I have implemented bacula 9.6.5. two years ago. At that time there was no 
native support for Oracle cloud as a storage backend due to their 
implementation of S3 API. Therefore I write to local filesystem and let Oracle 
Storage Gateway (app provided by Oracle) upload stuff to cloud.. I would be 
glad if you could tell me if something changed regarding this?

I'm looking at this from Bacula Systems: 
The cloud storage backend for the Storage Daemon uses the S3, S3-IA, 
Azure,Google Cloud, AWS, Glacier and Oracle Cloud protocols, including https 
transport encryption for a wide range of public and private cloud. Services.

Does community version support Oracle object storage?
Is there someone who tested this? Use this in production?
Are there any plans regarding this?

Thx, best regards
Ziga Zvan

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