I spent a couple days over the last week upgrading a bacula server from
centos 6.9 to 7.3 and bacula from 9.0.3 to 9.0.6.
The backup jobs are working just fine, but the offsite job is failing with
the following error:

03-Jan 14:12 distress JobId 34620: Volume "dcBS-105" previously written,
moving to end of data.
03-Jan 14:12 distress JobId 34619: Warning: acquire.c:235 Read open File
device "Workstations" (/accounting/Workstations) Volume "dcBS-103" failed:
ERR=file_dev.c:190 Could not
open(/accounting/Workstations/dcBS-103,OPEN_READ_ONLY,0640): ERR=No such
file or directory

first - the volume dcBS-105 is not full it is sitting at 79%.
The Workstations device does not have a volume "dcBS-103" in it, never
has.  It is an offsite backup volume that is 100% full.

Why is bacula trying to open this volume when it is not in the Workstations

The job has been running with the following configuration for years.
Job {
        Name = "CopyWKDiskToDisk"
        Type = Copy
        Level = Full
        FileSet = "Bottom Set"
        Client = distress-fd
        Messages = Standard
        Storage = workstations
        Pool = WorkstationPool
        Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
        Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs
        Selection Pattern = "DC-*"

Ran a mysqlcheck on the database and all is okay.

Any ideas as to why it is looking in the wrong pool?
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