Hi all,

i'm facing an issue with an setup, where Maximum Volume Bytes seems to 
have no effect at all.
The Pool RemoteFile has only one Volume Remote-0009 with current size of 
nearly 1TB, Status "Append". But the total Byte Size (usage) ist only 
about 300GB.

Could you give me a hint, whats wrong with my config and why the 
creation of new Volumes didn't happen?


Pool {
   Name = RemoteFile
   Pool Type = Backup
   Label Format = Remote-
   Recycle = yes
   AutoPrune = yes
   Volume Retention = 180 days
   Maximum Volume Bytes = 100G
   Maximum Volumes = 5
   Action On Purge = Truncate

Client and Job-definition:

Client {
   Name = fm-addc-fd
   Address = fm-addc.home.netz
   FDPort = 9102
   Catalog = MyCatalog
   Password = "NotListedHere"
   File Retention = 30 days
   Job Retention = 3 months
   AutoPrune = yes

Job {
   Name = "Backup_fm-addc"
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
   Client = fm-addc-fd
   Pool = RemoteFile
   FileSet="fm-addc - Full Set"

Thanks in advance!

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