Re: [Bacula-users] autochanger and barcode

2009-10-17 Thread Jesper Krogh
 But the use of pools on what for? 
 Just for completeness I must save this data:
 1) Oracle db (size unknown)
 2) 5-6 MySQL db (about 25 Gb)
 3) Some samba share, with office files (5Gb)
 4) An subversion reposity (size unknown)
 5) Mail server (size unknown)
 6) The configuration of 8 servers
 7) Other things that now I do not remember :)
 I should make a pool for each points?

No, you should make the pools reflect your retention times. If you wish
to keep (which you most-likely will) your Full backups for longer time
than your incrementals. Recycling of volumes is based on the
lastwritten time of the volume.

I suggest:

Full-Poll = All full backups.
Incremental-Pool = All incremental backups.
Differential-Poll = All Differential backups.

You would then prefer to keep full backups for the longest period,
Differentials for a shorter and incrementals for even shorter.

I our setup we keep Full for 1y, Differential for 1y and Incremental for
6m. This enables us to:

* restore any file with a days granularity for 6 months.
* restore any file wiht a weeks granularity for 1 year.
* - then we actually have an Archive Pool that week is backed up to ever
6 months that we keep forever.

If you then dont want to have a open tape for longer than a period,
then you set Max Use Duration to that. Then after that period of time
you can move it to a different location.

If your retention times change across above systems, then you most
likely need more pools. But I would definately suggest just buying one
more pack of tapes instead.


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Re: [Bacula-users] autochanger and barcode

2009-10-17 Thread Jesper Krogh
Nicola Quargentan wrote:
 Jesper Krogh ha scritto:
 Nicola Quargentan wrote:
 I'm very newbie and I want to use a DELL TL2000 autochanger.
 I made 7 pool in config file, one for each day of week:
 Monday, Tuesday, etc.
 Monday, Tuesday and so is mostly used when you dont have an autochanger.
 Oh you are right: before autochanger I have only a single tape drive, 
 and I change the tape every day :O
 When you do have one I recommend setting up Pools so then reflect your
 retention policies. In my setup we:
 * Keep full backups for a year (run monthly)
 * Keep differential backups for a year (run weekly)
 * Keep incremental backups for 6 months (run daily).

 This translates into 3 Pools, Full, Differential and Incremental. On
 these pools the retentiontime is set and then automatically move back to
 Scratch-pool when retention-time has expired. So all fresh volumes
 just goes directly into Scratch pool.

 Bacula will try to fill tapes completely e.g. fill mondays's tape with
 tuesdays data if not explicitly configured otherwise.
 Uhmm, I want to be indipendent from bacula. My purpose is to 
 occasionally carry out my tapes, and store them on a strongbox :)
 If my backup bacula server crash I don't want lose all my data.
 So I want to know where bacula store my data.

Then I'd suggest that you run  mysqldump on the catalog and burn it to a
CD or similar occationally.

I have a small perl-script that can process the catalog and give a list
of files/timestamps/paths/clients stored on a volume .. (can give
information for use with bextract if needed). Would that have any interest?


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Re: [Bacula-users] Best backup strategy to use the minimum size

2009-10-17 Thread Jesper Krogh
Cedric wrote:
 Do a Differential once every 90 days and Incrementals the rest of the time.
 In theory, you only need to run one Full backup. Ever. In practice, you'll
 probably want to create a new Full backup every year or so to clear out the
 obsolete data and make your differentials smaller (and faster).

Also keep restores in mind.. using above configuration and running a
full yearly and a differential every 90 months could require you to find
1 (full) + 1(differential) + 89(incremental) = 91 tapes to do a
restore. Either you have a huge changer, or you are heading into an
administrative nightmare.

I suggest running differentials at least weekly, just to lower the
amount of tapes needed for restores.


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Re: [Bacula-users] bextract -- restore single occurrence of file

2009-10-17 Thread Jesper Krogh
 I fired up bextract  (standard bacula restore is not appropriate in this
 case) which restored the first occurrence of the file as expected. However,
 instead of halting after restoring the file, bextract continued to the end
 of the tape and found a second occurrence with the same filename which it
 duly restored replacing the originally restored file.

I suggest you open a bug-report/feature request on this.. this seems
like a really nasty situation to get into if stuff really burns.


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Re: [Bacula-users] Best backup strategy to use the minimum size

2009-10-17 Thread Cedric Tefft
Jesper Krogh wrote:
 Cedric wrote:
 Do a Differential once every 90 days and Incrementals the rest of the time.
 In theory, you only need to run one Full backup. Ever. In practice, you'll
 probably want to create a new Full backup every year or so to clear out the
 obsolete data and make your differentials smaller (and faster).

 Also keep restores in mind.. using above configuration and running a
 full yearly and a differential every 90 months could require you to find
 1 (full) + 1(differential) + 89(incremental) = 91 tapes to do a
 restore. Either you have a huge changer, or you are heading into an
 administrative nightmare.

 I suggest running differentials at least weekly, just to lower the
 amount of tapes needed for restores.
I think you missed an important detail given in the OP:

Please consider that I'm using File disk Backups.

He's backing up to disk. There are no tapes to change because there are 
no tapes.

- Cedric

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Re: [Bacula-users] bextract -- restore single occurrence of file

2009-10-17 Thread cby


Jesper Krogh wrote:
 I fired up bextract  (standard bacula restore is not appropriate in this
 case) which restored the first occurrence of the file as expected.
 instead of halting after restoring the file, bextract continued to the
 of the tape and found a second occurrence with the same filename which it
 duly restored replacing the originally restored file.
 I suggest you open a bug-report/feature request on this.. this seems
 like a really nasty situation to get into if stuff really burns.

Interestingly, I tried Martin's suggestion of using a bootstrap file. I
defined two parameters: Volume name = volname and Count = 1.  My
understanding was that once the number of restored files hit the Count value
bextract would stop. This wasn't the case.  I also used an include-list file
when running bextract so there may be a clash when using -b and -i
command-line options. I wasn't able to provide all the parameters to use
just a bootstrap file. 

Details are:
bextract -b bootstrap-file -i include-list -V TAPE_04 /dev/nst0

include-list file contents:

bootstrap-file file contents:
Volume = TAPE_04
Count = 1

In the end I used the interrupt approach -- once the first file was restored
I interrupted the bextract process before it got to the second occurrence of
the file. Ironically this is the only tape in the entire monthly backup set
that includes the same file twice!


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Re: [Bacula-users] sorting output bconsole

2009-10-17 Thread Terry L. Inzauro
Jari Fredriksson wrote:
 17.10.2009 2:19, Terry L. Inzauro kirjoitti:
 For testing, I've decided to use the mysql command line interface and
 I have one last question. How would I take take sums of
 two columns such as JobFiles and JobBytes

 [18:13:04 r...@jenna:~]# mysql -u root -px
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 489
 Server version: 5.0.51a-24+lenny2-log (Debian)

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

 mysql  use bacula;
 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

 Database changed
 mysql  SELECT DISTINCT Job.JobId as JobId,Client.Name as Client,   
 FileSet.FileSet AS FileSet,Level,StartTime,
 JobFiles,JobBytes,VolumeName  FROM Client,Job,JobMedia,Media,FileSet 
 WHERE Client.Name='peyton'  AND
 Client.ClientId=Job.ClientId AND Job.Type='B'  AND Job.JobStatus='T'
 AND Job.FileSetId=FileSet.FileSetId  AND
 JobMedia.JobId=Job.JobId AND JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId  ORDER BY

 | JobId | Client | FileSet   | Level | StartTime   |
 JobFiles | JobBytes  | VolumeName|

 |  4700 | peyton | StandardLinux | F | 2009-09-06 05:28:54 |   
 47498 | 789899195 | FullPool_0067 |
 |  4777 | peyton | StandardLinux | D | 2009-09-13 00:37:11 |  
 50 |   2442702 | DiffPool_0004 |
 |  4910 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-09-25 00:28:57 |  
 43 |   2095221 | IncrPool_0036 |
 |  4921 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-09-26 00:29:15 |  
 41 |   2072585 | IncrPool_0090 |
 |  4932 | peyton | StandardLinux | D | 2009-09-27 00:53:34 |  
 52 |   2497277 | DiffPool_0011 |
 |  4943 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-09-28 00:29:48 |  
 50 |   2366865 | IncrPool_0037 |
 |  4954 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-09-29 00:28:55 |  
 41 |   2018132 | IncrPool_0119 |
 |  4965 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-09-30 00:38:28 |  
 41 |   2035566 | IncrPool_0136 |
 |  4976 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-01 00:29:36 |  
 41 |   2052047 | IncrPool_0130 |
 |  4987 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-02 00:31:56 |  
 45 |   2069134 | IncrPool_0011 |
 |  4998 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-03 00:29:48 |  
 41 |   2085954 | IncrPool_0140 |
 |  5009 | peyton | StandardLinux | F | 2009-10-04 05:36:39 |   
 47498 | 789930570 | FullPool_0009 |
 |  5020 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-05 00:29:15 |  
 50 |   2378897 | IncrPool_0029 |
 |  5031 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-06 00:29:07 |  
 41 |   2029220 | IncrPool_0004 |
 |  5042 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-07 00:51:50 |  
 41 |   2046245 | IncrPool_0055 |
 |  5053 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-08 00:28:28 |  
 41 |   2062919 | IncrPool_0077 |
 |  5108 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-14 01:25:39 |  
 50 |   2430892 | IncrPool_0079 |
 |  5119 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-14 02:41:33 |  
 50 |   2431747 | IncrPool_0027 |
 |  5130 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-15 00:30:11 |  
 41 |   2073822 | IncrPool_0009 |
 |  5141 | peyton | StandardLinux | I | 2009-10-16 00:30:07 |  
 41 |   2091084 | IncrPool_0005 |

 20 rows in set (0.01 sec)
 If you want that same list, and add the sums at the end, I don't believe
 it is possible with MySQL client. It would be easy with Oracle SQL*Plus,
 but not with MySQL client.
 A simple query will return those
 SELECT SUM(JobFiles) AS JobFilesSum, SUM(JobBytes) AS JobBytesSum
 FROM Job ;
 but that is not much of interest, I guess.
 Ships are safe in harbor, but they were never meant to stay there.

Ok.  Can the SQLPlus client be used with mysql?  Is it freely available?

Just thrownign this out there:
Could the limitation of the mysql client be worked around by running a few 
different queries and then appending the results
to one another? Basically run two queries, then SUN() the results of each 
query, and then combine the results to produce a
report that contains both of the individual reports information?

Also, I guess an alternative would be to run the output through a perl script 
that sums the appropriate column but its not a
very clean solution.

kind regards,


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Re: [Bacula-users] brestore cache tables

2009-10-17 Thread ebollengier

Paul A-2 wrote:
 Hi trying to get webrestore to work, so far I can see page clients but not
 jobs. I believe this is because I have no imported the bweb.sql.
 According to the install file its says, 3) Make sure that brestore cache
 tables are in your catalog (bweb-xxx.sql files)
 How do I achieve this, I ran the following but it doesn't work.
 mysql -u bacula -p bacula  bweb-mysql.sql
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 7: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check
 the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
 syntax to use near 'IF EXISTS base64_decode_lstat' at line 1


Perhaps your Mysql version is a bit old to support PL procedure. You can
remove PL code from the 
bweb-mysql.sql, it is only used in the bfileview module or you can upgrade
your Mysql.


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Re: [Bacula-users] sorting output bconsole

2009-10-17 Thread Jari Fredriksson

17.10.2009 17:41, Terry L. Inzauro kirjoitti:

A simple query will return those

 SELECT SUM(JobFiles) AS JobFilesSum, SUM(JobBytes) AS JobBytesSum
 FROM Job ;

but that is not much of interest, I guess.


Ships are safe in harbor, but they were never meant to stay there.

Ok.  Can the SQLPlus client be used with mysql?  Is it freely available?

Absolutely not. SQL*Plus and Oracle may be downloadable from Oracle, but
Bacula does not support Oracle yet (an ODBC driver for Bacula has been a
dream in my mind for long).

But SQL*Plus can't be used with MySQL. Dunno what future brings, as
Oracle now owns MySQL, but I would not count on it.

Just thrownign this out there:
Could the limitation of the mysql client be worked around by running a few 
different queries and then appending the results
to one another? Basically run two queries, then SUN() the results of each 
query, and then combine the results to produce a
report that contains both of the individual reports information?

I have not done any sql queries for Bacula, but I think it is possible.
I think a query in Bacula may be composed from multiple SQL statements.

Also, I guess an alternative would be to run the output through a perl script 
that sums the appropriate column but its not a
very clean solution.

Indeed. It is doable.


An honest tale speeds best being plainly told.
-- William Shakespeare, Henry VI

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Re: [Bacula-users] Best backup strategy to use the minimum size

2009-10-17 Thread Jose Perez

 Here's one possibility:

 Pool {
  Name = Full
  Volume Use Duration = 23 hours
  Volume Retention = 89 days

 Pool {
  Name = Differential
  Volume Use Duration = 23 hours
  Volume Retention = 89 days

 Pool {
  Name = Incremental
  Volume Use Duration = 23 hours
  Volume Retention = 90 days

 Do a Differential once every 90 days and Incrementals the rest of the time.
 In theory, you only need to run one Full backup. Ever. In practice, you'll
 probably want to create a new Full backup every year or so to clear out the
 obsolete data and make your differentials smaller (and faster).

 Another way to do it that uses even less disk space would be to eliminate
 the differentials completely and just create a new Full backup every 90

Thanks, I think that using a combination Differential, Incremental and
Full is the best way to keep 90 days old of data. I'm going to make
this changes to my bacula configuration.

  - Cedric

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Re: [Bacula-users] Renaming volumes...

2009-10-17 Thread Markus Falb
Bruno Friedmann wrote:

 John Doe wrote:
 I use a USB disk as storage and at first I had volumes labeled like
   Label Format = ${Client}.${Year}-${Month:p/2/0/r}.full.v${NumVols}
   Label Format = ${Client}.${Year}-${Month:p/2/0/r}.diff.v${NumVols}
   Label Format = ${Client}.${Year}-${Month:p/2/0/r}.incr.v${NumVols}
 But, after seeing that the date is useless/confusing with the
 recycling, I'd like to use this:
   Label Format = ${Client}.full.v${NumVols} Label Format =
   ${Client}.diff.v${NumVols} Label Format =
 Is there a list of steps to follow or is it a nightmare?
 Not a nightmare, but lots of sql digging ...
 Or, at worse, how can I restart from 'zero'? Delete from the console
 and then the files?
 You can use the delete volume on bconsole ( this ensure not leaving
 orphaned file/jobs/volumes in db ) After that you can delete
 corresponding volumes. (I would tend to prefer this one)

There is also the relabel console command. Volume has to be Purged or 
Recycle Status for relabel to work, so you probably have to purge before 
relabel will work.

best regards,

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Re: [Bacula-users] sorting output bconsole

2009-10-17 Thread Jari Fredriksson

18.10.2009 0:32, Markus Falb kirjoitti:

Terry L. Inzauro wrote:

For testing, I've decided to use the mysql command line interface and I
have one last question. How would I take take sums of two columns such
as JobFiles and JobBytes

Use the addition Operator like that:
mysql  select JobFiles+JobBytes from Job where JobFiles  0 limit 10;

Hmm.. What purpose would that kind of sum serve? I don't think the OP
was after that...


He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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Re: [Bacula-users] sorting output bconsole

2009-10-17 Thread Markus Falb
Jari Fredriksson wrote:

 18.10.2009 0:32, Markus Falb kirjoitti:
 Terry L. Inzauro wrote:

 For testing, I've decided to use the mysql command line interface and
 I have one last question. How would I take take sums of two columns
 such as JobFiles and JobBytes

 Use the addition Operator like that:
 mysql  select JobFiles+JobBytes from Job where JobFiles  0 limit 10;

 Hmm.. What purpose would that kind of sum serve? I don't think the OP
 was after that...

Now where you say, neither do I ;-)

best regards,

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is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
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