daemon to pick up new configuration 
without stopping jobs?  The way I would like to set bacula up and the 
preoccupation with the tape metaphor are making this far more difficult 
that what it could be. 


Bobby Castleberry
Beyond Managed Hosting(r) For Your Enterprise

Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day 
trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
Crystal Reports now.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Installation problem

2009-07-28 Thread Bruno Friedmann
Francisco Sanchez wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install Bacula 3.0.2 but after the installtion finished the 
> bacula-sd.conf and are not created, this is the configure 
> script that I ran :
> CFLAGS="-g -Wall" ./configure \
>   --sbindir=/usr/sbin \
>   --sysconfdir=/etc/bacula \
>   --with-scriptdir=/etc/bacula \
>   --enable-smartalloc \
>   --with-qwt=$HOME/bacula/depkgs/qwt \
>   --with-mysql \
>   --with-working-dir=/var/bacula \
>   --with-pid-dir=/var/run \
>   --enable-conio
> This is the error message that I got :
> Linking bacula-sd ...
> /root/bacula/bacula-3.0.2/libtool --silent --tag=CXX --mode=link /usr/bin/g++ 
>   -L../lib -o bacula-sd stored.o ansi_label.o vtape.o autochanger.o acquire.o 
> append.o askdir.o authenticate.o block.o butil.o dev.o device.o dircmd.o 
> dvd.o ebcdic.o fd_cmds.o job.o label.o lock.o mac.o match_bsr.o mount.o 
> parse_bsr.o pythonsd.o read.o read_record.o record.o reserve.o scan.o 
> sd_plugins.o spool.o status.o stored_conf.o vol_mgr.o wait.o -lacl -lz \
>-lbacpy -lbaccfg -lbac -lm   -lpthread -ldl   \
>  -lssl -lcrypto
> libtool: link: cannot find the library `/lib/' or unhandled 
> argument `/lib/'
> make[1]: *** [bacula-sd] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/bacula/bacula-3.0.2/src/stored'
>   == Error in /root/bacula/bacula-3.0.2/src/stored ==
> This is the server info where I am trying to install it :
> [r...@xiris3 bacula-3.0.2]# 
> Linux 2.6.9-89.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Sat Jun 13 07:05:54 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 
> GNU/Linux
> [r...@xiris3 bacula-3.0.2]# 
> [r...@xiris3 bacula-3.0.2]# cat /etc/redhat-release
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 4)
> [r...@xiris3 bacula-3.0.2]# 
> And the Bacula version that I tried to install is 3.0.2, please if someone 
> can help me with this error.
> Regards,

As your build didn't finish, there's no chance that install works.

Log report is clear, you need to have libacl & libattr ( devel ) installed to 
build successfully the whole parts


 Bruno Friedmann

Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day 
trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
Crystal Reports now.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore Windows directory to another drive

2009-07-28 Thread Bruno Friedmann
Without information about how your default restore job is define the following 
could be wrong.

Verify that you also choose the right client to restore ( could be modified 
with the mod command )
If it try to send the restore to a host without the b: drive, the message would 
become clear :-)

Ken Barclay wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently attempting to restore a windows directory to a location
> other than its original location, but receiving error.
> The backup fileset was f:\
> However, due to limited disk space we need to restore to b:\
> JobId 10291: Error: B: is not a valid drive 29-Jul 10:40 msdb-fd JobId
> 10291: Error: ../../findlib/create_file.c:223 Could not create
> B:/Restore090729/f/RunningDB/BIZDATA/BIZDATA.mdf: ERR=The system cannot
> find the path specified.
> In bconsole, modify 'where', I put this:
> Please enter path prefix for restore (/ for none): B:/Restore090729
> What am I doing wrong?
> TIA,
> Ken


 Bruno Friedmann

Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day 
trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
Crystal Reports now.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] reloading storage daemon configuration without stopping jobs

2009-07-28 Thread Silver Salonen
On Wednesday 29 July 2009 09:09:41 Bobby Castleberry wrote:
> Is there a way to cause the storage daemon to pick up new configuration 
> without stopping jobs?  The way I would like to set bacula up and the 
> preoccupation with the tape metaphor are making this far more difficult 
> that what it could be. 

AFAIK, no.


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