Re: [Bacula-users] Please mount volume

2008-12-09 Thread Kshatriya
On Mon, 8 Dec 2008, Jesper Krogh wrote:

>> 06-Dec 03:21 bacula-sd JobId 16918: Please mount Volume "A082Y2" or label
> I havent had time to dig more into it, but it seems like the storage
> daemon actually cached the slot number from the catalog, making
> update-slots not effective even it ran correctly and updated the slots.

Might be. Currently I try to restart everything every day before the 
backup is supposed to start, and I have the impression that it fails less 
likely. I'll do this every day the next week, if backups run, then we know 
it is probably a caching problem.

My other idea is to downgrade to a 2.2 release and to hope that the 
problem doesn't exist there.


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[Bacula-users] Please mount volume

2008-12-08 Thread Kshatriya
Hello group,

Lately I have a rather annoying problem. I'm using bacula already for 
quite a long time with my AIT4 Changer without problems. I don't know 
exactly since when (maybe during upgrades), but lately backups are often 
failing and I don't know why. Bacula asks to mount a volume, for example :

06-Dec 03:21 bacula-sd JobId 16918: Please mount Volume "A082Y2" or label 
a new
one for:
  Job:  OblTape.2008-12-05_21.00.29
  Storage:  "AIT4-1" (/dev/nst0)
  Pool: FridayPool-Tape
  Media type:   AIT4

However, update slots has been run before, the volume is in the changer, 
but it seems like Bacula doesn't run the mtx-changer script for one 
reason or so.

The problem is that this behaviour is not consequent. Sometimes the backup 
just works. When it doesn't work (and asks for a tape), then I try to type 
'mount', but then I just get the message 'OK Mount' but nothing happens. 
The same with umount.

I've tried running btape with the 'test' and the 'fill' command (complete 
test with 2 tapes) again, which works without problems and happily changes 

Currently I'm using Bacula 2.4.3 with all the latest patches (incl. 

This is my relevant bacula-sd.conf information for the autochanger:

Autochanger {
Name = Autochanger
Device = AIT4-1
Changer Command = "/usr/local/bacula/etc/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
Changer Device = /dev/sg0

Device {
Name = AIT4-1
Drive Index = 0
Media Type = AIT4
Archive Device = /dev/nst0
AutomaticMount = yes;   # when device opened, read it
AlwaysOpen = no;
RemovableMedia = yes;
RandomAccess = no;
AutoChanger = yes;
Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f /dev/sg0 |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
Spool Directory = "/mnt/storage/spool"

I don't see any errors in the working log.

If anybody has an idea how I can try to find out further where the problem 
lies, or what I can do to debug things furher, please let me know.



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Re: [Bacula-users] Solaris "Packet size too big" failures

2008-11-26 Thread Kshatriya
On Mon, 24 Nov 2008, Jason Dixon wrote:

> We moved our Bacula Director off Linux to Solaris (not my choice)
> recently.  Since then, we've encountered frequent failures of the
> catalog backup job which reads from the local FD.  They always fail with
> a "Packet size too big" error, which seems to be more common with
> Windows hosts.  Has anyone seen this on Solaris?

Check if you are using a different MTU size than the rest of your hosts in 
the network.


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Re: [Bacula-users] What new feature are you waiting for?

2008-11-03 Thread Kshatriya
On Mon, 3 Nov 2008, James Harper wrote:

> What I'd really like is some sort of tape validation job. Under Amanda
> (sorry :), I ran a script at 10am and 3pm which would email someone if
> there was no tape (usb disk actually) present, or if the disk would not
> be valid for tonights backup.

I wrote a perl script that queries the tape that is needed for the day. 
>From my code :

 query("select p.Name, VolumeName, LastWritten, VolStatus
   from Media m, Pool p
   where m.PoolId = p.PoolId
   and p.Name = \"" . $weekdays[$dow-1] . "Pool-Tape\"
   order by LastWritten;");

Next, I made a batch script:

wanted=`/usr/local/bacula/scripts/ -t`
slots=`echo -e 'update slots\n3' | /usr/local/bacula/etc/bconsole`
echo ${slots} | egrep "$wanted" > /dev/null
if [ $? == 1 ] ; then
 i="I still did not find the volume '$wanted' in the tapedrive.
Please load this tape in the tapedrive."
 echo "$i" | mail -s "Bacula Tape Request" 

so, if i forget to load a tape, I get a mail around 15:00 with the needed 


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Re: [Bacula-users] First use of volumes

2008-10-25 Thread Kshatriya
On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Timo Neuvonen wrote:

> Does "llist media" help? (note the double "l", as "long list")
> There you can see when the tape was labeled, and first time written into.

It would be great and it would be what I want, but unfortunatly LabelDate 
equals FirstWritten. For example a tape that is in use for a long time 

   FirstWritten: 2008-10-23 20:00:01
LastWritten: 2008-10-23 23:29:01
  LabelDate: 2008-10-23 20:00:01

So maybe this is a bug in Bacula?

I'm using version 2.4.2


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[Bacula-users] First use of volumes

2008-10-24 Thread Kshatriya
Hello !

Maybe I don't know where to find it in Bacula and it already exists, but a 
feature I've always 'missed' is that Bacula doesn't save the date of 
the first use of a volume (and optionally the read/write count).

It would be very nice to know this, because then you know how old your 
tapes are, how many times they are written and as a result, if they need 

I always write the 'first-use' date on my tapes, but on some older tapes I 
didn't and now I noticed they started to fail because they were too old or 
used too many times.

I think it would be very easy to implement such a thing in Bacula. Or does 
it already exists?


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Re: [Bacula-users] Backup larger than files present

2006-12-28 Thread Kshatriya
On Wed, 27 Dec 2006, Ryan Novosielski wrote:

> FileSet {
>  Name = "Everything"
>  Include {
>File = /
>Options {
>  onefs = no
>  }
> }
> I'm guessing something in /var/adm is messing me up...

At first I think it's best to backup every filesystem individually, 
instead of just marking "everything". That way you are also safe you do 
not backup duplicate mounted filesystems, cdroms, ...

Also, exlude the /proc tree. You can also find it in the standard exclude 
that comes with the example configs. /proc is a memory filesystem, so 
you're backing up your memory too, which is not what you want :-)


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[Bacula-users] Cloned Jobs - Crash, Segmentation Fault

2006-12-27 Thread Kshatriya

I'm using Bacula 1.38.11.

As stated in the latest news, I added an item to make a clone :

   Run = 'CloneClient1 level=%l since=\'%s\''

to my job-directive in the director-conf. However, I'm getting the fault

'CloneClient1, Job not found in my logs. So I removed the quotes 
and changed this to:

   Run = CloneClient1 level=%l since='%s'

I defined two jobs: one job "Client1" (which is started by a schedule) and
and one "CloneClient1" which should be started by Client1. The ClonePool 
is of the type "Cloned". Client1 should write things to Pool "Default", 
CloneClient1 should write things to ClonePool :

Job {
   Name = "Client1"
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
   Pool = "Default"
   Schedule = "TestCycle"
   Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/working/Client1.bsr"
   Run = CloneClient1 level=%l since='%s'

Job {
   Name = "CloneClient1"
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
   Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/working/CloneClient1.bsr"
   Schedule = "None"
   Pool = "ClonePool"

Bacula crashes with a segmentation fault:

27-Dec 17:31 test-dir: Job started. JobId=37
27-Dec 17:31 test-dir: Clone JobId 37 started.
27-Dec 17:31 test-dir: Start Backup JobId 36, Job=Client1.2006-12-27_17.31.00
27-Dec 17:31 test-sd: Volume "test" previously written, moving to end of data.
27-Dec 17:31 test-dir: Bacula 1.38.11 (28Jun06):
27-Dec 17:31 test-dir: Fatal Error because: Bacula interrupted by signal 11: 
Segmentation violation
27-Dec 17:31 test-dir: Start Backup JobId 37, 

Is this a bug in Bacula? Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: [Bacula-users] Cloned jobs

2006-12-26 Thread Kshatriya
On Thu, 14 Dec 2006, Kshatriya wrote:

> The best solution would be to clone the files which are stored on disk to
> tape...

Is really nobody using Cloned Pools and Jobs? :-(

My current try is, to make a "Default" pool and a "Clone" pool. The Clone 
pool has the type Cloned.

After that I created 2 jobs, a job "Client1" which writes to the default 
pool and a job "CloneClient1" which writes to the ClonePool and has an 
extra statement:

   Run = 'Client1 level=%l since=\'%s\''

Unfortunatly this seems to do nothing. When I start CloneClient1, a backup 
goes to the ClonePool, but Client1 job does not run - the jobs just seem 
to run independently from each other.

Am I understanding something wrong in this concept, or am I doing 
something wrong?  If I need to start jobs independently from each other, 
then what is the difference to just start 2 regular jobs who write things 
concurrently to 2 "regular" backup pools?

Thanks! :-)

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[Bacula-users] Cloned jobs

2006-12-14 Thread Kshatriya

I am a happy user of Bacula. Currently I'm only making backups to disk. I 
have made pools (of files) for every day of the week. What I would like to 
do is to clone those jobs so that they also get backupped on tape at the 
same time (or clone after the backup to disk is made) - so that I have a 
tape of every day which I can store on a different place, but i would 
still like to keep my disk archive so I can restore things quickly without 
running to the vault and selecting the right tape - I only want to do this 
when there is really a problem with my disk archive.

The best solution would be to clone the files which are stored on disk to 
tape, and I thought the new option "migration" would be a solution, but 
then everything is really "moved" - I would like to "copy" the backups to 
tape - so that i can restore from disk OR tape, whatever I choose.

Another solution which I came across were the "Cloned Jobs" (in the 
current stable version of Bacula". As far as I understand this does what I 
want, only the network traffic will be doubled (which would currently be 
OK with the amount of data I'm backing up). Unfortunalty I cannot find 
a lot about this option in the documentation - I have made a pool with 
"Pool Type = Cloned", but I don't really understand how to really "clone" 
the jobs which are being started from within the Schedule directive.

Does anybody can shed some light in my problem? Does somebody maybe has an 
example? Or should I wait for the next final version, will it also be 
possible with migration jobs?

Thanks a lot!

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