[Bacula-users] Bacula Console - shows conflicting info

2013-12-03 Thread bradbpw

Thanks for the reply.  I think you may be on to my problem.  I have another 
thread on there (see link below) that is about my client bacula-fd not running, 
I can't get it to turn on


Here is what I'm getting on my client

justin@ubuntu:~$ ps -ef |grep bacula
root  1424 1  0 Dec02 ?00:00:18 /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c 
justin4913  4808  0 13:16 pts/000:00:00 grep --color=auto bacula
justin@ubuntu:~$ sudo service bacula-fd status
[sudo] password for justin: 
 * bacula-fd is not running

I ran the estimate on my client:

The defined Job resources are:
 1: RemoteOfficeBackup
 2: RemoteVoIPBackup
 3: BackupCatalog
 4: RestoreOfficeRemote
 5: RestoreVoIP
Select Job resource (1-5): 1
Using Catalog MyCatalog
Connecting to Client ubuntu-fd at
2000 OK estimate files=306,810 bytes=22,017,737,676
You have messages.

When checking my messages I get the following

03-Dec 03:05 home-server-dir JobId 170: Start Backup JobId 170, 
03-Dec 03:05 home-server-dir JobId 170: Using Device FileStorage
03-Dec 03:05 ubuntu-fd JobId 170: DIR and FD clocks differ by -5 seconds, FD 
automatically compensating.
03-Dec 03:05 home-server-sd JobId 170: Volume Remote-0005 previously written, 
moving to end of data.
03-Dec 03:05 home-server-sd JobId 170: Warning: For Volume Remote-0005:
The sizes do not match! Volume=215112396197 Catalog=214506564013
Correcting Catalog
03-Dec 03:05 ubuntu-fd JobId 170:  /boot is a different filesystem. Will 
not descend from / into it.
03-Dec 03:05 ubuntu-fd JobId 170:  /dev is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
03-Dec 03:07 ubuntu-fd JobId 170:  /sys is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
03-Dec 03:07 ubuntu-fd JobId 170:  /run is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
03-Dec 03:10 home-server-sd JobId 170: Job write elapsed time = 00:04:46, 
Transfer rate = 378.6 K Bytes/second
03-Dec 03:10 home-server-dir JobId 170: Bacula home-server-dir 5.2.5 (26Jan12):
Build OS:   x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 12.04
  JobId:  170
  Backup Level:   Incremental, since=2013-12-02 03:05:05
  Client: ubuntu-fd 5.2.5 (26Jan12) 
  FileSet:Full Set 2013-09-24 17:49:40
  Pool:   RemoteFile (From Job resource)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:File (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 03-Dec-2013 03:05:00
  Start time: 03-Dec-2013 03:05:17
  End time:   03-Dec-2013 03:10:06
  Elapsed time:   4 mins 49 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   3,641
  SD Files Written:   3,641
  FD Bytes Written:   107,735,009 (107.7 MB)
  SD Bytes Written:   108,307,539 (108.3 MB)
  Rate:   372.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   60.8 %
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): Remote-0005
  Volume Session Id:  40
  Volume Session Time:1385005322
  Last Volume Bytes:  215,220,926,912 (215.2 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:Backup OK

This shows it worked! But just yesterday I tried a full backup and it failed. 
It seems like if the backup takes a long time (like 8+ hours) it fails, but 
otherwise it works.

Here is a log from yesterday when it failed trying a full backup.

  02-Dec 03:10 home-server-dir JobId 168: shell command: run AfterJob 
02-Dec 09:43 home-server-dir JobId 169: Start Backup JobId 169, 
02-Dec 09:43 home-server-dir JobId 169: Using Device FileStorage
02-Dec 09:43 home-server-sd JobId 169: Volume Remote-0005 previously written, 
moving to end of data.
02-Dec 09:43 home-server-sd JobId 169: Ready to append to end of Volume 
Remote-0005 size=200507396501
02-Dec 09:43 ubuntu-fd JobId 169:  /boot is a different filesystem. Will 
not descend from / into it.
02-Dec 10:02 ubuntu-fd JobId 169:  /dev is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
02-Dec 12:52 ubuntu-fd JobId 169:  /sys is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
02-Dec 12:52 ubuntu-fd JobId 169:  /run is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
02-Dec 20:53 home-server-dir JobId 169: Fatal error: Network error with FD 
during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer
02-Dec 20:53 home-server-dir JobId 169: Fatal 

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Console - shows conflicting info

2013-12-02 Thread Thomas Lohman
 25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Fatal error: Network error with FD 
 during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer
 25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Fatal error: No Job status returned 
 from FD.
 25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Error: Bacula home-server-dir 5.2.5 

I am not sure what your exact configuration is but my guess/hunch is 
that your jobs are being spooled to the server, but while they are then 
being de-spooled to your volumes, the connection back to the client is 
cut off for whatever reason (Connection reset by peer error).  This I 
think would explain why the client may in fact think it finished ok but 
the server doesn't. That is probably technically a bug and not a 
feature. :)  Look at the Bacula Heartbeat Interval option if you are 
not using this already and see if that helps to keep the connection alive.

hope this helps,


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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Console - shows conflicting info

2013-12-02 Thread Peter Wood

What I'd do is run the bconsole's estimate command to verify the
connection. If it is successful you should see a short summary report how
many files the job will backup, sizes, and so on. It will not backup

If it fails login to the client and run:
  ps -ef | grep bacula
You should see bacula-fd process running. I suspect bacula-fd is not
running based on what you've posted so far.

If all good so far check your firewall settings. Make sure the client
allows connection on tcp/udp port 9102.

-- Peter

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Thomas Lohman thom...@mtl.mit.edu wrote:

  25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Fatal error: Network error with
 FD during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer
  25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Fatal error: No Job status
 returned from FD.
  25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Error: Bacula home-server-dir
 5.2.5 (26Jan12):

 I am not sure what your exact configuration is but my guess/hunch is
 that your jobs are being spooled to the server, but while they are then
 being de-spooled to your volumes, the connection back to the client is
 cut off for whatever reason (Connection reset by peer error).  This I
 think would explain why the client may in fact think it finished ok but
 the server doesn't. That is probably technically a bug and not a
 feature. :)  Look at the Bacula Heartbeat Interval option if you are
 not using this already and see if that helps to keep the connection alive.

 hope this helps,


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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Console - shows conflicting info

2013-11-28 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Wed, 27 Nov 2013 18:10:09 -0800, bradbpw  said:
 Hoping someone can help with this.
 In my Bacula console, if I use the status command to check the status of my 
 remote office server (RemoteOfficeBackup) that I have set to backup each 
 night I get the following:
 Terminated Jobs:
  JobId  LevelFiles  Bytes   Status   FinishedName 
138  Incr 81,68419.68 G  OK   23-Nov-13 12:57 
140  Full  0 0   OK   23-Nov-13 13:40 BackupCatalog
141  Diff131,1111.688 G  Error24-Nov-13 05:12 
143  Full  0 0   OK   24-Nov-13 05:37 BackupCatalog
144  Incr 81,70019.68 G  OK   25-Nov-13 13:00 
146  Full  0 0   OK   25-Nov-13 13:40 BackupCatalog
147  Incr 81,73519.68 G  OK   26-Nov-13 12:59 
149  Full  0 0   OK   26-Nov-13 13:40 BackupCatalog
150  Incr 81,73619.68 G  OK   27-Nov-13 12:57 
152  Full  0 0   OK   27-Nov-13 13:39 BackupCatalog
 This seems to show that it is backing up and working as intended.  But when I 
 do a job list using the command list jobs I see the following:
138 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-23 03:05:05 | B| I |0 
 |  0 | f |
 |   139 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-23 13:38:28 | B| I |  147 
 | 62,126,373 | T |
 |   140 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-23 13:40:40 | B| F |0 
 |  0 | T |
 |   141 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-24 03:05:04 | B| D |0 
 |  0 | f |
 |   142 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-24 05:12:11 | B| D |1,025 
 |865,661,918 | T |
 |   143 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-24 05:37:50 | B| F |0 
 |  0 | T |
 |   144 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-25 03:05:05 | B| I |0 
 |  0 | f |
 |   145 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-25 13:38:14 | B| I |  156 
 | 59,109,511 | T |
 |   146 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-25 13:40:08 | B| F |0 
 |  0 | T |
 |   147 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-26 03:05:05 | B| I |0 
 |  0 | f |
 |   148 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-26 13:37:50 | B| I |  176 
 | 68,255,999 | T |
 |   149 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-26 13:39:59 | B| F |0 
 |  0 | T |
 |   150 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-27 03:05:05 | B| I |0 
 |  0 | f |
 |   151 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-27 13:37:59 | B| I |  147 
 | 49,363,467 | T |
 |   152 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-27 13:39:35 | B| F |0 
 |  0 | T
 Looking at this it appears the server is not being backed up, as it shows 0 
 files, 0 bytes and an 'f' for fatal error. Which one should I believe? Is my 
 server being backed up?

Dunno -- look at the bacula log messages to see if there were any errors.


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[Bacula-users] Bacula Console - shows conflicting info

2013-11-28 Thread bradbpw
Thanks for the reply, Martin.

I'm a Linux and Bacula noob, so I'm not real familiar with how to read the 
logs.  This is what I have pulled from the logs that seems to be showing my 

25-Nov 03:05 home-server-dir JobId 144: Start Backup JobId 144, 
25-Nov 03:05 home-server-dir JobId 144: Using Device FileStorage
25-Nov 03:05 ubuntu-fd JobId 144: DIR and FD clocks differ by 5 seconds, FD 
automatically compensating.
25-Nov 03:05 home-server-sd JobId 144: Volume Remote-0005 previously written, 
moving to end of data.
25-Nov 03:05 home-server-sd JobId 144: Warning: For Volume Remote-0005:
The sizes do not match! Volume=62925312558 Catalog=62213551695
Correcting Catalog
25-Nov 03:05 ubuntu-fd JobId 144:  /boot is a different filesystem. Will 
not descend from / into it.
25-Nov 03:05 ubuntu-fd JobId 144:  /dev is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
25-Nov 03:37 ubuntu-fd JobId 144:  /sys is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
25-Nov 03:37 ubuntu-fd JobId 144:  /run is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into it.
25-Nov 13:00 home-server-sd JobId 144: Job write elapsed time = 09:55:05, 
Transfer rate = 551.6 K Bytes/second
25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Fatal error: Network error with FD 
during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer
25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Fatal error: No Job status returned 
from FD.
25-Nov 13:38 home-server-dir JobId 144: Error: Bacula home-server-dir 5.2.5 
 Build OS:   x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 12.04
  JobId:  144
  Backup Level:   Incremental, since=2013-11-08 03:05:04
  Client: ubuntu-fd 5.2.5 (26Jan12) 
  FileSet:Full Set 2013-09-24 17:49:40
  Pool:   RemoteFile (From Job resource)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:File (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 25-Nov-2013 03:05:00
  Start time: 25-Nov-2013 03:05:05
  End time:   25-Nov-2013 13:38:09
  Elapsed time:   10 hours 33 mins 4 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   0
  SD Files Written:   81,700
  FD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:   19,695,396,632 (19.69 GB)
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): Remote-0005
  Volume Session Id:  14
Volume Session Time:1385005322
  Last Volume Bytes:  82,638,388,142 (82.63 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:1
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:*** Backup Error ***

It looks like the job completes from the line 

25-Nov 13:00 home-server-sd JobId 144: Job write elapsed time = 09:55:05, 
Transfer rate = 551.6 K Bytes/second

But then it errors out, and it always does it at 13:38. Any idea what that 
could be? It seems like the job wouldn't even start if my client bacual-fd 
wasn't running.

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Bacula Console - shows conflicting info

2013-11-27 Thread bradbpw
Hoping someone can help with this.

In my Bacula console, if I use the status command to check the status of my 
remote office server (RemoteOfficeBackup) that I have set to backup each night 
I get the following:

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  LevelFiles  Bytes   Status   FinishedName 
   138  Incr 81,68419.68 G  OK   23-Nov-13 12:57 RemoteOfficeBackup
   140  Full  0 0   OK   23-Nov-13 13:40 BackupCatalog
   141  Diff131,1111.688 G  Error24-Nov-13 05:12 RemoteOfficeBackup
   143  Full  0 0   OK   24-Nov-13 05:37 BackupCatalog
   144  Incr 81,70019.68 G  OK   25-Nov-13 13:00 RemoteOfficeBackup
   146  Full  0 0   OK   25-Nov-13 13:40 BackupCatalog
   147  Incr 81,73519.68 G  OK   26-Nov-13 12:59 RemoteOfficeBackup
   149  Full  0 0   OK   26-Nov-13 13:40 BackupCatalog
   150  Incr 81,73619.68 G  OK   27-Nov-13 12:57 RemoteOfficeBackup
   152  Full  0 0   OK   27-Nov-13 13:39 BackupCatalog

This seems to show that it is backing up and working as intended.  But when I 
do a job list using the command list jobs I see the following:

   138 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-23 03:05:05 | B| I |0 |  
0 | f |
|   139 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-23 13:38:28 | B| I |  147 | 
62,126,373 | T |
|   140 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-23 13:40:40 | B| F |0 | 
 0 | T |
|   141 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-24 03:05:04 | B| D |0 | 
 0 | f |
|   142 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-24 05:12:11 | B| D |1,025 | 
   865,661,918 | T |
|   143 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-24 05:37:50 | B| F |0 | 
 0 | T |
|   144 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-25 03:05:05 | B| I |0 | 
 0 | f |
|   145 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-25 13:38:14 | B| I |  156 | 
59,109,511 | T |
|   146 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-25 13:40:08 | B| F |0 | 
 0 | T |
|   147 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-26 03:05:05 | B| I |0 | 
 0 | f |
|   148 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-26 13:37:50 | B| I |  176 | 
68,255,999 | T |
|   149 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-26 13:39:59 | B| F |0 | 
 0 | T |
|   150 | RemoteOfficeBackup  | 2013-11-27 03:05:05 | B| I |0 | 
 0 | f |
|   151 | RemoteVoIPBackup| 2013-11-27 13:37:59 | B| I |  147 | 
49,363,467 | T |
|   152 | BackupCatalog   | 2013-11-27 13:39:35 | B| F |0 | 
 0 | T

Looking at this it appears the server is not being backed up, as it shows 0 
files, 0 bytes and an 'f' for fatal error. Which one should I believe? Is my 
server being backed up?

Thanks in advance.

|This was sent by bphill...@bpwgroup.com via Backup Central.
|Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com.

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[Bacula-users] Bacula Console - shows conflicting info

2013-11-27 Thread bradbpw
One thing to add, if this helps.

I checked to see if the client bacula file deamon was running. This is what I 
got back from the client I am trying to backup.

justin@ubuntu:/etc/bacula$ sudo service bacula-fd status
 * bacula-fd is not running
justin@ubuntu:/etc/bacula$ sudo service bacula-fd restart
 * Stopping Bacula File daemon...   
  [ OK ] 
 * Starting Bacula File daemon...   
  [ OK ] 
justin@ubuntu:/etc/bacula$ sudo service bacula-fd status
 * bacula-fd is not running

It seems odd that the bacula-fd says it is not running and even a service 
restart won't get it to run.  

Is this my problem?

|This was sent by bphill...@bpwgroup.com via Backup Central.
|Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com.

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